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25th Anniversary of Our Lady of Czestochowa's Mutual Aid Society - 1936
Booklet commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Our Lady of Czestochowa Mutual Aid Society at St. Casimir's Church. Some pages are in Polish. The middle section contains a history of Poland in English. The back section contains advertisements from businesses and individuals who sponsored the booklet.
Using Google Translate, the following approximate translations have been derived for the Polish pages:
Front cover: Memoir of the 25-Year Anniversary of Our Lady of Czestochowa's Mutual Aid in Maynard, Mass. August 23, 1936
Pg 1: Co-operative Store (English)
Pg2: President Roosevelt (English)
Pg3: The President of the Republic of Poland, Ignacy Mościcki, accompanied by the Minister of Education, Prof. Wojciech Świętosławski, walking in front of the banners in the courtyard of Warsaw Royal Castle
Pg 4: Marshal Józef Piłsudski
Pg 5: The above engraving depicts the statue of Tadeusz Kościuszko in Boston (Boston Common).
Pgs 6-7: Foreword by the President of Our Lady of Czestochowa Mutual Aid Society on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee in Maynard, Mass. Taking on a great responsibility, back in 1934, when I took on the duties of president of our Society, I did not realize that I would lead the Society in the Jubilee Year.
Dear readers, for twenty-five years our Society has served faithfully under the national and religious banner as the only organizational unit in Maynard, Mass. Proud of our past, we can rejoice together on the occasion of the solemn moments that in a few days we will be celebrating. Twenty-five years of the existence of our Society, which more than once was like the helmsman of the whole Polish community in Maynard, like the axle of a great machine, a mass of deeds worthy of imitation. Despite many storms and lightnings that raged around us and above us, which still take place from time to time, we survived all and held high the banner, despite a partial spiritual weakening, we stand firm in the postulates given to us by the founders of our society. Let us look boldly into the future. Let us look without fear, because already today our work is spreading more and more and more and is giving the lie to all those who are soothed by the venom of selfish hatred, have waited and are still waiting for the sound of the funeral bell that was to ring after the fall of the Society to their satisfaction. However, they were sorely disappointed and will be disappointed in the future, and this disappointment will result in a fervent love for our Society, our language and our faith, and a strong spirit. The tugging of professional cunning did not help. In the imaginary notion of the unfortunate fifteen, let us raise our heads high and, giving a sign of our life, invite all to our solemnity. I wish to share with you the hope of a better success for our Society, and I send to you and your friends my sentiments expressed in this memoir, and I ask you to accept them with deep faith that the legions of our sympathizers are growing every day, and the weak and sorrowful sides are disappearing with every moment. Enlivened by the rays of the summer sun, let us boldly march forward and, mindful of the adventurous future, let us avoid the mistakes of the past, and pledge ourselves to double our ranks in the Jubilee year. Let us not rest in our work until all our youth are in the ranks of our Society. Let us not be afraid of storms and lightning, for the foundation of our Society is solid and with a little bit of good will and strong love of the Society of language and faith, and our arm of courage, pure thought will move us steadily to the heights of power and perfection. May my idea, dear brothers, enlighten us, and together we will reach our goal! Jozef Arciszewski, Society president
Pg 8: Members of Our Lady of Czestochowa's Mutual Aid Society in Maynard Mass in the year of the Silver Jubilee
Pg 9: Unity is strength! Here is a slogan that we often hear among us. A handful of Polish newcomers who settled in our town of Maynard, understood this slogan, and 25 years ago joined the Society of Fraternal Aid under the care of Our Lady of Czestochowa. As Polish Catholics, they entrusted themselves to the care of the Queen of the Polish, so that the one who loved the Polish nation here and abroad, would be their Mother and Protector and protect them from the loss of the Holy Faith and denationalization. The members of this Society remained faithful to these two ideals and for 25 years, despite the numerous obstacles that they encountered in their daily lives, they bravely walked forward and not only have they kept the faith of the Fathers, but in spite of their small numbers, they contributed greatly to the establishment of the parish, which now has an extraordinarily beautiful church, a parish hall, and is developing successfully. During the 25 years of its existence, the Society of Fraternal Aid has brought help among its brothers, both moral and material, it has strengthened the Polish spirit, and thanks to these efforts, Polish in Maynard has remained Polish and God forbid it will remain so forever. That is why the Polish in Maynard and the Society under the care of Our Lady of Czestochowa deserves and rightly celebrates with joy and satisfaction the day of the Silver Jubilee of its existence. God bless you in your further work, so that you may live to see the golden Jubilee healthy and happy. Rev. Jan S. Dziok, Parish Priest
Pg 10: St. Casimir's Church Maynard, Mass.
Pgs 11-12: Jan Dzierkacz, Past President of the Society. Franciszek Piecewicz, President of the Society. A Brief History of the Society of Our Lady Czestochowa in Maynard, Mass. The Society mentioned was founded at Maynard, Mass. on the 26th of February 1911. The solemnity, however, is celebrated by the Society on the Sunday following the 15th of August. He made the greatest contribution to the organization of the Society of the Rev. Fr. Frog, a true priest-patriot Pole. A part of his memory. The first president was also the late Franciszek Piecewicz. He worked for the longest time as the president of the Society, then Jan Dzierkacz for about twelve years. Total receipts of the Society from the foundation of the Society to June 1, 1936: $24, 966.20, Sickness benefits paid: $11, 397.00, Death benefits paid: $4015.45, charitable purposes: $4432.20, funds in reserve: $5122.25. Jubilee Committee: Józef Arciszewski, President; Jan Sobastynowicz, Vice President; Jan Kulik Recording Secretary; Stanislaw Jurgielewicz, Financial Secretary; Antoni Budrewicz, Cashier; Cash register Supervisors: S. Gierdzijewski, Rafal Siergiej, Piotr Taryma; Marshals: F. Piecewicz, P. Lichoraj; Warrant Officers: M. Safko, G. Szczerzen, S. Sanczewski
I'm not going to throw away the land from where our race came from, We won't let the speech be ruined, Polish we are a nation Polish a people, Royal chaise of the Piast dynasty! We will not allow ourselves to be conquered by the enemy! So help us God! Til the blood of the last drop from the veins, We will defend the spirit, Until it crumbles to dust, Teutonic turmoil, Fortress us will be every threshold, So help us God! There will be no one spitting in our faces, No children harmed, Our armored troop will rise up, The spirit will be our strength, I'll go when the golden horn thunders, So help us God!
Pg13 top: Members since the founding of the Society in 1911, headed by J. Arciszewski Maynard, Mass - August 16, 1936
Pg 13 bottom: Ex-presidents since the founding of the Society (from left) J. Wasiuk, J. Pozarycki, J. Kulik, J. Arciszewski, M. Dudzinski, S. Slabysz. 1911-1936
Pgs 14-15: Our town of Maynard was incorporated in 1871. Located on the Assabet River, it takes its name from the founder of the Maynard Woolen Factory, today widely known as one of the largest American Woolen Co. factories, the Assabet Mill. As you can see from the date, we are the youngest Polish settlement in New England, because in 1900 you could unite all Poles on the fingers of one hand. The Polish in Maynard are in greater numbers each year. We lacked Polish intelligentsia, because we were one hundred percent children of small farmers from Poland, and so in 1911 we managed to have our first Society. In 1912 St. Casimir's had been established, but God was stingy with our leaders, both national and religious life left much, much to be desired, and politically it was out of the question. We rocked like a ship on the waves of the sea without a rudder. It was not until 1926 that a young, enthusiastic priest came to us -Jan S. Dziok. It is safe to say that the day of the parish priest's arrival was a breakthrough day in the life of the Polish in Maynard. In less than two years, they purchased their church and hall, which were dedicated on November 12, 1928. I would be unfair if I did not mention and pay my respects to the then president of the Society, Jan Kulik, and today's Secretary of the Society. The Polish should be grateful to him for the efforts he made. Since the year of the church's consecration, Polish life has taken a different turn. And today, after gathering information from reliable sources, the Poles in Maynard have real estate assets, i.e. in buildings, estimated by local assessors at $275,000. Due to the fact that local estates are estimated at almost half the value, we can confidently claim that in the hands of the Polish we have about half a million of value in real estate. But what's even more interesting is that I have more than three hundred thousand dollars on hand from local banks to the accounts of Polish names. So we belong to the class of millionaires in less than thirty years - this is a commendable achievement. Despite this, as everywhere else, there are also those who can barely afford the common lifestyle of everyday life. I'm going to break the ice with the Polish in Maynard in terms of education. Every year we have a higher percentage of our youth in higher education. In politics, in the last few years, we have been moving to a higher level. Thanks to the support of the Parish Priest, a federal position was vacated for one of our young men. If the Poles had managed to have one more leader in politics, if they had stopped defiling everything that is Polish, if they had been able to organize themselves into a strong political club, the life of our Poland would have gone on a clean, straight path for the sake of the name and glory of the Polish nation. Jozef Arciszewski
Pg 16: message is in both Polish and English
Pg 17 top box: Cordial Wishes on the Occasion of the 25th Anniversary. Companions of King Jan III Sobieski. Founded August 15, 1907. President: Franciszek Radoch, Vice-President: Jozef Mozdzien, Financial Secretary: Chester Dzicek, Recording Secretary: Stanislaw Jablonski, Cashier: Jozef Kazarniewicz, Cash Register Supervisors: Jan Kulis Jr., Walenty Golas, Marshal: Piotr Radoch
Pg 17 middle box: Cordial Wishes on the Occasion of the 25th Anniversary. Society of St. Joseph. Founded October 4, 1911. President: Wiktor Kolakowski, Vice-President: Jozef Lemanski, Financial Secretary: Stanislaw Dabrowski, Recording Secretary: Wladyslaw Gwiazda, Cashier: Jozef Nicewicz, Cash Register Supervisors: Antoni Wrzesienski, Stanislaw Kaczanowski, Marshal: Jan Strysz
Pg 17 bottom box: Cordial Wishes on the Occasion of the 25th Anniversary. Civic Club. Founded September 14, 1922. President: Boleslaw Zalewski, Vice-President: Jan Babka, Recording Secretary: Frank Radoch, Financial Secretary: Jan Kulis, Jr. Cashier: Stefan Nadolny, Cash Register Supervisors: Jozef Siok, Walenty Golas
Pg 18: Monument to President Wilson in Poznan Poland
Pg 19 top: General Józef Haller visits the Polish Army near Warsaw
Pg 19 bottom: General Rydz-Smigly
Pg 20: General Orlicz-Dreszer
Pgs 21-46: History of Poland in English
Pgs 47-70: Names and advertisements of sponsors
Using Google Translate, the following approximate translations have been derived for the Polish pages:
Front cover: Memoir of the 25-Year Anniversary of Our Lady of Czestochowa's Mutual Aid in Maynard, Mass. August 23, 1936
Pg 1: Co-operative Store (English)
Pg2: President Roosevelt (English)
Pg3: The President of the Republic of Poland, Ignacy Mościcki, accompanied by the Minister of Education, Prof. Wojciech Świętosławski, walking in front of the banners in the courtyard of Warsaw Royal Castle
Pg 4: Marshal Józef Piłsudski
Pg 5: The above engraving depicts the statue of Tadeusz Kościuszko in Boston (Boston Common).
Pgs 6-7: Foreword by the President of Our Lady of Czestochowa Mutual Aid Society on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee in Maynard, Mass. Taking on a great responsibility, back in 1934, when I took on the duties of president of our Society, I did not realize that I would lead the Society in the Jubilee Year.
Dear readers, for twenty-five years our Society has served faithfully under the national and religious banner as the only organizational unit in Maynard, Mass. Proud of our past, we can rejoice together on the occasion of the solemn moments that in a few days we will be celebrating. Twenty-five years of the existence of our Society, which more than once was like the helmsman of the whole Polish community in Maynard, like the axle of a great machine, a mass of deeds worthy of imitation. Despite many storms and lightnings that raged around us and above us, which still take place from time to time, we survived all and held high the banner, despite a partial spiritual weakening, we stand firm in the postulates given to us by the founders of our society. Let us look boldly into the future. Let us look without fear, because already today our work is spreading more and more and more and is giving the lie to all those who are soothed by the venom of selfish hatred, have waited and are still waiting for the sound of the funeral bell that was to ring after the fall of the Society to their satisfaction. However, they were sorely disappointed and will be disappointed in the future, and this disappointment will result in a fervent love for our Society, our language and our faith, and a strong spirit. The tugging of professional cunning did not help. In the imaginary notion of the unfortunate fifteen, let us raise our heads high and, giving a sign of our life, invite all to our solemnity. I wish to share with you the hope of a better success for our Society, and I send to you and your friends my sentiments expressed in this memoir, and I ask you to accept them with deep faith that the legions of our sympathizers are growing every day, and the weak and sorrowful sides are disappearing with every moment. Enlivened by the rays of the summer sun, let us boldly march forward and, mindful of the adventurous future, let us avoid the mistakes of the past, and pledge ourselves to double our ranks in the Jubilee year. Let us not rest in our work until all our youth are in the ranks of our Society. Let us not be afraid of storms and lightning, for the foundation of our Society is solid and with a little bit of good will and strong love of the Society of language and faith, and our arm of courage, pure thought will move us steadily to the heights of power and perfection. May my idea, dear brothers, enlighten us, and together we will reach our goal! Jozef Arciszewski, Society president
Pg 8: Members of Our Lady of Czestochowa's Mutual Aid Society in Maynard Mass in the year of the Silver Jubilee
Pg 9: Unity is strength! Here is a slogan that we often hear among us. A handful of Polish newcomers who settled in our town of Maynard, understood this slogan, and 25 years ago joined the Society of Fraternal Aid under the care of Our Lady of Czestochowa. As Polish Catholics, they entrusted themselves to the care of the Queen of the Polish, so that the one who loved the Polish nation here and abroad, would be their Mother and Protector and protect them from the loss of the Holy Faith and denationalization. The members of this Society remained faithful to these two ideals and for 25 years, despite the numerous obstacles that they encountered in their daily lives, they bravely walked forward and not only have they kept the faith of the Fathers, but in spite of their small numbers, they contributed greatly to the establishment of the parish, which now has an extraordinarily beautiful church, a parish hall, and is developing successfully. During the 25 years of its existence, the Society of Fraternal Aid has brought help among its brothers, both moral and material, it has strengthened the Polish spirit, and thanks to these efforts, Polish in Maynard has remained Polish and God forbid it will remain so forever. That is why the Polish in Maynard and the Society under the care of Our Lady of Czestochowa deserves and rightly celebrates with joy and satisfaction the day of the Silver Jubilee of its existence. God bless you in your further work, so that you may live to see the golden Jubilee healthy and happy. Rev. Jan S. Dziok, Parish Priest
Pg 10: St. Casimir's Church Maynard, Mass.
Pgs 11-12: Jan Dzierkacz, Past President of the Society. Franciszek Piecewicz, President of the Society. A Brief History of the Society of Our Lady Czestochowa in Maynard, Mass. The Society mentioned was founded at Maynard, Mass. on the 26th of February 1911. The solemnity, however, is celebrated by the Society on the Sunday following the 15th of August. He made the greatest contribution to the organization of the Society of the Rev. Fr. Frog, a true priest-patriot Pole. A part of his memory. The first president was also the late Franciszek Piecewicz. He worked for the longest time as the president of the Society, then Jan Dzierkacz for about twelve years. Total receipts of the Society from the foundation of the Society to June 1, 1936: $24, 966.20, Sickness benefits paid: $11, 397.00, Death benefits paid: $4015.45, charitable purposes: $4432.20, funds in reserve: $5122.25. Jubilee Committee: Józef Arciszewski, President; Jan Sobastynowicz, Vice President; Jan Kulik Recording Secretary; Stanislaw Jurgielewicz, Financial Secretary; Antoni Budrewicz, Cashier; Cash register Supervisors: S. Gierdzijewski, Rafal Siergiej, Piotr Taryma; Marshals: F. Piecewicz, P. Lichoraj; Warrant Officers: M. Safko, G. Szczerzen, S. Sanczewski
I'm not going to throw away the land from where our race came from, We won't let the speech be ruined, Polish we are a nation Polish a people, Royal chaise of the Piast dynasty! We will not allow ourselves to be conquered by the enemy! So help us God! Til the blood of the last drop from the veins, We will defend the spirit, Until it crumbles to dust, Teutonic turmoil, Fortress us will be every threshold, So help us God! There will be no one spitting in our faces, No children harmed, Our armored troop will rise up, The spirit will be our strength, I'll go when the golden horn thunders, So help us God!
Pg13 top: Members since the founding of the Society in 1911, headed by J. Arciszewski Maynard, Mass - August 16, 1936
Pg 13 bottom: Ex-presidents since the founding of the Society (from left) J. Wasiuk, J. Pozarycki, J. Kulik, J. Arciszewski, M. Dudzinski, S. Slabysz. 1911-1936
Pgs 14-15: Our town of Maynard was incorporated in 1871. Located on the Assabet River, it takes its name from the founder of the Maynard Woolen Factory, today widely known as one of the largest American Woolen Co. factories, the Assabet Mill. As you can see from the date, we are the youngest Polish settlement in New England, because in 1900 you could unite all Poles on the fingers of one hand. The Polish in Maynard are in greater numbers each year. We lacked Polish intelligentsia, because we were one hundred percent children of small farmers from Poland, and so in 1911 we managed to have our first Society. In 1912 St. Casimir's had been established, but God was stingy with our leaders, both national and religious life left much, much to be desired, and politically it was out of the question. We rocked like a ship on the waves of the sea without a rudder. It was not until 1926 that a young, enthusiastic priest came to us -Jan S. Dziok. It is safe to say that the day of the parish priest's arrival was a breakthrough day in the life of the Polish in Maynard. In less than two years, they purchased their church and hall, which were dedicated on November 12, 1928. I would be unfair if I did not mention and pay my respects to the then president of the Society, Jan Kulik, and today's Secretary of the Society. The Polish should be grateful to him for the efforts he made. Since the year of the church's consecration, Polish life has taken a different turn. And today, after gathering information from reliable sources, the Poles in Maynard have real estate assets, i.e. in buildings, estimated by local assessors at $275,000. Due to the fact that local estates are estimated at almost half the value, we can confidently claim that in the hands of the Polish we have about half a million of value in real estate. But what's even more interesting is that I have more than three hundred thousand dollars on hand from local banks to the accounts of Polish names. So we belong to the class of millionaires in less than thirty years - this is a commendable achievement. Despite this, as everywhere else, there are also those who can barely afford the common lifestyle of everyday life. I'm going to break the ice with the Polish in Maynard in terms of education. Every year we have a higher percentage of our youth in higher education. In politics, in the last few years, we have been moving to a higher level. Thanks to the support of the Parish Priest, a federal position was vacated for one of our young men. If the Poles had managed to have one more leader in politics, if they had stopped defiling everything that is Polish, if they had been able to organize themselves into a strong political club, the life of our Poland would have gone on a clean, straight path for the sake of the name and glory of the Polish nation. Jozef Arciszewski
Pg 16: message is in both Polish and English
Pg 17 top box: Cordial Wishes on the Occasion of the 25th Anniversary. Companions of King Jan III Sobieski. Founded August 15, 1907. President: Franciszek Radoch, Vice-President: Jozef Mozdzien, Financial Secretary: Chester Dzicek, Recording Secretary: Stanislaw Jablonski, Cashier: Jozef Kazarniewicz, Cash Register Supervisors: Jan Kulis Jr., Walenty Golas, Marshal: Piotr Radoch
Pg 17 middle box: Cordial Wishes on the Occasion of the 25th Anniversary. Society of St. Joseph. Founded October 4, 1911. President: Wiktor Kolakowski, Vice-President: Jozef Lemanski, Financial Secretary: Stanislaw Dabrowski, Recording Secretary: Wladyslaw Gwiazda, Cashier: Jozef Nicewicz, Cash Register Supervisors: Antoni Wrzesienski, Stanislaw Kaczanowski, Marshal: Jan Strysz
Pg 17 bottom box: Cordial Wishes on the Occasion of the 25th Anniversary. Civic Club. Founded September 14, 1922. President: Boleslaw Zalewski, Vice-President: Jan Babka, Recording Secretary: Frank Radoch, Financial Secretary: Jan Kulis, Jr. Cashier: Stefan Nadolny, Cash Register Supervisors: Jozef Siok, Walenty Golas
Pg 18: Monument to President Wilson in Poznan Poland
Pg 19 top: General Józef Haller visits the Polish Army near Warsaw
Pg 19 bottom: General Rydz-Smigly
Pg 20: General Orlicz-Dreszer
Pgs 21-46: History of Poland in English
Pgs 47-70: Names and advertisements of sponsors
Our Lady of Czestochowa Mutual Aid Society, St. Casimir's Church
23 Aug 1936
Paper, stapled booklet with silver cardstock cover. 72 pages. 6.5 x 9.5 in. (2 copies)
Polish, English
Document Item Type Metadata
Searchable names of sponsors:
Monihan Pharmacy, Dr. E. J. Flaherty, Dr. R. E. Hooper, Dr. S. B. Annis, F. A. May Dentist, Dr. Douglas M. Fuchs, Maydale Ginger Ale, Essem Packing Co. William Stockwell, Board of Selectmen, Roy Marsden, Don Lent, Middlesex Family Laundry Company, National Roofing Company, Emil J. Jaworek, Wilson United Wholesale Distributors, J. Wasiuk Groceries, Millstream Lunch, J. Arciszewski, Allen's Cafe, Gruber Bros Furniture, Julius and Ben Gruber, Erikson's Dairy, Freeman & Clancy Plumbing & Heating, Johnson's Pharmacy, Rexall, The Fashion Shop, Burr's Shoe Store, Alina's Beauty Salon, Assabet Institution for Savings, Elite Beauty Shoppe, W. B. Case and Sons, Pleasant Cafe, Thomas M. Clancy, Donna Leigh Gift Salon, Maynard & Acton Oil Company, Wilder X. Macurda Pharmacy, A. S. Crowe Barber Shop and Beauty Salon, Coughlan's Garage, First National Co-Operative Association, Maynard Trust Company, Concord Appliance, Company, Lislie W. Sims, Littlefield Insurance Agency, Taylor Chevrolet Company, E. Mariano Mason, Antoni Budrewicz Barber Shop, Gardon Royal Restaurant, Charles Visocchi, John C. King Insurance Agency, Lerer's & New Idea Store, Tome King Package Store, Lizzie's Restaurant, August Saarela Real Estate and Insurance, Albert Batley & Sons Florist, Thomas Gramo Confectionery, Maynard Country Club, King Square Diner, E. Hanson, Strech's Tavern, Rainvelle's Men's Shop, Boston Tailor, H. Kaplan, Sanderson's Stationery, Macy's Cocktail Bar, Stanley Sokilowski Texaco Gas Station, Maynard Lumber and Supply Company, Nell Coughlin Confectionery and Cigars, T. Buscemi Groceries, Ledgard's Lending Library, F. G. Stammers Jewelry, Riley's Tavern, Salon de Beaute, Maynard Coal Company, Lee's Dress Shop, Maynard Ice & Oil Company, The Auto Shop, John and Eino Korsman, George H. Gutteridge Jewelry Shop, McPherson's Hardware, Town Taxi, Harold Thurston, Esso Gas Station, L. Roy Hawes Florist, Quality Cash Store, Louis Dudzinski, Paul's Food Shoppe, Parker Hardware Company, Thomas F. Parker, B. J. Coughlin Liquor Store, Sims Tire and Batters Service, C. T. Marcelonis Groceries, E. Nelson Ford Dealer, Cooper Radio-Electric Company, Russo's Restaurant, Seeder & Gruber Grain and Supplies, Great Road Bakery, Tydol Gas Station, Murphy & Tunnuzzo, Jacob's Market Groceries, Maynard Wallpaper and Paint Company, Seridan Shell Gas Station, Assabet Club, H. Higgins, Leon Laursen Shoe Repair, John F. Donohue, Dr. S. M. Cremer, J. J. Newberry, Frank C. Sheridan, Peoples Theater, J. Kitowicz Shoe Repair, F. W. Woolworth, G. F. Lynch Bowling & Pool, Old Timer's Lunch, Stanley Zincewicz, Murphy & Snyder Printing, A. R. Murphy, The Co-Operative Shoe, Dr. E. F. Ryan, F. Tablowski and Sons, Mann's Taxi Service, Ralph Mann, Samuel Studio, Seagrams's, E. Garbarino Company, E. Menotti & Company, Maynard Monumental Company, Robert E. Hartin, Samuel Hill, Framingham Bottling Company, Herbert W. Martin Funeral Director, Dr. Tadeusz Raczynski
Monihan Pharmacy, Dr. E. J. Flaherty, Dr. R. E. Hooper, Dr. S. B. Annis, F. A. May Dentist, Dr. Douglas M. Fuchs, Maydale Ginger Ale, Essem Packing Co. William Stockwell, Board of Selectmen, Roy Marsden, Don Lent, Middlesex Family Laundry Company, National Roofing Company, Emil J. Jaworek, Wilson United Wholesale Distributors, J. Wasiuk Groceries, Millstream Lunch, J. Arciszewski, Allen's Cafe, Gruber Bros Furniture, Julius and Ben Gruber, Erikson's Dairy, Freeman & Clancy Plumbing & Heating, Johnson's Pharmacy, Rexall, The Fashion Shop, Burr's Shoe Store, Alina's Beauty Salon, Assabet Institution for Savings, Elite Beauty Shoppe, W. B. Case and Sons, Pleasant Cafe, Thomas M. Clancy, Donna Leigh Gift Salon, Maynard & Acton Oil Company, Wilder X. Macurda Pharmacy, A. S. Crowe Barber Shop and Beauty Salon, Coughlan's Garage, First National Co-Operative Association, Maynard Trust Company, Concord Appliance, Company, Lislie W. Sims, Littlefield Insurance Agency, Taylor Chevrolet Company, E. Mariano Mason, Antoni Budrewicz Barber Shop, Gardon Royal Restaurant, Charles Visocchi, John C. King Insurance Agency, Lerer's & New Idea Store, Tome King Package Store, Lizzie's Restaurant, August Saarela Real Estate and Insurance, Albert Batley & Sons Florist, Thomas Gramo Confectionery, Maynard Country Club, King Square Diner, E. Hanson, Strech's Tavern, Rainvelle's Men's Shop, Boston Tailor, H. Kaplan, Sanderson's Stationery, Macy's Cocktail Bar, Stanley Sokilowski Texaco Gas Station, Maynard Lumber and Supply Company, Nell Coughlin Confectionery and Cigars, T. Buscemi Groceries, Ledgard's Lending Library, F. G. Stammers Jewelry, Riley's Tavern, Salon de Beaute, Maynard Coal Company, Lee's Dress Shop, Maynard Ice & Oil Company, The Auto Shop, John and Eino Korsman, George H. Gutteridge Jewelry Shop, McPherson's Hardware, Town Taxi, Harold Thurston, Esso Gas Station, L. Roy Hawes Florist, Quality Cash Store, Louis Dudzinski, Paul's Food Shoppe, Parker Hardware Company, Thomas F. Parker, B. J. Coughlin Liquor Store, Sims Tire and Batters Service, C. T. Marcelonis Groceries, E. Nelson Ford Dealer, Cooper Radio-Electric Company, Russo's Restaurant, Seeder & Gruber Grain and Supplies, Great Road Bakery, Tydol Gas Station, Murphy & Tunnuzzo, Jacob's Market Groceries, Maynard Wallpaper and Paint Company, Seridan Shell Gas Station, Assabet Club, H. Higgins, Leon Laursen Shoe Repair, John F. Donohue, Dr. S. M. Cremer, J. J. Newberry, Frank C. Sheridan, Peoples Theater, J. Kitowicz Shoe Repair, F. W. Woolworth, G. F. Lynch Bowling & Pool, Old Timer's Lunch, Stanley Zincewicz, Murphy & Snyder Printing, A. R. Murphy, The Co-Operative Shoe, Dr. E. F. Ryan, F. Tablowski and Sons, Mann's Taxi Service, Ralph Mann, Samuel Studio, Seagrams's, E. Garbarino Company, E. Menotti & Company, Maynard Monumental Company, Robert E. Hartin, Samuel Hill, Framingham Bottling Company, Herbert W. Martin Funeral Director, Dr. Tadeusz Raczynski
St. Casimir Misc. Church Anniversary Info Folder #2 of 6