Dublin Core
Injury Report Ledger
Assabet Manufacturing Company
Assabet Manufacturing Company
A ledger beginning in November 1884 through September 1901 reporting the various accidents that occurred in the woolen mill. These include deaths, amputations, broken bones, bruises, lacerations etc. The author of the ledger is unknown. Many of the reports seem to have been made for insurance purposes. A sample page is shown and a pdf file of the entire ledger.
Document Item Type Metadata
Searchable names: Charles Aho, Frances E. Allen, Andrew Anderson, Emil Anderson , Charles Ashland, Emma Archer, John Archer, John Aspray, Richard Aspray, Fred Axford, Harry Axford, Henry Axford, William S. Bancroft, William J. Banks, Dr. Barker, James Barnes, William Barnes, Albert Batley, Newton Bean, William Bishop, George Bowers, Jona Bowers, John Brayden, Robert Brennan, Maggie Brimstin, Michael Burke, Burns, Sarah Cain, John Campbell, Kate S. Campbell, Lizzie Campbell, George Carmichael Sr., James Carmichael, Benjamin Carter, Minna Casey, William Casey, John Carver, Joseph Ceasus, Sophia Chamber, L. W. Clark, Tilla Clark, Annie Cleary, James Cleary, John Connell, Edward Connolly, F. R. Connor, E. W. Cook, Arthur Coughlan, James Coughlin, Mag Coughlan, Charles Sidney Coulter, James Coulter, John Coulter Jr., Robert Crossley, Kate Crowley, Martin Crowley, William Cullen, John Dacey , Albert A. Davis, John Davis, John E. Denniston, Robert Denniston, Edward Doherty, Joseph Doherty, Richard Doherty, Pat Dolan, James Donahue, Charley Doyle, Chester Drew, James Dugan, Owen Dugan, Charles Durkan, Joseph Edward, Charles Emanuelson, Hans Erickson Jr., Henry Erickson, Henry Feneuf, Richard Fisher, John Fitton, John K. Fix, Dr. Flagg, Mary Fletcher, George Flood, J. W. Flood, Undertaker Fowler, Lena Fredricks, John Gallagher, Mary Gallagher, Michael Gangham , Ida Garlick, Arthur Gaskill, Sam Glassup, Dr. E. P. Gleason, Charles Glynn , Dr. Goodenow, Michael Gorsak, Agnes Graham, Alina Graham, James Greenhalgh, Alexander Greer, James Haire, Peter Haley, P. F. Hanlon, John Hanna, David Hannon, John Hannon, Christian Hanson, John Hanson, Peter Hanson, Thomas J. Hanson, Henry Harrimene, Chris Hart, George Hart, Mary Hatula, Fred Hayward, Lena Hehola, Lizzie Hoffman, William Holt, Charles Hoyle, George Hoyle, Charles Hutchinson, Louis Jacobson, Max Jacobson, Joseph Jannell, Alex Jensen, Albert Johnson, Charles Johnson, Earnest Johnson, Fred Johnson, Fred Jones, Theo A. Jones, George Kaler, Abraham Kanless, Benjamin Frank Keith, Fred Kelley, Michael Kelley, Patrick Kelley, Emily Kimmel , James King, John King, Nellie King, Pat King, Knowles, Mary Korbia, Onni Krook, Jacob Ladata, Sam Lawrence, Samuel Lawton, Henry Ledgard, David Lemoine, Michael Leonard, T. A. Livingston, Frank Loika, James Lowmasney, J. B. Lord, Mary E. Lynch , John Mahon, John F. Mahoney, Barzilla Malcolm, James Mallinson, Nellie Mann, Connor Manning, Dr. J. S. Marsh, J. T. Marshall, William Marshall, Joseph Martin, Warren Martin, William Martin, Josephine Matson, Mat J. Matson, L. Maynard, Annie McCarthy, William McCarthy, Annie McCarty, Ellen McCarty, John McCarty Jr., Kate McCarty, Patrick Joseph McCarty, William McGowan, Peter McGown, Allen McLaughlin, William McLaughlin, John McMahon, George Meade, Mark Meade, Hugh Mears, Joseph Mears, Ida Midwood, Hugh Miller, James J. Morgan, Mary E. Morgan, James J. Morgan, George W. Morris, William Morris, B. F. Morse, Dr. Morton, Mary J. Moynihan, Michael Moynihan, Minnie Moynahan, Connor Murphy, Edward Murphy, George Murphy, John Murphy, Mary Murphy, Patrick Murphy, Richard Murphy, Tim Murphy, Bartley Nee, Oscar Neemi, Hans Neilson, Nelson girl, John Nevins, Tim Nevins, Mark Newton, Johanna O’Brien, Patrick O’Connell, Robert O’Neil, Neils Olsen, Findly Panton, Hannah Parkin, Whittaker Parkin, James Parkinson, Joseph Parkinson, Richard W. Parmenter, W. S. Peters, John Petrusky, F. M. Phillips, Thomas Phillips, Frank Pond, William Price, Eliza Priest, Charles Punch, John Punch, Jr. , Millie Punch, Nellie Punch, Kate Reagan, Dr. F. U. Rich, James Riley, Benjamin Roberts, Dr. E. F. Robinson, James Robinson, Joseph Rollinson, John Roper, William A. Rowley, Frank Ruhl, Fred Sampson, Charles Sanderson, Frank Schwatzenburg, W. H. Sculley, David Sharp, Charles Shearer, W. H. Shearer, Sheehan, John Simon, Fred W. Sims, Clara Singleton, Albert Smith, George Smith, John Smith, Joseph Smith, William S. Smith, George Smithurst, Leo St. Claire, Joseph Stringer, William Stuart , Dennis Sullivan, Patrick Sullivan, Tim Sullivan, Michael Sweeney, George Taylor, Joseph Taylor, James Thompson, Walter E. Tilton, Edward Titley, Samuel Townend, Sarah Townend, Julia Trent, John E. Tucker, Michael Twomey, Walter Reeves, Alex Veitch, John Vetocage, William Wagne, Dennis Waldron, Mary Waldron, Thomas Waldron, Ernest Wallerchard, John Wallerchard, Theo Wallerchard, A. F. Warren, George Weaving, Mary Weik, Herman Weikman, Liz Wellington, George Whalen, Fred Whitehead, Ralph Whitehead, Whittaker Whitehead, Chris Wilson, Paul Wilson, Robert Wilson, Charles Woutila
Original Format
Hard covered 5 x 7.5 in. book