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The Maynard Historical Society has a growing collection of monographs. Monographs, by nature, are focused and detailed research on a single topic (places, people, events, etc.) Many of these monographs, especially by guest authors outside of the Society's research team, contain personal anecdotes and details of life in town during their lifetime.

In the years preceding the 1971 Centennial of Maynard the rather new Maynard Historical Society gathered a series of monographs on a wide variety of topics. 96 papers, written by primarily by Birger Koski and Ralph Sheridan, plus a number of "guest" authors, many of these were read at Historical Society meetings in the late 1960's and then became source material for the 1871-1971 History of Maynard book written for the Centennial of the Town. Monographs from that project are titled as a "Centennial Monograph",




Maynard Historical Society, et. al.





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History of St. Casimir's Church - Three Accounts - ca 1978

Account #1: St. Casimir's Roman Catholic Church

In 1905, the Polish people of Catholic faith began using the lower church at St. Bridget's for their services. By 1910, there were about six hundred Polish-speaking people in Maynard, most of…

Alice L. Mullin (1912-2005) and Leo F. Mullin (1910-1993) Biographies
Alice Louise Fearns Mullin:

Alice Lousie Fearns was born on September 27, 1912, in the home in which she grew up, at 7 Haynes Street, Maynard, MA. She was the daughter of Bertha Amelda Wall, a high school mathematics teacher from Marlboro;…

Richard Thure Lawson 1909 -1978<br />
A Remembrance of Teacher and Friend
He was universally known as "Dick".

Dick and his siblings (Virginia and Eleanor) born in North Acton of a Swedish father, Axel, and an American mother, Anna, spent their early years in Concord, moving to Maynard in the 1920's. He graduated…

Donald Asford Lent  (1896 -1978)<br />
Athlete - Educator - Public Servant
Donald Lent was born in Tiverton, Nova Scotia, Canada. HIs parents were Charles and Harriet Lent, Don being the youngest of seven. The family immigrated to Maynard in 1899 . They were farmers in Tiverton and were farmers in Maynard. The…

Centennial Monograph: Glenwood Cemetery

With the incorporation of Maynard in 1871 one of the needs was a Town Cemetery. Steps were taken immediately and the following is a chronology of events from the beginning.

First to be buried in what is now Glenwood Cemetery:


Centennial Monograph: The Finnish People in Maynard

The first of the Finnish people in Maynard came not long after the incorporation of the town, sometime during the 1880's, Conditions being what they were in Finland under Czarist Russian rule, the lure of "streets paved with gold" as too much to…

A Tribute to James Farrell

1886 - 1968

It has been related
That he hated wakes -
For a part of Jim died
With the passing of every friend.

We hated Jim's wake -
The wit, the sallies, the voice
Raised in song, no more;
A part of all of us died that…

Centennial Monograph: The Gala Barbecue and Field Day

The Gala Barbecue and Field Day
October 12, 1916
by Elizabeth . Schnair
for the Maynard Historical Society

Robert Burns' famous philosophy "the well-laid plans of mice and men gang aft aglae" has proven true to most of us many, many times. …

Centennial Monograph: D. Y. W. Y. K. Club

In 1899 a group of local business men organized a social club to be known as the D.Y.W.Y.K. club ("Don't You Wish You Knew?). Membership in the club was limited to twenty.

A masquerade ball was held annually at Music Hall, with the exception of…

Centennial Monograph:   The First Lodge in Maynard

The Lincoln Library has the following to say about the International Order of Good Templars:
"A Fraternal Society having for its object the promotion of total abstinence from the use of alcoholic beverages and of universal prohibition of the…

Centennial Monograph:  Carnivals and Circuses

In the old days traveling groups of entertainers would make a circuit of towns large enough to warrant a one-day stand. They would send advance agents into a community to drum up interest for the group that would come later. Some of the larger groups…

Centennial Monograph:  Chautauqua Circuit

An article of July 12, 1918 tells us that the idea of this Circuit originated in the mind of a Dr. J. H. Vincent, a patron of learning.

Originally this Association was chartered by the State of Pennsylvania but later moving to Chautauqua, New…

Centennial Monograph: First National Cooperative Association of Maynard

This association was born at the Finnish Congregational Church on Walnut Street in October, 1915, with a charter membership of forty-two. (Maynard News, Oct. 22, 1915.)

As was mentioned in our paper on the United Cooperative Society of Maynard,…

Centennial Monograph: Early Telephones in Maynard

"Early Telephones in Maynard" - That Is the title of the subject assigned to me this evening.
Birger suggested that we had better call It a vignette because of its brevlty. I replied "Its a monograph of nothing". A brief scuffle ensued with Birger…

Centennial Monograph: Assabet Mills

The real threat of the settlement of Assabet Village to supersede both Stow and Sudbury began in 1646, when Armory Maynard and William Knight began the operations which established their woolen mills on the Assabet River.

The Village began to…

Centennial Monograph: Little Known Organizations

- Congress of Friends -
- Order of Alfredians -
- Nashoba Tribe, Improved Order of Red Men -

This paper is concerned with three organizations that existed prior to 1900 in Maynard. We know very little about them for their existence was of such…

Centennial Monograph: Gypsies in Maynard

The Lincoln Library of Essential Information, 1928 Edition, says this about them: The name given in England to the wandering tribes that since the beginning of the 15th Century have been scattered over Europe. They were supposed by the English to be…

Centennial Monograph: Cigar Makers of Maynard

A Maynard and Stow directory for 1887-1888 lists Edward McCraig as a cigar manufacturer on Harriman Court. Also lists William H. Irwin and William H. McGowan as cigar makers.

In 1900, John W. Connors was manufacturing cigars in his shop located in…

Centennial Monograph: Dance Organizers

Leafing thru the old newspapers of yesteryear week after week, year after year, the overwhelming mass of information suggests that Maynard people in their leisure hours loved that greatest of in door sports: Dancing. If it wasn't an annual ball put…

Centennial Monograph: The Danish People in Maynard

The first of the Danes In town we would place around the latter 1880's or early 1890's. They had become numerous enough by December 1, 1899 to hold a dance in their clubroom on Acton Street. We would place the location of this clubroom in one of…