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St. Casimir's Annual Festival Booklet - 1951
St. Casimir's Church Annual Festival Booklet. Festival was held September 2, 1951. The booklet is filled with advertisements from local businesses and organizations.
The Program of Field Events
Sack Race - For the Youngsters
Three-Legged Race - For the Youngsters
Pie-Eating Contest - For the Youngsters
Pie-Eating Contest - For the Adults
Tug of War Contest - For the Adults
Some messages in the booklet appear in Polish. Using Google Translate the following approximate translations have been derived:
Pg 2 below Congressman Philip J. Philbin:
Dedication of the Program
This year, the Society of Mutual Aid under the care of Our Lady of Czestochowa celebrates its 40th anniversary. Just as every mother looks with pride and a loving heart at her adult children who, despite the years, remain loyal and attached to her, so today the parish of St. Casimir reflects on this Society, which, like a faithful child of the Mother of the Holy Church, has always gloriously fulfilled its duties towards the Faith and the Fatherland. On this occasion Your Mother, the Polish parish under the protection of the Prince St. Casimir, I warmly congratulate you and, as a sign of remembrance and gratitude, I dedicate this memoir to all your members, living and dead, who have held and continue to hold the banner of truth and faith to the heavens.
Pg 6 opposite Fine Arts and Peoples Theaters:
On the occasion of the festival, we would like to express our sincere wishes to the parish.
Mutual Aid Society of Our Lady of Czestochowa
Who, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of their existence, ask the Most High God and their Blessed Patroness for further growth and protection, turns their thoughts to the past years and gives to their membership, as well as to the whole parish, a list of the deceased of their brothers:
The late Fr. Frog (founder of the Society)
The late Fr. Franciszek Jablonski
<list of other deceased members>
<names and offices of board members>
P.S. The list above was formed from all available sources. If someone has been left out, please forgive us.
Pg 8 opposite Erikson's Dairy:
Tribute to the late Jozef Rusielewicz
He left us in sorrow because he died
But he left us in joy because he was faithful to God to the end and went for his eternal reward
One of the leading founders and pioneers of the Polish parish in Maynard
Paternal guardian and teacher of several generations of Polish children in Maynard
An unparalleled organizer and singer
An inexhaustible sacristan and an inexhaustible church worker
A fearless man in the truth and love of God
A modest and humble man, but a man of great nature
Many of us will be forgotten, but it will not fade in the memory of men and God for a long time
Grant him eternal rest, O Lord, and let eternal light shine upon him
Pg 18 opposite Rounsevell's Maple Leaf Frankforts:
Top section: Wishes sent by the Society of Maria's Children
Middle section: Wishes from the Association of Polish Women in America Group <names and offices>
Lower section: Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament <names and offices>
Also included is a receipt for a sponsorship donation of $40 made by the Mutual Aid Society of Our Lady of Czestochowa, signed by Fr. Frank Miaskiewicz.
The Program of Field Events
Sack Race - For the Youngsters
Three-Legged Race - For the Youngsters
Pie-Eating Contest - For the Youngsters
Pie-Eating Contest - For the Adults
Tug of War Contest - For the Adults
Some messages in the booklet appear in Polish. Using Google Translate the following approximate translations have been derived:
Pg 2 below Congressman Philip J. Philbin:
Dedication of the Program
This year, the Society of Mutual Aid under the care of Our Lady of Czestochowa celebrates its 40th anniversary. Just as every mother looks with pride and a loving heart at her adult children who, despite the years, remain loyal and attached to her, so today the parish of St. Casimir reflects on this Society, which, like a faithful child of the Mother of the Holy Church, has always gloriously fulfilled its duties towards the Faith and the Fatherland. On this occasion Your Mother, the Polish parish under the protection of the Prince St. Casimir, I warmly congratulate you and, as a sign of remembrance and gratitude, I dedicate this memoir to all your members, living and dead, who have held and continue to hold the banner of truth and faith to the heavens.
Pg 6 opposite Fine Arts and Peoples Theaters:
On the occasion of the festival, we would like to express our sincere wishes to the parish.
Mutual Aid Society of Our Lady of Czestochowa
Who, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of their existence, ask the Most High God and their Blessed Patroness for further growth and protection, turns their thoughts to the past years and gives to their membership, as well as to the whole parish, a list of the deceased of their brothers:
The late Fr. Frog (founder of the Society)
The late Fr. Franciszek Jablonski
<list of other deceased members>
<names and offices of board members>
P.S. The list above was formed from all available sources. If someone has been left out, please forgive us.
Pg 8 opposite Erikson's Dairy:
Tribute to the late Jozef Rusielewicz
He left us in sorrow because he died
But he left us in joy because he was faithful to God to the end and went for his eternal reward
One of the leading founders and pioneers of the Polish parish in Maynard
Paternal guardian and teacher of several generations of Polish children in Maynard
An unparalleled organizer and singer
An inexhaustible sacristan and an inexhaustible church worker
A fearless man in the truth and love of God
A modest and humble man, but a man of great nature
Many of us will be forgotten, but it will not fade in the memory of men and God for a long time
Grant him eternal rest, O Lord, and let eternal light shine upon him
Pg 18 opposite Rounsevell's Maple Leaf Frankforts:
Top section: Wishes sent by the Society of Maria's Children
Middle section: Wishes from the Association of Polish Women in America Group <names and offices>
Lower section: Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament <names and offices>
Also included is a receipt for a sponsorship donation of $40 made by the Mutual Aid Society of Our Lady of Czestochowa, signed by Fr. Frank Miaskiewicz.
St. Casimir's Church
2 Sep 1951
Folded, stapled booklet, green cardstock cover, 44 pages.
6 x 9 in
Paper receipt, 4 x 6 in
6 x 9 in
Paper receipt, 4 x 6 in
Murphy & Snyder, Inc.
English, Polish
Document Item Type Metadata
Sponsors (Businesses and Organizations:
Warren A. Twombly Funeral Home, Samuels Photography, Middlesex Launderers & Cleansers, Inc., Fine Arts Theater, Peoples Theater, Erikson’s Dairy, Nelson’s Pontiac, M. Schindler & Son, Waltham Super Market, Technical Products Company, Inc., Pleasant Café, Lund Products, Inc., Maynard Building Supply Company, Murphy & Snyder, Inc., Erkkinen Buick, Co., A & P Super Markets, Tierney Candle Company, Acton Monumental Co., Textile Workers Union of America Local No. 140, John W. Bobka Undertaker, Monahan’s, Rounsevell’s Maple Leaf Frankforts, United Co-Op Society of Maynard, Association of Polish Women in America Group 773, Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament, Maynard Coal Company, Barber Chevrolet, Inc., Central Tailoring Co., The Lincoln Restaurant, Russo Restaruant, The Warszawiaki Orchestra, Manning Pharmacy, Arthur’s Jewelers, Acme Supply Co., Maplecrest Farm Dairy, Ray’s Service Station, Elm Garage, The Thrift Shop, Segal’s Gale Shop, Littlefield Insurance Agency, J. Francis Cleary Insurance, Dr. S. R. Garland Dentist, Dr. Donald O. Feltus Optometrist, Gately’s Service Station, Millstream Café, Old Timer’s Café, John C. King Agency, Jacob’s Market, The Corner Store, Seder & Richmond, Dr. R. E. Hooper, Dr. Samuel M. Cremer, Fred’s Radio & TV Service, Jerry’s Package Store, Colburn’s Service Station, Auto Upholstering Co., Brackett Heating and Appliance, Bachrach’s, Assabet Institution for Savings, W. F. Osbeck Plumbing and Heating, Hermina Gift Shop, Ladd’s Jewelry, The Polish-American Citizens Club, First National Stores, Elizabeth M. Schnair Variety Store, Johnson Pharmacy, Inc., R. Salamone & Sons, Sanderson’s, Freddie’s Luncheonette, Herbert W. Martin, France’s Filling Station and Variety Store, Sundo’s Barber Shop, Stretch’s Tavern, Ray Terrasi’s West End General Store, Inc., Watt’s Esso Service, Mom’s Kitchen, F. J. Tabloskie & Sons, Rainville’s, Tutto’s Alleys, Tom King Package Store, The Auto Shop, Pizza and Spaghetti House, Chin Lee Laundry, Honest Andy Anderson’s Used Cars, Jim Ledgard’s News Stand, The Variety Shoppe, Irene’s Stitch It Shop, Alben’s Shoe Store, Powdermill Garage, Mann’s Taxi, Alina’s Beauty Salon, Connolly’s Market, Paul’s Food Shoppe, Jay’s Shoe Store, Muzzey’s Restaurant, Quality Market, Nan’s Fabrics, E. Garbarino Co., Gladys Beauty Studio, Tarny’s Barber Shop, Parker Hardware, Maynard Supply, Tony’s Barber Shop, Gruber Bros. Co., Maynard Radio & Television, The Fashion Shop, Foley’s Garage, Messier’s Diner, Buscemi’s Market, Hopfmann Bros., Inc, Maynard Plumbing & Heating Co., Priests’ Café, F. A. Colombo & Sons Barber Shop, V. Kangas Shoe Service, Frank B. Lothrop Co., Boeske Bros. Service Station, Maynard Cleansers, Maydale, Crowe’s Beauty Salon and Barber Shop, Robert P. Whitehouse, Inc., Tydol Servicenter, Witmac Furniture Co., Great Road Garage, Christian Floor Company, Marty’s Taxi, Nason St. Spa, L. Roy Hawes Florist, G. I. Taxi, Rickle’s Cut-Rate, Maynard Ice and Oil, Assabet Coal Co., Lovell Bus Lines, Inc., Twin Tree Cafe, Philip J. Philbin Congressman, Dave Williams Representative, St. Casimir’s Choir, Teresa Wasiuk Organist, Elzbieta Jermalowicz Junior Organist
Sponsors (Individuals):
Alexandrowicz, Algierska, Algierski, Allen, Andruszkiewicz, Anelons, Annese, Arcisz, Arciszewski, Bacharska, Bajgot, Bakun, Bandalewicz, Barry, Beavis, Beford, Bigusiak, Boltrukiewicz, Brayden, Brown, Bubnowicz, Buklerewicz, Buscemi, Carbone, Cheslak, Chodynicky, Chyzus, Chutoransky, Clain, Cowles, D’Agata, Dargiewicz, Dawson, Diettrich, Dolson, Donahue, Drause, Drozdowski, Dudzinski, Dzerkacz, Engelhardt, Falco, Farrell, Friguletti, Gallagher, Gallis, Gargiewicz, Gentsch, Gilleney, Girdziewjewska, Girdziewski, Gogolin, Graff, Graham, Grant, Gudzinowicz, Harasimczyk, Harrington, Hickey, Howe, Jakubowicz, Jakusik, Janczewski, Januliewicz, Jarmulowicz, Jerszyk, Jones, Jurgielewicz, Kochnowicz, Kamesh, Karpeichik, Kaskiewicz, Kavalchuk, Kelley, Kelly, Kiemierz, Kitowicz, Kochnowicz Kodzis, Konowicz, Kowszewicz, Krysieniel, Kugima, Kulevich, Kulewicz, Kulik, Kulikowski, Kurowski, Labowicz, Lankiewicz, Lawson, Lech, Lehto, Lichorai, Lisaj, Loika, Lowell, Luckzo, Mackiewicz, Marchuk, Martino, Maskiewicz, Mason, McGrath, Mikijaniec, Mikutajcis, Milewski, Minko, Miola, Misiuk, Nahorski, Nichols, Nordberg, Noszka, Nowik, O’Neil, O’Tool, Palmaccio, Parke, Paszkielewicz, Pearce, Phaneuf, Pianowski, Piecewicz, Pilecki, Pileki, Piuto, Pizza, Pleskowicz, Polonis, Poyser, Pozweycki, Preckol, Pronko, Rogers, Rusielewicz, Rynkiewicz, Sczerzen, Sebstynowicz, Sielicki, Siemieniak, Siergiej, Silkonis, Sokilowski, Sikorski, Sinicka, Siuta, Slabysz, Smale, Smith, Sofka, Sokolousky, Stades, Stasiukiewicz, Staszewska, Staszewski, Stefanowicz, Stemplewski, Stockwell, Sullivan, Sweeney, Szebunka, Szostak, Tamulevich, Taryma, Tomyl, Troisi, Troskey, Vincent, Walicka, Walsh, Waluk, Warsowicz, Wojsznis, Wasiuk, Weaver, Welden, Williams, Wojtkiewicz, Wojsznis, Wozniak, Zance, Zancewicz, Zanelli, Zawadzki, Zuk, Zwirbla
Warren A. Twombly Funeral Home, Samuels Photography, Middlesex Launderers & Cleansers, Inc., Fine Arts Theater, Peoples Theater, Erikson’s Dairy, Nelson’s Pontiac, M. Schindler & Son, Waltham Super Market, Technical Products Company, Inc., Pleasant Café, Lund Products, Inc., Maynard Building Supply Company, Murphy & Snyder, Inc., Erkkinen Buick, Co., A & P Super Markets, Tierney Candle Company, Acton Monumental Co., Textile Workers Union of America Local No. 140, John W. Bobka Undertaker, Monahan’s, Rounsevell’s Maple Leaf Frankforts, United Co-Op Society of Maynard, Association of Polish Women in America Group 773, Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament, Maynard Coal Company, Barber Chevrolet, Inc., Central Tailoring Co., The Lincoln Restaurant, Russo Restaruant, The Warszawiaki Orchestra, Manning Pharmacy, Arthur’s Jewelers, Acme Supply Co., Maplecrest Farm Dairy, Ray’s Service Station, Elm Garage, The Thrift Shop, Segal’s Gale Shop, Littlefield Insurance Agency, J. Francis Cleary Insurance, Dr. S. R. Garland Dentist, Dr. Donald O. Feltus Optometrist, Gately’s Service Station, Millstream Café, Old Timer’s Café, John C. King Agency, Jacob’s Market, The Corner Store, Seder & Richmond, Dr. R. E. Hooper, Dr. Samuel M. Cremer, Fred’s Radio & TV Service, Jerry’s Package Store, Colburn’s Service Station, Auto Upholstering Co., Brackett Heating and Appliance, Bachrach’s, Assabet Institution for Savings, W. F. Osbeck Plumbing and Heating, Hermina Gift Shop, Ladd’s Jewelry, The Polish-American Citizens Club, First National Stores, Elizabeth M. Schnair Variety Store, Johnson Pharmacy, Inc., R. Salamone & Sons, Sanderson’s, Freddie’s Luncheonette, Herbert W. Martin, France’s Filling Station and Variety Store, Sundo’s Barber Shop, Stretch’s Tavern, Ray Terrasi’s West End General Store, Inc., Watt’s Esso Service, Mom’s Kitchen, F. J. Tabloskie & Sons, Rainville’s, Tutto’s Alleys, Tom King Package Store, The Auto Shop, Pizza and Spaghetti House, Chin Lee Laundry, Honest Andy Anderson’s Used Cars, Jim Ledgard’s News Stand, The Variety Shoppe, Irene’s Stitch It Shop, Alben’s Shoe Store, Powdermill Garage, Mann’s Taxi, Alina’s Beauty Salon, Connolly’s Market, Paul’s Food Shoppe, Jay’s Shoe Store, Muzzey’s Restaurant, Quality Market, Nan’s Fabrics, E. Garbarino Co., Gladys Beauty Studio, Tarny’s Barber Shop, Parker Hardware, Maynard Supply, Tony’s Barber Shop, Gruber Bros. Co., Maynard Radio & Television, The Fashion Shop, Foley’s Garage, Messier’s Diner, Buscemi’s Market, Hopfmann Bros., Inc, Maynard Plumbing & Heating Co., Priests’ Café, F. A. Colombo & Sons Barber Shop, V. Kangas Shoe Service, Frank B. Lothrop Co., Boeske Bros. Service Station, Maynard Cleansers, Maydale, Crowe’s Beauty Salon and Barber Shop, Robert P. Whitehouse, Inc., Tydol Servicenter, Witmac Furniture Co., Great Road Garage, Christian Floor Company, Marty’s Taxi, Nason St. Spa, L. Roy Hawes Florist, G. I. Taxi, Rickle’s Cut-Rate, Maynard Ice and Oil, Assabet Coal Co., Lovell Bus Lines, Inc., Twin Tree Cafe, Philip J. Philbin Congressman, Dave Williams Representative, St. Casimir’s Choir, Teresa Wasiuk Organist, Elzbieta Jermalowicz Junior Organist
Sponsors (Individuals):
Alexandrowicz, Algierska, Algierski, Allen, Andruszkiewicz, Anelons, Annese, Arcisz, Arciszewski, Bacharska, Bajgot, Bakun, Bandalewicz, Barry, Beavis, Beford, Bigusiak, Boltrukiewicz, Brayden, Brown, Bubnowicz, Buklerewicz, Buscemi, Carbone, Cheslak, Chodynicky, Chyzus, Chutoransky, Clain, Cowles, D’Agata, Dargiewicz, Dawson, Diettrich, Dolson, Donahue, Drause, Drozdowski, Dudzinski, Dzerkacz, Engelhardt, Falco, Farrell, Friguletti, Gallagher, Gallis, Gargiewicz, Gentsch, Gilleney, Girdziewjewska, Girdziewski, Gogolin, Graff, Graham, Grant, Gudzinowicz, Harasimczyk, Harrington, Hickey, Howe, Jakubowicz, Jakusik, Janczewski, Januliewicz, Jarmulowicz, Jerszyk, Jones, Jurgielewicz, Kochnowicz, Kamesh, Karpeichik, Kaskiewicz, Kavalchuk, Kelley, Kelly, Kiemierz, Kitowicz, Kochnowicz Kodzis, Konowicz, Kowszewicz, Krysieniel, Kugima, Kulevich, Kulewicz, Kulik, Kulikowski, Kurowski, Labowicz, Lankiewicz, Lawson, Lech, Lehto, Lichorai, Lisaj, Loika, Lowell, Luckzo, Mackiewicz, Marchuk, Martino, Maskiewicz, Mason, McGrath, Mikijaniec, Mikutajcis, Milewski, Minko, Miola, Misiuk, Nahorski, Nichols, Nordberg, Noszka, Nowik, O’Neil, O’Tool, Palmaccio, Parke, Paszkielewicz, Pearce, Phaneuf, Pianowski, Piecewicz, Pilecki, Pileki, Piuto, Pizza, Pleskowicz, Polonis, Poyser, Pozweycki, Preckol, Pronko, Rogers, Rusielewicz, Rynkiewicz, Sczerzen, Sebstynowicz, Sielicki, Siemieniak, Siergiej, Silkonis, Sokilowski, Sikorski, Sinicka, Siuta, Slabysz, Smale, Smith, Sofka, Sokolousky, Stades, Stasiukiewicz, Staszewska, Staszewski, Stefanowicz, Stemplewski, Stockwell, Sullivan, Sweeney, Szebunka, Szostak, Tamulevich, Taryma, Tomyl, Troisi, Troskey, Vincent, Walicka, Walsh, Waluk, Warsowicz, Wojsznis, Wasiuk, Weaver, Welden, Williams, Wojtkiewicz, Wojsznis, Wozniak, Zance, Zancewicz, Zanelli, Zawadzki, Zuk, Zwirbla
St. Casimir Church Folder #4 of 6