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St. Casimir's Reunion and Bazaar Booklet - 1961
This booklet contains information about St. Casimir's Church, thoughts on the upcoming parish Golden Jubilee, and a list of parishioners and their donations throughout the year. It also contains thoughts on Christmas, Communism, and more.
Pastor: Fr. Francis S. Miaskiewicz
Committee Members:
John Bandalowicz, John Bandalowicz Jr., Pauline Bandalewicz, Robert Butler, Ruth Bradley Clair, Albert Cowles, Joan Cowles, John Cowles, Malvina Cowles, Jeanne Drozdowski, Victoria Gallagher, Frank Gallis, Mary Gallis, Regina Gallis, Robert Gallis, Robert Gogolin, Josephine Grant, Ben Gudzinowicz, Mary Howe, Stanley Jakusik, Stanley Janczewski, Ann Jarmulowicz, Stanley Karpeichik, Stanley Kodzis, Alex Kulewicz, Stanley Kulik, Alfons Krysieniel, Veronica Krysieniel, Stella Lehto, Andrew Linial, Christine Linial, Barbara McGee, John McGee, Adele Milewski, John Novick, Judith Novick, Robert O'Neil, Stella O'Neil, Eugene Phaneuf, Ben Piecewicz, Charles Piecewicz, Frances Piecewicz, Jean Pierozzi, Joseph Pozerycki, Theresa Pozerycki, Eloise Pronko, Peter Pronko, Leonard Rychlik, William Stades, Dorothy Staszewski, Edwin Wasiuk, Walter Wasiuk, Walter Wasiuk Jr., Xaviera Wasiuk, Jennie Wojtkiewicz, Gladys Wozniak, Stephen Wozniak
Acme Supply Co. Firestone, Acton Street Service Station, Albre Marble and Tile Co., Inc. (Boston), Anderson Ford Sales, Andreoli, Inc. Wholesale Tobacco and Candy (Lowell), Arthur’s Jewelry, Assabet Institution for Savings, Assabet Oil Company, Henry Augustyniak Hardwood Floors, Auto Upholstering Co., Avalon Club, Bachrach's Super Market, Barber Chevrolet, Inc., Bearl’s Sportswear and Shoes, G. Bonazzoli & Sons General Contractors (Hudson), Bonazzoli Oil Co., Inc. (Hudson), Bursaw Gas & Oil Company, Inc. (East Acton), Buscemi's Market, Butler Lumber Co., Capital Molding Corp., Cassidy’s Lobster Haven (Wayland), Central Tailoring Company (Weston), J. Francis Cleary Insurance, Reverend Francis D. Chmaj, Pastor Our Lady of Ostrobrama (Boston), Christian Floor Co., Chubbby’s Inc. (Fitchberg), Concord Bowlarena (Concord), Samuel M. Cremer M.D., Concord Co-Operative Bank, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cowles and Family, Crowell Farm Poultry Store (Stow), R. E. Crowell & Sons Fresh Baked Pies (Stow), Ray Cummiskey Builder and Contractor, D & M Shoe Company (Hudson), Francis A. D’Ambrosio, M. D., Dennison Manufacturing Co., Donelan’s (Littleton), C. H. Duston, M. D., Erikson's Dairy, Fashion Shop, Donald O. Feltus O. D., Fine Arts Theater Art Gallery and French Restaurant, Flerra’s Apple Storage (West Acton), Robert Fletcher Master Electrician (South Acton), France’s Filling Station, Fred’s Radio & TV Service, Gacek Funeral Home (Lowell), Garbarino Co., Inc Distributor of Malt Beverages (Framingham), Gately's Service Station, Cast Dental Laboratory (Natick), Eli H. Gordon Optometrist (Concord), Gould’s and Redwood Shop (Hudson), Grants (Hudson), Great Road Garage, Dr. Thomas W. Griffin – Dentist (Concord), Peter Grimes Travel Service (Concord), Gruber Bros. Co. Furniture, Herpy’s Dairy (Littleton), John J. Hobin Decorative Painting, J. K. Holmes M. D., Howard Johnson’s Restaurant (Concord), R. E. Hooper M. D., Hopfmann Bros., Inc. (Clinton), Hudson Dress Shop, Irene’s Stitch-It Shop, Jacobs Market, Jay's Shoe Store, J. & S. Service Jenney Gas, Miss Jean’s Dance Studio, Jerry's Package Store, John’s One Hour Cleaners, Johnson Pharmacy, F. J. Kane & Sons “Redimix” Concrete (Hudson), V. Kangas Shoe Service, Ken’s Amoco Service (Stow), John C. King Insurance Agency, Tom King's Package Store, Inc., Stanley J. Kodzis – Taxidermist, Doug Langille Real Estate (Marlboro), The LaPointe Machine Tool Company (Hudson), R & I Laundromat, E. F. Laurence Co. Candlemakers (Northborough), Lawrence Turkey Farm (Stow), Harrold A. Ledgard – Realtor, Lexington Sand and Gravel, Liberty Tree House (South Acton), Littlefield Insurance Agency, Lund Products, Inc. Agricultural Knives, MacRae Furniture Company (Sudbury), Mammoth Mart Discount Department Store (Framingham), The Manning Pharmacy, Manny’s Café (Hudson), Marchant Signs (South Acton), The Maridor (Framingham), Marlborough Country Club, Marty's Taxi, Mary’s Coffee Shop, Matheson Piano and Organ Shop (Framingham), Maynard & Acton Oil Company, Inc., Maynard Army and Navy Store, Maynard Coal Company, Inc., Maynard Diner, Maynard Drug, Inc., Maynard Industries, Inc., Maynard Oil Company, Maynard Social Club, Maynard Supply Company, Mawhinney Motor Sales (Lexington), Medical Center Pharmacy (Concord), Middlesex Launderers and Cleansers Inc., Millstream Package Store, Dr. Albert M. Miller Dentist (Hudson), Mister Takeout, Monti Granite Co., Inc. (Quincy), D. Francis Murphy Real Estate and Insurance (Hudson), Murphy & Snyder, Inc., Nason Street Spa, Mrs. Ranghild M. Nelson Real Estate, J. J. Newberry Co., Old Timers Café, Dr. Reno Orsi – Optometrist, W. F. Osbeck Plumbing, Paper Store, Helen Phaneuf, Congressman Philip J. Philbin, Phoenix Spring Beverage Co. (Shirley), Pizza and Spaghetti House, Pleasant Cafe, Poplin's Furniture and Appliances (Hudson), Polish Roman Catholic Union, Pop-Corn-Charlie, Powder Mill Manufacturing Co., Inc., Pugsley’s Ravon Station, Quillin Ford Inc. (Littleton), Ray’s Radio and TV Repair, Red Coach Grills (Wayland and Framingham), The Red Door, Regulski-Polaski, Inc. Church Goods (New York), Rockdale Store (Hudson), Rounsevell’s Maple Leaf Frankforts, Russo's Restaurant, E. F. Ryan, M.D., R. Salamone and Sons Self Service, Sanderson’s Stationary, San-Vel Concrete Corporation (Littleton), H. H. Scott, Sears Roebuck Catalog Sales Office (Hudson), Seder & Richmond Garden and Building Supplies, Segal's Gale Shop Women’s and Girl’s Apparel, Sheehan & White Funeral Service, M. Shindler & Son Shoes (Hudson), Soko’s Steakhouse, St. Casimir Parish Holy Name Society, The Store (Stow), Stretch's Tavern, Stow Acres Country Club Inc., A. & J. Sub Shop, Sudbury Inn, Sundo’s Barber Shop, Tarney’s Barber Shop, Tierney Candle Co. (Somerville), Tombeno Bros. Plumbing and Heating (Concord), Tutto's Alleys Luncheonette, United Co-Op Society, Victory Super Market, Wachusett Potato Chip Company, Inc. (Fitchburg), Waltham Super Market, Dr. James E. Walsh – Dentist (Hudson), Washington St. Motors, Inc. (Hudson), Watts Radio and TV Service (South Acton), Westford Auto Parts, Wheeler’s Rug and Upholstery Cleaners, Robert P. Whitehouse, Inc., Whitmac Funiture, Co., Wilson Lumber Co. (Concord), The Yankee Chef (South Acton), Nicholas J. Zichella Insurance and Real Estate (Framingham)
Pastor: Fr. Francis S. Miaskiewicz
Committee Members:
John Bandalowicz, John Bandalowicz Jr., Pauline Bandalewicz, Robert Butler, Ruth Bradley Clair, Albert Cowles, Joan Cowles, John Cowles, Malvina Cowles, Jeanne Drozdowski, Victoria Gallagher, Frank Gallis, Mary Gallis, Regina Gallis, Robert Gallis, Robert Gogolin, Josephine Grant, Ben Gudzinowicz, Mary Howe, Stanley Jakusik, Stanley Janczewski, Ann Jarmulowicz, Stanley Karpeichik, Stanley Kodzis, Alex Kulewicz, Stanley Kulik, Alfons Krysieniel, Veronica Krysieniel, Stella Lehto, Andrew Linial, Christine Linial, Barbara McGee, John McGee, Adele Milewski, John Novick, Judith Novick, Robert O'Neil, Stella O'Neil, Eugene Phaneuf, Ben Piecewicz, Charles Piecewicz, Frances Piecewicz, Jean Pierozzi, Joseph Pozerycki, Theresa Pozerycki, Eloise Pronko, Peter Pronko, Leonard Rychlik, William Stades, Dorothy Staszewski, Edwin Wasiuk, Walter Wasiuk, Walter Wasiuk Jr., Xaviera Wasiuk, Jennie Wojtkiewicz, Gladys Wozniak, Stephen Wozniak
Acme Supply Co. Firestone, Acton Street Service Station, Albre Marble and Tile Co., Inc. (Boston), Anderson Ford Sales, Andreoli, Inc. Wholesale Tobacco and Candy (Lowell), Arthur’s Jewelry, Assabet Institution for Savings, Assabet Oil Company, Henry Augustyniak Hardwood Floors, Auto Upholstering Co., Avalon Club, Bachrach's Super Market, Barber Chevrolet, Inc., Bearl’s Sportswear and Shoes, G. Bonazzoli & Sons General Contractors (Hudson), Bonazzoli Oil Co., Inc. (Hudson), Bursaw Gas & Oil Company, Inc. (East Acton), Buscemi's Market, Butler Lumber Co., Capital Molding Corp., Cassidy’s Lobster Haven (Wayland), Central Tailoring Company (Weston), J. Francis Cleary Insurance, Reverend Francis D. Chmaj, Pastor Our Lady of Ostrobrama (Boston), Christian Floor Co., Chubbby’s Inc. (Fitchberg), Concord Bowlarena (Concord), Samuel M. Cremer M.D., Concord Co-Operative Bank, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cowles and Family, Crowell Farm Poultry Store (Stow), R. E. Crowell & Sons Fresh Baked Pies (Stow), Ray Cummiskey Builder and Contractor, D & M Shoe Company (Hudson), Francis A. D’Ambrosio, M. D., Dennison Manufacturing Co., Donelan’s (Littleton), C. H. Duston, M. D., Erikson's Dairy, Fashion Shop, Donald O. Feltus O. D., Fine Arts Theater Art Gallery and French Restaurant, Flerra’s Apple Storage (West Acton), Robert Fletcher Master Electrician (South Acton), France’s Filling Station, Fred’s Radio & TV Service, Gacek Funeral Home (Lowell), Garbarino Co., Inc Distributor of Malt Beverages (Framingham), Gately's Service Station, Cast Dental Laboratory (Natick), Eli H. Gordon Optometrist (Concord), Gould’s and Redwood Shop (Hudson), Grants (Hudson), Great Road Garage, Dr. Thomas W. Griffin – Dentist (Concord), Peter Grimes Travel Service (Concord), Gruber Bros. Co. Furniture, Herpy’s Dairy (Littleton), John J. Hobin Decorative Painting, J. K. Holmes M. D., Howard Johnson’s Restaurant (Concord), R. E. Hooper M. D., Hopfmann Bros., Inc. (Clinton), Hudson Dress Shop, Irene’s Stitch-It Shop, Jacobs Market, Jay's Shoe Store, J. & S. Service Jenney Gas, Miss Jean’s Dance Studio, Jerry's Package Store, John’s One Hour Cleaners, Johnson Pharmacy, F. J. Kane & Sons “Redimix” Concrete (Hudson), V. Kangas Shoe Service, Ken’s Amoco Service (Stow), John C. King Insurance Agency, Tom King's Package Store, Inc., Stanley J. Kodzis – Taxidermist, Doug Langille Real Estate (Marlboro), The LaPointe Machine Tool Company (Hudson), R & I Laundromat, E. F. Laurence Co. Candlemakers (Northborough), Lawrence Turkey Farm (Stow), Harrold A. Ledgard – Realtor, Lexington Sand and Gravel, Liberty Tree House (South Acton), Littlefield Insurance Agency, Lund Products, Inc. Agricultural Knives, MacRae Furniture Company (Sudbury), Mammoth Mart Discount Department Store (Framingham), The Manning Pharmacy, Manny’s Café (Hudson), Marchant Signs (South Acton), The Maridor (Framingham), Marlborough Country Club, Marty's Taxi, Mary’s Coffee Shop, Matheson Piano and Organ Shop (Framingham), Maynard & Acton Oil Company, Inc., Maynard Army and Navy Store, Maynard Coal Company, Inc., Maynard Diner, Maynard Drug, Inc., Maynard Industries, Inc., Maynard Oil Company, Maynard Social Club, Maynard Supply Company, Mawhinney Motor Sales (Lexington), Medical Center Pharmacy (Concord), Middlesex Launderers and Cleansers Inc., Millstream Package Store, Dr. Albert M. Miller Dentist (Hudson), Mister Takeout, Monti Granite Co., Inc. (Quincy), D. Francis Murphy Real Estate and Insurance (Hudson), Murphy & Snyder, Inc., Nason Street Spa, Mrs. Ranghild M. Nelson Real Estate, J. J. Newberry Co., Old Timers Café, Dr. Reno Orsi – Optometrist, W. F. Osbeck Plumbing, Paper Store, Helen Phaneuf, Congressman Philip J. Philbin, Phoenix Spring Beverage Co. (Shirley), Pizza and Spaghetti House, Pleasant Cafe, Poplin's Furniture and Appliances (Hudson), Polish Roman Catholic Union, Pop-Corn-Charlie, Powder Mill Manufacturing Co., Inc., Pugsley’s Ravon Station, Quillin Ford Inc. (Littleton), Ray’s Radio and TV Repair, Red Coach Grills (Wayland and Framingham), The Red Door, Regulski-Polaski, Inc. Church Goods (New York), Rockdale Store (Hudson), Rounsevell’s Maple Leaf Frankforts, Russo's Restaurant, E. F. Ryan, M.D., R. Salamone and Sons Self Service, Sanderson’s Stationary, San-Vel Concrete Corporation (Littleton), H. H. Scott, Sears Roebuck Catalog Sales Office (Hudson), Seder & Richmond Garden and Building Supplies, Segal's Gale Shop Women’s and Girl’s Apparel, Sheehan & White Funeral Service, M. Shindler & Son Shoes (Hudson), Soko’s Steakhouse, St. Casimir Parish Holy Name Society, The Store (Stow), Stretch's Tavern, Stow Acres Country Club Inc., A. & J. Sub Shop, Sudbury Inn, Sundo’s Barber Shop, Tarney’s Barber Shop, Tierney Candle Co. (Somerville), Tombeno Bros. Plumbing and Heating (Concord), Tutto's Alleys Luncheonette, United Co-Op Society, Victory Super Market, Wachusett Potato Chip Company, Inc. (Fitchburg), Waltham Super Market, Dr. James E. Walsh – Dentist (Hudson), Washington St. Motors, Inc. (Hudson), Watts Radio and TV Service (South Acton), Westford Auto Parts, Wheeler’s Rug and Upholstery Cleaners, Robert P. Whitehouse, Inc., Whitmac Funiture, Co., Wilson Lumber Co. (Concord), The Yankee Chef (South Acton), Nicholas J. Zichella Insurance and Real Estate (Framingham)
St. Casimir's Church
December 2 and 3 1961
Benny Sofka
Stapled booklet with cardstock covers, 8.25 x 10.75 in. 48 pages (3 copies)
Murphy & Snyder, Inc.
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