Dublin Core
Massachusetts School Register
Maynard High School
Maynard High School
A collection of School Registers for the High School when its was housed as part of the Nason Street School and, after 1916, on Summer Street. Each Register is for a grade (9 -12), year and school. They contain names, date of birth, attendance, address, parent name, nationality, information about teacher and miscellaneous other information.
Shown are 3 pages of the Boys I (A - M) 1925 - 1926 Register compiled by a teacher, A. Russell C. Cole.
Shown are 3 pages of the Boys I (A - M) 1925 - 1926 Register compiled by a teacher, A. Russell C. Cole.
1908 - 1970
The collection includes these registers:
1908 - 1926
1934 - 1968
1969 - 1970
1908 - 1926
1934 - 1968
1969 - 1970
Document Item Type Metadata
The names listed in the Register shown:
Arne Aho, Oiva Alasaari, Paul Allen, Samuel Bacherach, John Bundalavitch, Charles Byron, Walter Carbone, Lawrence Chandler, Edgar Christian, Frank Chyzus, Merlon Cole, Albert Connors, Arthur Croft, Chester Croft, Edward Croft, William Croft, Edmund Duggan, John Duggan, George Elson, Albert Fairbanks. Andrew Fardy, Edward Fearns, Reino Frigard, Tauno Frigard, Samuel Gilman, George Glickman, Harold Glickman, Henry Grandell, Bernard Green, Paul Green, Louis Grondahl, John Hearon, George Hill, Uno Hiltanen, William Hinds, Ernest Holt, Leo Holt, Uno Holt, John Horan, Leppo Hurme, Vikko Hurme, Eugene Jokisaari, Thomas Kallis, Hillary Kane, Matthew Kangas, George Kansanniva, Eino Karkanen, Urho Kautto, Leonard Kelley, Niils Keto, Arvi Ketola, Delmar Kilkenny, Howard King, James King, Matthew King, William King, John Kitowicz, Eino Koski, Arvid Kujala, Arthur Lampila, Harland Larkin, Richard Lawson, Francis Ledgard, John Lehto, Lawrence Lerer, Urho Lindfors, Raymond Loija, William Lovering, Charles Manti, William McNamara, Paul Millington, Frederick Moore
Arne Aho, Oiva Alasaari, Paul Allen, Samuel Bacherach, John Bundalavitch, Charles Byron, Walter Carbone, Lawrence Chandler, Edgar Christian, Frank Chyzus, Merlon Cole, Albert Connors, Arthur Croft, Chester Croft, Edward Croft, William Croft, Edmund Duggan, John Duggan, George Elson, Albert Fairbanks. Andrew Fardy, Edward Fearns, Reino Frigard, Tauno Frigard, Samuel Gilman, George Glickman, Harold Glickman, Henry Grandell, Bernard Green, Paul Green, Louis Grondahl, John Hearon, George Hill, Uno Hiltanen, William Hinds, Ernest Holt, Leo Holt, Uno Holt, John Horan, Leppo Hurme, Vikko Hurme, Eugene Jokisaari, Thomas Kallis, Hillary Kane, Matthew Kangas, George Kansanniva, Eino Karkanen, Urho Kautto, Leonard Kelley, Niils Keto, Arvi Ketola, Delmar Kilkenny, Howard King, James King, Matthew King, William King, John Kitowicz, Eino Koski, Arvid Kujala, Arthur Lampila, Harland Larkin, Richard Lawson, Francis Ledgard, John Lehto, Lawrence Lerer, Urho Lindfors, Raymond Loija, William Lovering, Charles Manti, William McNamara, Paul Millington, Frederick Moore
Original Format
Bound softcover booklet, 9 x 12 ins.; 16 pages
Total booklets 422
Total booklets 422
DB32 (1908-1942)
DB33 (1943-1963)
DB40 (1963-1968)
DB33 (1943-1963)
DB40 (1963-1968)
DB42 (1969-1970)