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The Screech Owl - First Anniversary Number March 1928
This is the "First Anniversary Number", a special edition of "The Screech Owl" newspaper published in March 1928.
This is not a yearbook.
The Staff: Leo Mullin, Sylvia Ahola, Samuel Gilman, Maurice White, John Horan, Bernard Green, Irma Ryssy, Edward Fearns, Jeannette Johnston, Helmi Hiipakka, Hulda Hill, Salmi Wirkkanen, Lawrence Lerer, Catherine Coughlin, Francis Ledgard, Jane Boicourt, William Niskanen, Florence Wilcox, Annie Lehto, Waino Sjoblom, Edna Paine, Samuel Bachrach, Helen Nee, Wilho Frigard, Mary Thompson
Advertisers: Rickle's Shoe Store; Byron & Hoffman, diner; Freeman & Clancy, plumbing; Assabet Institution for Savings; N. J. Cole, diner; Maynard Coal Company; Boston Furniture Company; South Acton Coal and Lumber Company; Dr. J. H. Matzkin; Anton Jantti, tailor; McDevitt Service Station, automobile; Gruber Bros. Furniture; United Co-operative Society; Maynard Gift Shop; Middlesex Family Laundry; Frank J. McCarron, insurance, real estate; Fullonton's, hats; Maynard and Acton Oil Company, Bursaw; Lovell Bus Lines; John C. King Agency, insurance; Central Garage, automobile; Dr. Hooper; J. A. MacPherson, hardware; J. Oberg, shoes; A. W. Lord, confectionary; The W. A. Haynes Co., Inc., lumber; Dr. E. F. Ryan; Maydale Beverages; A. S. Crowe, hairdresser; William F. Driscoll's, ice cream; Lerer's, clothing.
This is not a yearbook.
The Staff: Leo Mullin, Sylvia Ahola, Samuel Gilman, Maurice White, John Horan, Bernard Green, Irma Ryssy, Edward Fearns, Jeannette Johnston, Helmi Hiipakka, Hulda Hill, Salmi Wirkkanen, Lawrence Lerer, Catherine Coughlin, Francis Ledgard, Jane Boicourt, William Niskanen, Florence Wilcox, Annie Lehto, Waino Sjoblom, Edna Paine, Samuel Bachrach, Helen Nee, Wilho Frigard, Mary Thompson
Advertisers: Rickle's Shoe Store; Byron & Hoffman, diner; Freeman & Clancy, plumbing; Assabet Institution for Savings; N. J. Cole, diner; Maynard Coal Company; Boston Furniture Company; South Acton Coal and Lumber Company; Dr. J. H. Matzkin; Anton Jantti, tailor; McDevitt Service Station, automobile; Gruber Bros. Furniture; United Co-operative Society; Maynard Gift Shop; Middlesex Family Laundry; Frank J. McCarron, insurance, real estate; Fullonton's, hats; Maynard and Acton Oil Company, Bursaw; Lovell Bus Lines; John C. King Agency, insurance; Central Garage, automobile; Dr. Hooper; J. A. MacPherson, hardware; J. Oberg, shoes; A. W. Lord, confectionary; The W. A. Haynes Co., Inc., lumber; Dr. E. F. Ryan; Maydale Beverages; A. S. Crowe, hairdresser; William F. Driscoll's, ice cream; Lerer's, clothing.
Maynard High School
Document Item Type Metadata
One year has passed since the now world famed "Screech Owl" first appeared. The year 1927 has been one of progress for this paper in spite of the adverse business conditions and the difficulties that confront any newly instituted periodical. The great expense of publishing a magazine of this type requires the wholehearted co-operation of the students in the high school both in subscribing and submitting material for publication. This paper in the past has been supported loyally by the majority of pupils but why not have every student a subscriber - every student a booster? If you consider yourself a student of M. H. S. you should feel obliged to subscribe because it is your paper and your duty to support it.
At this time I think it is also fitting and proper to call on the Alumni for their support. You may be out of high school 50 vears but you should still take an interest in the doings of your Alma Mater. The best means of keeping informed about the activities that are going on is to subscribe to the "Screech Owl? which is now one of the most influential periodicals of its kind being published in any high school in Massachusetts.
The business end of this paper is the end which requires the most attention because it is of vital importance to its success. The business men of the town have been keenly interested in the "Screech Ow] and have supported it most generously by contributing advertisements. The rates which we charge for "ads" are far below the rates of other school papers but we think they are sufficient as long as we are able to finance the paper successfully. It is wise to advertise in the "Screech Ow]" because this paper goes into the homes of the best people, the people who are your customers. If you are in business and business isn't good get in touch with our business manager or some member of the staff and we will see that you are accommodated.
In closing I would like to thank all those who have in the past aided in any way the success of this paper.
At this time I think it is also fitting and proper to call on the Alumni for their support. You may be out of high school 50 vears but you should still take an interest in the doings of your Alma Mater. The best means of keeping informed about the activities that are going on is to subscribe to the "Screech Owl? which is now one of the most influential periodicals of its kind being published in any high school in Massachusetts.
The business end of this paper is the end which requires the most attention because it is of vital importance to its success. The business men of the town have been keenly interested in the "Screech Ow] and have supported it most generously by contributing advertisements. The rates which we charge for "ads" are far below the rates of other school papers but we think they are sufficient as long as we are able to finance the paper successfully. It is wise to advertise in the "Screech Ow]" because this paper goes into the homes of the best people, the people who are your customers. If you are in business and business isn't good get in touch with our business manager or some member of the staff and we will see that you are accommodated.
In closing I would like to thank all those who have in the past aided in any way the success of this paper.
Original Format
Stapled soft covered paper booklet 7 x 10 inches; 42 pages
SU19-6 (front)