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Centennial Monograph: Knights of Columbus
Inspired by seeing Knights of Columbus providing material and spiritual support in Europe during World War I, members of St. Bridget's church pushed for the creation of a Maynard council of this fraternal organization in 1920. Since then it was a powerhouse of service in Maynard through the 20th century.
Ralph L. Sheridan
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Ralph Sheridan, P.G.K., F.D.D.
During the latter part of 1919 and early 1920, in the period immediately following World War I, many of our local boys who had been In the armed forces during the war, and had witnessed first-hand the splendid manner in which the Knights of Columbus, through its secretaries had operated in the various camps and cantonments throughout the United States and Europe, were joining the ranks of the Knights of Columbus through the councils in Hudson and Concord. They were all anxious to become apart of so worthy an organization. The Rev. Edward F. Crowley, then pastor of St. Bridget's church, believed the time was ripe for the organizing of an outstanding Catholic fraternal group in Maynard. He enlisted the aid of an old friend and classmate Judge William A. Day, who was then the State Deputy of the Massachusetts State Council, Knights of Columbus.
The first stop toward the formation of a local council was taken in Riverside Hall (now Gruber's block) Main Street, on Sunday afternoon, February 22, 1920, when more than two hundred men of St. Bridget's parish heard Judge Day give a history of the order from its inception at New Haven, Connecticut, in March of 1882, to the present time.
Richard B, McSweeney of Concord, Grand Knight of Concord Council #287, was present and in his remarks said he would assist in every way with the organizing of a council in Maynard. Rev. Fr. Crowley presided. Judge Day appointed Grand Knight McSweeney as provisional deputy, and he immediately got in touch with national headquarters at New Haven, Connecticut. He also announced there would be another meeting the following Sunday. An announcement had been made at the Masses on Sunday morning which resulted in the large and enthusiastic meeting.
On Sunday, February 29, at a meeting held In Riverside Hall, a temporary organization was formed. Sylvester S. Sullivan was named temporary chairman; Roy V. McCormack, temporary secretary; and Frank J. McCarron, temporary treasurer.
One hundred and two applications were received the first day the charter was thrown open.
Committees were named as follows:
"To Bring in Name for Council": John E. Hannon, Frank J. McCarron, Patrick J. Sullivan, Frank L. McCormack and Cornelius J. Lynch
"For Permanent Location": Bartholomew J, Coughlin, James J. Morgan, Bernard H. Garrigan, John H. Horan and Walter K. White
"To Prepare for Institution of Council": John H. Horan, George F. Lynch, Roy V. McCormack, John H. Sheridan, Frank S. Feams and Frank L. McCormack
"To Continue Membershlp Drive": John. J. Gallagher, Dennis E. White, Patrick A. McGrath, Philip W. Allard. George F. Lynch, James B. Farrell, John A. O'Leary, John A. Moynihan, James C. Mahoney, Sylvester S. Sullivan, William F. Scully and Thomas F. Maley
Richard B. McSweeney, provisional deputy, was in charge of details.
With the full co-operation of Judge Lay, Fr. Crowley and Mr. McSweeney, and through the untiring efforts of Bro. Robert L. Sheridan (then a member of Hudson Council #131 and since a past Grand Knight of Potomac Council #433, Washington, D.C. ! and a past Faithful Navigator, Fourth Degree, and a past State Warden of the District of Columbia State Council); Bro. Roy V. McCormack (then a member of Hudson Council, and since a past Grand Knight of Hyannis Council #2505; Bro. Harold V. Sheridan of Concord Council #287 and Bro. Patrick M. Murphy of Hudson Council, in processing applications and completing volumes of clerical work required, the new council was instituted at Riverside Hall, Tuesday April 13, 1920, with the granting of a charter by the Supreme Council at New Haven, Connecticut.
The charter closed with a membership of two hundred and two. It was to be known as MAYNARD COUNCIL No. 2121, KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS. This was the name selected by the committee and approved by the members.
The first regular meeting of the new council was held at this time. It was called to order by Richard B. McSweeney of Concord, who was representing District Deputy Philip H. Gibbons of Clinton. The officers of Hudson Council under Grand Knight Walter Lyons conferred the first degree on one hundred and fifty new members. After the initiatory exercises the new council was duly instituted and election of officers took place.
Timothy B. Moynihan was chosen as Grand Knight. His chosen associate officers were:
Patrick A. McGrath, deputy grand knight;
Sylvester S. Sullivan, chancellor;
Thomas P. Haley, warden;
Frank A. Brayden, Financial secretary;
Roy V. McCormack, recording secretary;
Frank L. McCormack, treasurer;
Philip W. Allard, Inside guard;
William J. Smith, outside guard;
James J. Morgan, advocate;
Bartholomew J. Coughlin, Patrick J. Sullivan and Frank S. Prue, trustees;
Rev. Edward F. Crowley was appointed chaplain;
John E. Hannon was appointed lecturer.
On April 15, 1920 the second degree was conferred on the class at Masonic Hall by the officers of Concord Council under the direction of Grand Knight Richard D. McSweeney.
Sunday, April 18, 1920, two classes of seventy-five each, received the Major degree in afternoon and evening sessions at Riverside Hall. District Deputy Philip H. Gibbons and staff from Clinton exemplified the afternoon degree. District Deputy Edward J. Brandon and staff from Cambridge was in charge of the evening exercises.
Maynard Council, as host provided supper to forty-one members of visiting degree teams at the Assabet House (now the site of the United States Post Office on Main Street) on Sunday evening. The visitors were loud in praise of the splendid spirit shown and paid particular compliments to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bell, proprietors, for the delicious meal.
The degrees were very impressive and were attended by visiting knights from miles around. Refreshments were provided for visiting knights at Masonic Hall.
Committee in charge of this feature: Edward P. Ledgard, chairman; Thomas F. Haley. Patrlck A. McGrath, James C, Mahoney, John H. Horan, John J. Gallagher, and a corps of assistants.
At that time there were forty one (41) Maynard men in Hudson Council, No. 131; eleven (11) in Concord Council, No. 287; one (1) in Clinton Council, No. 1701; one (1) In Whip City Council, No. 100, [presumably 1] Westfield, Massachusetts, and one (1) In Delavan Council, No. 1612, Delavan, Wisconsin. These members combined with the one hundred and thirty-two (132) candidates who received the Major degree on Sunday, April 19, 1920, constituted the Charter members of Maynard Council, No. 2121, Knights of Columbus, Maynard, Massachusetts.
The following were Charter members of Maynard Council and were in the classes receiving the Major degree on Sunday, April 19, 192O:
Rev. Edward F. Crowley
Rev. John J, Sweeney
Philip W. Allard
Loreto Arcieri
Cham Ayotte
Arthur V, Bariteau
Francis R, Bennett
Jeremiah W. Bradley
Frank A. Brayden
Joseph Byrne
Leo T. Byrne
John C. Brayden
Cornelius J. Callahan
Alfred S. Carey
William P. Casey
John E. Comeau
James H. Connolly
Thomas W, Connolly
Daniel F. Connors
John Connors
Daniel A. Coughlan
James A. Coughlan
Bartholomew J. Coughlin
George H, Creighton
Edward Cuddy
Edward D. Doherty
Thomas A. Doyle
John J. Driscoll
John T. Durkin
John J. Dwyer
Louis E. Evers
Nelson A. Fairbanks
Andrew J. Fardy
Joseph J. Farrell
Patrick J. Flynn
William H. Fornier
James H. Gallagher
William D. Gallagher
Bernard H. Garrigan
John T. Gibbons
John E. Hannon
Thomas Hearon
John F. Higgins
Martin J. Higglns
James J. Hilferty
Edward F. Hoffman
Edward S. Johnston
John J. Johnston
William J. Johnston, Jr.
William J. Johnston, Sr.
Charles B. Hart
Charles E. Irwln
George E. Kaler
Patrick J. Kane
John H. Keegan
John J. Keegan
Edward J. King
Howard F. King
Thomas J. King
David E. Kinsley
Thomas J. Lawler
Arley B. Lawrence
Magloire P. Lesage
Louie F. Leveroni
Michael P. Louka
Daniel W. Lowney
Harold A. Lyons
Michael E. Lynch
John P. Mahon
Frank J. Maley
John H. Maley
James H. Mooney
John W. Moore
Francis C. Moran
James J. Morgan
William A. Morrill
Noble T. Morton
John A. Moynihan
John H. Moynihan, Sr.
John H. Moynihan, Jr.
Francis J. Murphy
Timothy A. Murphy
John Murray
John J. Murray
Michael Murray
Robert L.. MacKenzie
Frank J. McCarron
Francis L. McCarthy
James M. McCarthy
Hugh McGovern
Michael F. McNamara
Joseph H. 0'Brien
Willliam K. O'Brien
Michael O'Connell
Patrick 0'Dea
Michael T. O'Keefe
John A. 0'Leary
Harold C. Peterson
William A. Ployart
Harland W. Powers
Harold P. Powers
John E. Punch
Columbus F. Rainville
Louis H. P. Richard
Leo J. Roche
William P. Scully
John H. Sexton
George D. Sharpe
James W. Sheridan
Joseph E. Sheridan
John F. Smith
Joseph T. Smith
Patrick J. Sullivan
James V. Sweeney
Thomas A. Sweeney
William A. Sweeney
Thomas H. Tierney
Daniel M. Timlege
Eden J. Tobin
Henry J. Tobin
James J. Tobin
William J. Tobin
Charles C. Visocchi
Joseph Visocchi
Stanley F. Vodoklys
Emmett J. Wall
Nicholas J. Whalon
Arthur J. White
Dennis E. White
George E. White
Joseph A. White
Fred J. Wilder
The following were members of other councils and by transfer became Charter members of Maynard Council:
From Hudson Council, No. 131
John F, Carpenter
Edward J. Coughlin
Joseph Dineen
William F. Driscoll
James 0. Farrell
Frank S. Fearns
David J. Foley
John J. Gallagher
John H. Horan
Joseph W. Kaler
John J. Kane
Frank W. Kelly
William Moynihan
Edward Ledgard
Edmund P. Lowney
William P. Lowney
Cornelius J. Lynch
George F. Lynch
James C. Mahoney
Thomas P. Maley
Vincent J. Maley
William J. Maley
Harold J, Morgan
Frank D. Moynihan
Timothy B. Moynihan
Patrick H. Murphy
Frank L. McCormack
Roy V. McCormack
Patrick A. McGrath
Frank S. Prue
Edward E. Puffer
Robert L. Sheridan
Leonard J. Smith
Thomas V. Smith
William J. Smith
Sylvester S. Sullivan
William J. Tobin
Albert J. Whalen
James K. Whalen
William J. Murray
From Concord Council, No. 287
George J. Anelons
Edward J. Flaherty
Thomas J. King
Francis A. Kay
Frank L. O'Brlen
Janes Rady
Frank C. Sheridan
Harold V. Sheridan
Louis E. Sullivan
Leo C. White
Walter E. White
From Clinton Council, No. 1701
John H. Sheridan
From Whip City Council, No, 100
Frank M. Lawton
From Delavan Council, No. 1612
William C. Creeley
Timothy B. Moynihan was re-elected for a second term as Grand Knight, and he has been followed in succession by:
Patrick A. McGrath - 1921-24
Sylvester S. Sullivan - 1924-25
Harold J. Morgan - 1925-26
Joseph E. Byrne - 1926-28
Ralph L. Sheridan - 1928-29
William J. Smith - 1929-30
John E. Hannon - 1930-32
James B. Farrell - 1932-34
Arley B. Lawrence - 1934-36
Thomas J. Duggan - 1936-38
Edward J. Hannon - 1938-40
Leo F. Mullin - 1940-42
Robert E. Riley - 1942
Henry T. Hanson - 1942-44
Joseph E. Byrne - 1944-45
Joseph E. Boothroyd - 1945-47
J. Francis Cleary - 1947-48
Robert E. Riley - 1948
Richard T. White - 1948-50
Richard J. Flaherty - 1950-51
William F. McGann - 1951-52
Philip H. Finan - 1952-53
Harold W. Johnston - 1953-54
James C. Tierney - 1954-56
Alphonse J. Paul - 1956-58
Joseph P. Cotter - 1958-60
Richard J. King - 1960-61
Eugene L. Charpentier - 1961-62
Alfons W. Krysieniel - 1962-63
Paul V. Boothroyd - 1963-65
Alfred P. Ramos - 1965-66
Robert A. Smale - 1966-67
Raymond F. ??tonia - 1967-68
Benny M. Sofka - 1968-69
Joseph P. Cotter - 1969-70
Meeting's were held for seven years at Masonic Hall; seven years at the Riverside Cooperatlve Association Building, until driven out by fire which destroyed the entire upper part of the building on January 30. 1936. From then until March 1937 meetings were held at the United Co-operative Society Building on Main Street.
From the inception of Maynard Council, its membership had set as a goal "to some day have their own home". For that purpose the Knights of Columbus Building Association, Incorporated, was set up within the council, and consisted of the entire membership of the council. By-laws were drawn up and approved by the Secretary of the Cormmonwealth of Massachusetts. Officers were elected, consisting of the grand knight and deputy grand knight as president and vice-presldent respectively, and a secretary, treasurer and fifteen (15) directors.
Many a heated session took place over the purchase of various properties in the town. The Amory Maynard property (now the location of the Sears Block, Main Street) was lost by one vote. Several other places on both Main and Nason Streets were seriously considered.
Immediately following the destructive fire In 1936 steps were taken to purchase the site from the Riverside Co-Operative Association. As soon as this was accomplished various architects were consulted and a number of plans submitted before the committee agreed to award the contract for the "KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS BUILDING" to the Thomas F. Hurley Construction Company of Marlborough, Massachusetts. Construction was begun on November 1, 1936. The directors of tho Building Association at the time were: Thomas J. Duggan, president; Michael J, Veleno, vice-president; Daniel F. Connors, treasurer; James C. Mahoney, secretary; Phillip W. Allard, John J. Driscoll, James B. Farrell. John E. Hannon, Arley B. Lawrence, Harold J. Morgan, Ralph L. Sheridan, William J. Smith, Walter T. Tierney and Nicholas J. Whalen, directors.
The fondest hope of Maynard Council was realized on Sunday, March 14, 1937, almost seventeen years from the date of the first meeting of the council, with the dedication of the new "KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS BUILDING" . Thomas J. Duggan, Grand Knight, was in charge of the ceremonies, which were attended by nearly three hundred members of the Order.
The speakers for the occasion were Supreme Director Judge John E. Swift of Valencia Council, No. 80, Milford (who later became Supreme Knight); State Deputy Patrick J. Moynihan of John J. Williams Council, No. 1308, Roslindale; District Deputy Thomas J. McLaughlin of North Cambridge Council, No. 269; Rt. Rev. Edward P. Crowley of Hyde Park, who was the first Chaplain of Maynard Council; Rev. D. Edward O'Bryan, pastor of St. Bridget's parish; Rev. John A. Dziok, pastor of St. Casimir's; Rev. James P. Sherry and Rev. Charles Hennihan of St. Bridget's; and Charles Irwin, Exalted Ruler, Maynard Lodge of Elks, and also a charter member of Maynard council. Other invited guests were the Grand Knights of Concord, Hudson, Marlborough and Framingham councils.
Open house was held in the afternoon for members of the order and in the evening for the public. The building was appraised by all as an excellent choice for such an ideal location, not only to serve as a home for Maynard council, but also a a beauty spot for the Town of Maynard.
It is two-storied brick veneered with a large store on the Nason Street front. The second floor is entered from the Summer Street side, through a spacious and attractive lobby. It consists of a hall with seating capacity for two hundred and thirty, equipped with a small stage. Also the clubrooms, consisting of lobby, cloakroom, lounging room, card room. kitchen and auxiliary rooms . The hall can be rented for most any occasion, such as meetings, dances, showers, wedding receptions, etc.
Maynard Council has participated in every local civic affair, such as anniversaries, parades, drives, etc., and has responded to every call for assistance within its means, whether it be financial, physical or material. Its membership proudly boasts of many of the town's civic
leaders throughout its entire history.
During World War II twenty six (26) members of the council served In the armed forces of our country. One of them, Brother Chester G. Carson, made the Supreme Sacrifice. He was killed In action in Germany in November 1944.
James C. Buscemi
Chester C. Carson **
Raymond Crowley
Francisco S. DiGrappa
John J. Duggan
Robert B. Duggan
Edward E. Fearns
John H. Keegan ++
Evald Johnson
Harold W. Johnston
William H. Larson
Edward J. Ledgard
John F. May
John H. Murphy
John C. Nowick
Alphonse J. Paul
Robert E. Riley
Joseph P. Schnair, Jr.
Albert J. Sullivan
Charles E. Sullivan
Daniel H. Sullivan
James V. Sullivan
Benny F. Sofka
George E. Whalen
** Killed In action
++ Also in World War I
Four members of the council have been honored with the title of District Deputy;
John J. Donohue - 1927-1931
Patrick A. McGrath - 1937-1939
Joseph E, Boothroyd - 1947-1949
Ralph D. Sheridan - 1958-1961
Several nembere have received the honors of the Fourth Degree. Three have served as Faithful Navigator of Edward F. McSweeney General Assembly:
Arley B. Lawrence
Joseph E. Boothroyd
Harold W. Johnston
The most honored member of the council is Brother Joseph E. Boothroyd, past Grand Knight, former District Deputy, former Faithful Navigator, Fourth Degree, and has held every office in the Massachusetts State Council from State Auditor through State Deputy. Also, Master of the Fourth Degree, Massachusetts District No. 2.
There are at present one hundred and twenty-five members in the council, of whom sixteen are Charter members.
In 1958 a ladies' auxiliary to the council was organized. It is now known as St. Christopher's Guild and its purpose Is to engage in spiritual, cultural, educational, charitable and social activities .
Ralph Sheridan, P.G.K., F.D.D.
During the latter part of 1919 and early 1920, in the period immediately following World War I, many of our local boys who had been In the armed forces during the war, and had witnessed first-hand the splendid manner in which the Knights of Columbus, through its secretaries had operated in the various camps and cantonments throughout the United States and Europe, were joining the ranks of the Knights of Columbus through the councils in Hudson and Concord. They were all anxious to become apart of so worthy an organization. The Rev. Edward F. Crowley, then pastor of St. Bridget's church, believed the time was ripe for the organizing of an outstanding Catholic fraternal group in Maynard. He enlisted the aid of an old friend and classmate Judge William A. Day, who was then the State Deputy of the Massachusetts State Council, Knights of Columbus.
The first stop toward the formation of a local council was taken in Riverside Hall (now Gruber's block) Main Street, on Sunday afternoon, February 22, 1920, when more than two hundred men of St. Bridget's parish heard Judge Day give a history of the order from its inception at New Haven, Connecticut, in March of 1882, to the present time.
Richard B, McSweeney of Concord, Grand Knight of Concord Council #287, was present and in his remarks said he would assist in every way with the organizing of a council in Maynard. Rev. Fr. Crowley presided. Judge Day appointed Grand Knight McSweeney as provisional deputy, and he immediately got in touch with national headquarters at New Haven, Connecticut. He also announced there would be another meeting the following Sunday. An announcement had been made at the Masses on Sunday morning which resulted in the large and enthusiastic meeting.
On Sunday, February 29, at a meeting held In Riverside Hall, a temporary organization was formed. Sylvester S. Sullivan was named temporary chairman; Roy V. McCormack, temporary secretary; and Frank J. McCarron, temporary treasurer.
One hundred and two applications were received the first day the charter was thrown open.
Committees were named as follows:
"To Bring in Name for Council": John E. Hannon, Frank J. McCarron, Patrick J. Sullivan, Frank L. McCormack and Cornelius J. Lynch
"For Permanent Location": Bartholomew J, Coughlin, James J. Morgan, Bernard H. Garrigan, John H. Horan and Walter K. White
"To Prepare for Institution of Council": John H. Horan, George F. Lynch, Roy V. McCormack, John H. Sheridan, Frank S. Feams and Frank L. McCormack
"To Continue Membershlp Drive": John. J. Gallagher, Dennis E. White, Patrick A. McGrath, Philip W. Allard. George F. Lynch, James B. Farrell, John A. O'Leary, John A. Moynihan, James C. Mahoney, Sylvester S. Sullivan, William F. Scully and Thomas F. Maley
Richard B. McSweeney, provisional deputy, was in charge of details.
With the full co-operation of Judge Lay, Fr. Crowley and Mr. McSweeney, and through the untiring efforts of Bro. Robert L. Sheridan (then a member of Hudson Council #131 and since a past Grand Knight of Potomac Council #433, Washington, D.C. ! and a past Faithful Navigator, Fourth Degree, and a past State Warden of the District of Columbia State Council); Bro. Roy V. McCormack (then a member of Hudson Council, and since a past Grand Knight of Hyannis Council #2505; Bro. Harold V. Sheridan of Concord Council #287 and Bro. Patrick M. Murphy of Hudson Council, in processing applications and completing volumes of clerical work required, the new council was instituted at Riverside Hall, Tuesday April 13, 1920, with the granting of a charter by the Supreme Council at New Haven, Connecticut.
The charter closed with a membership of two hundred and two. It was to be known as MAYNARD COUNCIL No. 2121, KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS. This was the name selected by the committee and approved by the members.
The first regular meeting of the new council was held at this time. It was called to order by Richard B. McSweeney of Concord, who was representing District Deputy Philip H. Gibbons of Clinton. The officers of Hudson Council under Grand Knight Walter Lyons conferred the first degree on one hundred and fifty new members. After the initiatory exercises the new council was duly instituted and election of officers took place.
Timothy B. Moynihan was chosen as Grand Knight. His chosen associate officers were:
Patrick A. McGrath, deputy grand knight;
Sylvester S. Sullivan, chancellor;
Thomas P. Haley, warden;
Frank A. Brayden, Financial secretary;
Roy V. McCormack, recording secretary;
Frank L. McCormack, treasurer;
Philip W. Allard, Inside guard;
William J. Smith, outside guard;
James J. Morgan, advocate;
Bartholomew J. Coughlin, Patrick J. Sullivan and Frank S. Prue, trustees;
Rev. Edward F. Crowley was appointed chaplain;
John E. Hannon was appointed lecturer.
On April 15, 1920 the second degree was conferred on the class at Masonic Hall by the officers of Concord Council under the direction of Grand Knight Richard D. McSweeney.
Sunday, April 18, 1920, two classes of seventy-five each, received the Major degree in afternoon and evening sessions at Riverside Hall. District Deputy Philip H. Gibbons and staff from Clinton exemplified the afternoon degree. District Deputy Edward J. Brandon and staff from Cambridge was in charge of the evening exercises.
Maynard Council, as host provided supper to forty-one members of visiting degree teams at the Assabet House (now the site of the United States Post Office on Main Street) on Sunday evening. The visitors were loud in praise of the splendid spirit shown and paid particular compliments to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bell, proprietors, for the delicious meal.
The degrees were very impressive and were attended by visiting knights from miles around. Refreshments were provided for visiting knights at Masonic Hall.
Committee in charge of this feature: Edward P. Ledgard, chairman; Thomas F. Haley. Patrlck A. McGrath, James C, Mahoney, John H. Horan, John J. Gallagher, and a corps of assistants.
At that time there were forty one (41) Maynard men in Hudson Council, No. 131; eleven (11) in Concord Council, No. 287; one (1) in Clinton Council, No. 1701; one (1) In Whip City Council, No. 100, [presumably 1] Westfield, Massachusetts, and one (1) In Delavan Council, No. 1612, Delavan, Wisconsin. These members combined with the one hundred and thirty-two (132) candidates who received the Major degree on Sunday, April 19, 1920, constituted the Charter members of Maynard Council, No. 2121, Knights of Columbus, Maynard, Massachusetts.
The following were Charter members of Maynard Council and were in the classes receiving the Major degree on Sunday, April 19, 192O:
Rev. Edward F. Crowley
Rev. John J, Sweeney
Philip W. Allard
Loreto Arcieri
Cham Ayotte
Arthur V, Bariteau
Francis R, Bennett
Jeremiah W. Bradley
Frank A. Brayden
Joseph Byrne
Leo T. Byrne
John C. Brayden
Cornelius J. Callahan
Alfred S. Carey
William P. Casey
John E. Comeau
James H. Connolly
Thomas W, Connolly
Daniel F. Connors
John Connors
Daniel A. Coughlan
James A. Coughlan
Bartholomew J. Coughlin
George H, Creighton
Edward Cuddy
Edward D. Doherty
Thomas A. Doyle
John J. Driscoll
John T. Durkin
John J. Dwyer
Louis E. Evers
Nelson A. Fairbanks
Andrew J. Fardy
Joseph J. Farrell
Patrick J. Flynn
William H. Fornier
James H. Gallagher
William D. Gallagher
Bernard H. Garrigan
John T. Gibbons
John E. Hannon
Thomas Hearon
John F. Higgins
Martin J. Higglns
James J. Hilferty
Edward F. Hoffman
Edward S. Johnston
John J. Johnston
William J. Johnston, Jr.
William J. Johnston, Sr.
Charles B. Hart
Charles E. Irwln
George E. Kaler
Patrick J. Kane
John H. Keegan
John J. Keegan
Edward J. King
Howard F. King
Thomas J. King
David E. Kinsley
Thomas J. Lawler
Arley B. Lawrence
Magloire P. Lesage
Louie F. Leveroni
Michael P. Louka
Daniel W. Lowney
Harold A. Lyons
Michael E. Lynch
John P. Mahon
Frank J. Maley
John H. Maley
James H. Mooney
John W. Moore
Francis C. Moran
James J. Morgan
William A. Morrill
Noble T. Morton
John A. Moynihan
John H. Moynihan, Sr.
John H. Moynihan, Jr.
Francis J. Murphy
Timothy A. Murphy
John Murray
John J. Murray
Michael Murray
Robert L.. MacKenzie
Frank J. McCarron
Francis L. McCarthy
James M. McCarthy
Hugh McGovern
Michael F. McNamara
Joseph H. 0'Brien
Willliam K. O'Brien
Michael O'Connell
Patrick 0'Dea
Michael T. O'Keefe
John A. 0'Leary
Harold C. Peterson
William A. Ployart
Harland W. Powers
Harold P. Powers
John E. Punch
Columbus F. Rainville
Louis H. P. Richard
Leo J. Roche
William P. Scully
John H. Sexton
George D. Sharpe
James W. Sheridan
Joseph E. Sheridan
John F. Smith
Joseph T. Smith
Patrick J. Sullivan
James V. Sweeney
Thomas A. Sweeney
William A. Sweeney
Thomas H. Tierney
Daniel M. Timlege
Eden J. Tobin
Henry J. Tobin
James J. Tobin
William J. Tobin
Charles C. Visocchi
Joseph Visocchi
Stanley F. Vodoklys
Emmett J. Wall
Nicholas J. Whalon
Arthur J. White
Dennis E. White
George E. White
Joseph A. White
Fred J. Wilder
The following were members of other councils and by transfer became Charter members of Maynard Council:
From Hudson Council, No. 131
John F, Carpenter
Edward J. Coughlin
Joseph Dineen
William F. Driscoll
James 0. Farrell
Frank S. Fearns
David J. Foley
John J. Gallagher
John H. Horan
Joseph W. Kaler
John J. Kane
Frank W. Kelly
William Moynihan
Edward Ledgard
Edmund P. Lowney
William P. Lowney
Cornelius J. Lynch
George F. Lynch
James C. Mahoney
Thomas P. Maley
Vincent J. Maley
William J. Maley
Harold J, Morgan
Frank D. Moynihan
Timothy B. Moynihan
Patrick H. Murphy
Frank L. McCormack
Roy V. McCormack
Patrick A. McGrath
Frank S. Prue
Edward E. Puffer
Robert L. Sheridan
Leonard J. Smith
Thomas V. Smith
William J. Smith
Sylvester S. Sullivan
William J. Tobin
Albert J. Whalen
James K. Whalen
William J. Murray
From Concord Council, No. 287
George J. Anelons
Edward J. Flaherty
Thomas J. King
Francis A. Kay
Frank L. O'Brlen
Janes Rady
Frank C. Sheridan
Harold V. Sheridan
Louis E. Sullivan
Leo C. White
Walter E. White
From Clinton Council, No. 1701
John H. Sheridan
From Whip City Council, No, 100
Frank M. Lawton
From Delavan Council, No. 1612
William C. Creeley
Timothy B. Moynihan was re-elected for a second term as Grand Knight, and he has been followed in succession by:
Patrick A. McGrath - 1921-24
Sylvester S. Sullivan - 1924-25
Harold J. Morgan - 1925-26
Joseph E. Byrne - 1926-28
Ralph L. Sheridan - 1928-29
William J. Smith - 1929-30
John E. Hannon - 1930-32
James B. Farrell - 1932-34
Arley B. Lawrence - 1934-36
Thomas J. Duggan - 1936-38
Edward J. Hannon - 1938-40
Leo F. Mullin - 1940-42
Robert E. Riley - 1942
Henry T. Hanson - 1942-44
Joseph E. Byrne - 1944-45
Joseph E. Boothroyd - 1945-47
J. Francis Cleary - 1947-48
Robert E. Riley - 1948
Richard T. White - 1948-50
Richard J. Flaherty - 1950-51
William F. McGann - 1951-52
Philip H. Finan - 1952-53
Harold W. Johnston - 1953-54
James C. Tierney - 1954-56
Alphonse J. Paul - 1956-58
Joseph P. Cotter - 1958-60
Richard J. King - 1960-61
Eugene L. Charpentier - 1961-62
Alfons W. Krysieniel - 1962-63
Paul V. Boothroyd - 1963-65
Alfred P. Ramos - 1965-66
Robert A. Smale - 1966-67
Raymond F. ??tonia - 1967-68
Benny M. Sofka - 1968-69
Joseph P. Cotter - 1969-70
Meeting's were held for seven years at Masonic Hall; seven years at the Riverside Cooperatlve Association Building, until driven out by fire which destroyed the entire upper part of the building on January 30. 1936. From then until March 1937 meetings were held at the United Co-operative Society Building on Main Street.
From the inception of Maynard Council, its membership had set as a goal "to some day have their own home". For that purpose the Knights of Columbus Building Association, Incorporated, was set up within the council, and consisted of the entire membership of the council. By-laws were drawn up and approved by the Secretary of the Cormmonwealth of Massachusetts. Officers were elected, consisting of the grand knight and deputy grand knight as president and vice-presldent respectively, and a secretary, treasurer and fifteen (15) directors.
Many a heated session took place over the purchase of various properties in the town. The Amory Maynard property (now the location of the Sears Block, Main Street) was lost by one vote. Several other places on both Main and Nason Streets were seriously considered.
Immediately following the destructive fire In 1936 steps were taken to purchase the site from the Riverside Co-Operative Association. As soon as this was accomplished various architects were consulted and a number of plans submitted before the committee agreed to award the contract for the "KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS BUILDING" to the Thomas F. Hurley Construction Company of Marlborough, Massachusetts. Construction was begun on November 1, 1936. The directors of tho Building Association at the time were: Thomas J. Duggan, president; Michael J, Veleno, vice-president; Daniel F. Connors, treasurer; James C. Mahoney, secretary; Phillip W. Allard, John J. Driscoll, James B. Farrell. John E. Hannon, Arley B. Lawrence, Harold J. Morgan, Ralph L. Sheridan, William J. Smith, Walter T. Tierney and Nicholas J. Whalen, directors.
The fondest hope of Maynard Council was realized on Sunday, March 14, 1937, almost seventeen years from the date of the first meeting of the council, with the dedication of the new "KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS BUILDING" . Thomas J. Duggan, Grand Knight, was in charge of the ceremonies, which were attended by nearly three hundred members of the Order.
The speakers for the occasion were Supreme Director Judge John E. Swift of Valencia Council, No. 80, Milford (who later became Supreme Knight); State Deputy Patrick J. Moynihan of John J. Williams Council, No. 1308, Roslindale; District Deputy Thomas J. McLaughlin of North Cambridge Council, No. 269; Rt. Rev. Edward P. Crowley of Hyde Park, who was the first Chaplain of Maynard Council; Rev. D. Edward O'Bryan, pastor of St. Bridget's parish; Rev. John A. Dziok, pastor of St. Casimir's; Rev. James P. Sherry and Rev. Charles Hennihan of St. Bridget's; and Charles Irwin, Exalted Ruler, Maynard Lodge of Elks, and also a charter member of Maynard council. Other invited guests were the Grand Knights of Concord, Hudson, Marlborough and Framingham councils.
Open house was held in the afternoon for members of the order and in the evening for the public. The building was appraised by all as an excellent choice for such an ideal location, not only to serve as a home for Maynard council, but also a a beauty spot for the Town of Maynard.
It is two-storied brick veneered with a large store on the Nason Street front. The second floor is entered from the Summer Street side, through a spacious and attractive lobby. It consists of a hall with seating capacity for two hundred and thirty, equipped with a small stage. Also the clubrooms, consisting of lobby, cloakroom, lounging room, card room. kitchen and auxiliary rooms . The hall can be rented for most any occasion, such as meetings, dances, showers, wedding receptions, etc.
Maynard Council has participated in every local civic affair, such as anniversaries, parades, drives, etc., and has responded to every call for assistance within its means, whether it be financial, physical or material. Its membership proudly boasts of many of the town's civic
leaders throughout its entire history.
During World War II twenty six (26) members of the council served In the armed forces of our country. One of them, Brother Chester G. Carson, made the Supreme Sacrifice. He was killed In action in Germany in November 1944.
James C. Buscemi
Chester C. Carson **
Raymond Crowley
Francisco S. DiGrappa
John J. Duggan
Robert B. Duggan
Edward E. Fearns
John H. Keegan ++
Evald Johnson
Harold W. Johnston
William H. Larson
Edward J. Ledgard
John F. May
John H. Murphy
John C. Nowick
Alphonse J. Paul
Robert E. Riley
Joseph P. Schnair, Jr.
Albert J. Sullivan
Charles E. Sullivan
Daniel H. Sullivan
James V. Sullivan
Benny F. Sofka
George E. Whalen
** Killed In action
++ Also in World War I
Four members of the council have been honored with the title of District Deputy;
John J. Donohue - 1927-1931
Patrick A. McGrath - 1937-1939
Joseph E, Boothroyd - 1947-1949
Ralph D. Sheridan - 1958-1961
Several nembere have received the honors of the Fourth Degree. Three have served as Faithful Navigator of Edward F. McSweeney General Assembly:
Arley B. Lawrence
Joseph E. Boothroyd
Harold W. Johnston
The most honored member of the council is Brother Joseph E. Boothroyd, past Grand Knight, former District Deputy, former Faithful Navigator, Fourth Degree, and has held every office in the Massachusetts State Council from State Auditor through State Deputy. Also, Master of the Fourth Degree, Massachusetts District No. 2.
There are at present one hundred and twenty-five members in the council, of whom sixteen are Charter members.
In 1958 a ladies' auxiliary to the council was organized. It is now known as St. Christopher's Guild and its purpose Is to engage in spiritual, cultural, educational, charitable and social activities .