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Donald Asford Lent (1896 -1978)
Athlete - Educator - Public Servant
Athlete - Educator - Public Servant
Donald Lent was born in Tiverton, Nova Scotia, Canada. HIs parents were Charles and Harriet Lent, Don being the youngest of seven. The family immigrated to Maynard in 1899 . They were farmers in Tiverton and were farmers in Maynard. The Lent 52 acre farm on Puffer Road was one of the parcels taken by eminent domain in 1942 to make way for the Maynard Ordnance Supply Depot. Don served in the Canadian Expedition Force during WWI becoming a naturalized US citizen in 1932.
Don excelled as a three sport athlete while attending Maynard High School - football, baseball, basketball - graduating in 1916. He was acclaimed in the 1971 History of Maynard book as Maynard's finest athlete. After the war Don attended Massachusetts Agricultural College at Amherst. He continue starring in football, baseball, basketball and track being named in 1920 all New England football player of the year.
During this time Don played semi-pro baseball, coached the high school football, baseball, and basketball teams, married Evelyn Pineo (they had four children, Ann, Donald, Jr., Charles, David) and started his teaching career in 1926 - Math, Biology, Science. Don continued to coach until 1932. His teams won both the Midland and Middlesex League championships.
1930's and 1940's:
Don was Superintendent of Maynard Schools, 1939-1941; served as a Selectman for five years, 1934-35, 1937-39, 1940-42; administered the E.R.A. and W.P.A. that implemented many projects: construction of Alumni Field, the Field House, Bandstand at Crowe Park, Alumni Field grandstands, the Hockey Rink and the Track. Also oversaw extension of the Town's drainage system, sewer system, sidewalks, and water system.
Throughout his life Don was active in a variety of civic and private endeavors including: Member of the Masons, Coaching Little League, United Co-operative Society Board of Directors member, served on the Town's Finance , By-Laws and Power & Light Committee. He was Superintendent of Public Works from 1960 to 1966 improving water and sewer system, creating a road management system and updated financial controls. In his retirement years, he still stayed involved. Don consulted with the Centennial Committee in 1971 and was always available for a question at his Fowler Street home. After his death a tribute memorial was published in the 1978 Annual Report.
see 1999.882 for a renown story as a baseball coach
Photos: 1) ca 1915 Teenage Athlete 2)1916 MHS Yearbook 3)1921 Senior Year at Massachusetts Agricultural College 4)1926 MHS baseball coach 5}ca1966 Superintendent of Public Works 6) 1989 Dedication Stone of Don Lent Field adjacent to the Green Meadow School
Don excelled as a three sport athlete while attending Maynard High School - football, baseball, basketball - graduating in 1916. He was acclaimed in the 1971 History of Maynard book as Maynard's finest athlete. After the war Don attended Massachusetts Agricultural College at Amherst. He continue starring in football, baseball, basketball and track being named in 1920 all New England football player of the year.
During this time Don played semi-pro baseball, coached the high school football, baseball, and basketball teams, married Evelyn Pineo (they had four children, Ann, Donald, Jr., Charles, David) and started his teaching career in 1926 - Math, Biology, Science. Don continued to coach until 1932. His teams won both the Midland and Middlesex League championships.
1930's and 1940's:
Don was Superintendent of Maynard Schools, 1939-1941; served as a Selectman for five years, 1934-35, 1937-39, 1940-42; administered the E.R.A. and W.P.A. that implemented many projects: construction of Alumni Field, the Field House, Bandstand at Crowe Park, Alumni Field grandstands, the Hockey Rink and the Track. Also oversaw extension of the Town's drainage system, sewer system, sidewalks, and water system.
Throughout his life Don was active in a variety of civic and private endeavors including: Member of the Masons, Coaching Little League, United Co-operative Society Board of Directors member, served on the Town's Finance , By-Laws and Power & Light Committee. He was Superintendent of Public Works from 1960 to 1966 improving water and sewer system, creating a road management system and updated financial controls. In his retirement years, he still stayed involved. Don consulted with the Centennial Committee in 1971 and was always available for a question at his Fowler Street home. After his death a tribute memorial was published in the 1978 Annual Report.
see 1999.882 for a renown story as a baseball coach
Photos: 1) ca 1915 Teenage Athlete 2)1916 MHS Yearbook 3)1921 Senior Year at Massachusetts Agricultural College 4)1926 MHS baseball coach 5}ca1966 Superintendent of Public Works 6) 1989 Dedication Stone of Don Lent Field adjacent to the Green Meadow School
Charles Berriel
1896-10-25 to 1978-02-24
This narrative was arranged by Thomas Sheridan who worked part time (1964-66) for Don as an assistant/gopher. Thomas Sheridan later became Superintendent of Public Works in 1975.
Still Image Item Type Metadata
Original Format
Photo copies
Physical Dimensions
One 8" x 10"
Two 4 x 6 "
Two 5 x 7 in.
Two 4 x 6 "
Two 5 x 7 in.
Donald Lent Folder