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The Screech Owl Yearbook - 1935
Early High School literary magazine published several times throughout the year. This is the June / Graduation issue. It contains editorials, short stories, alumni notes, athletics news, school news and other tidbits. Click on the image at the right to view the full document as a searchable .pdf file.
Staff: Elmer Salenius, Elizabeth Mahoney, Edward Ledgard, Louis Bachrach, Robert Seder, Eleanor Flaherty, Catherine Hoffman, Edward Hoffman, Malcolm Trees, Robert Duggan, Elvi Nyholm, Russell Jordan, Gilbert Mann, Charlotte King, Laura Salminen, Irene Lemoine, Roy Lent, Barbara Jordan, William Glickman, William Palmer, William Brindley, Helen Sinewski, Mary Sienkiewicz, Josephine Castellini, Miriam Uljua, Catherine Allard
Screech Owl Faculty Advisor: Vena Field
Class Advisor: Miss Ruth Wilson
Class of 1935: Arne Aho, Catherine Allard, Edward Allan, Catherine Allen, Unto Anderson, Walter Boeske, Mary Boothroyd, Pauline Butterworth, Josephine Castelline, Roland Chidley, Alfred Carey, Peter Chuteranski, Raymond Crowley, Harold Cuttell, Robert Duggan, Ruth Fayton, Angelina Gandolfo, Joseph Girdziewski, Robert Gogolin, Norman Hannon, Dorothy Harris, Marion Hatch, Gertrude Heikkila, Russell Heinonen, Ruth Hunt, Edward Hoffman, Tauno Hytonen, Grank Ignachuk, Alphonse Januskiewicz, Eileen Johnston, Russell Jordan, Alexander Kavalchuk, Francis Keegan, Isabella Kegreese, Lyyii Kemppinen, Anastacia Kisley, Victor Kurowski, Vincent Labowicz, Constanzi Lalli, Edward Ledgard, James Ledgard, Reino Lehto, Ruth Lehto, Roy Lent, Robert Lester, Joseph Lickorai, Elizabeth Mahoney, Gilbert Mann, Roberta Marsden, Mary Maskiewicz, Elizabeth May, Robert McGarry, Elizabeth Meriluoto, Adolphina Milewski, Stanley Milewski, Joseph Minko, Ronald Newman, Arvi Norgoal, Josephine Norvicki, Elvi Nyholm, Edward O'Donnell, Doris Peterson, Peter Piecewicz, Stanley Piecewicz, Frank Primiano, John Punch, Alexander Popienuck, Stella Rubaszko, Elmer Salenius, John Saluski, Elizabeth Schnair, Rose Settipani, Anthony Sidorovich, Mary Sienkiewicz, Helen Sinewski, Broncia Slabyxz, Myrtle Smith, Annie Spence, Doris Sochier, Stanley Staszewski, Charles Sulkala, Margaret Thane, Jane Tobin, Robert Tobin, Malcolm Trees, Eva Trunca, Eero Tuomanen, Miriam Uljua, Vera Valinsky, Helen Weckstrom, Ruth Weir, John Zaleska
Advertisers and Sponsors:
Burdett College
Peoples Theater
Class of 1936
Crowe's Barber Shop and Beauty Shop
United Co-Operative Society
Dr. E. F. Ryan
Gruber Bros. Furniture
Paul's Food Shoppe
Chin Lee Laundry
Dr. S. R. Garland
F. G. Stammers Jeweler
First National Co-Op Ass'n
Dr. J. M. Bellows
Ralph Weckstrom and His Orchestra
F. W. Woolworth Co.
Middlesex Mutual Fire Insurance Company
Frank J. McCarron Real Estate and Insurance
Lovell Bus Lines
Murphy & Martin
Assabet Institution for Savings
Beacon Shoe Store
Maynard Ice & Oil Co.
Murphy & Snyder
Vantine Studios, Inc.
Sheridan's Shell Station
Koskell and Wainio Barber Shop
Dr. R. E. Hooper
Tarny's Barber Shop
A. W. Lord & Co. Confectionery
Boston Tailor Cleansers and Dyers
Oberg Store
Segal's Hosiery Shop
Alina's Beauty Salon
Maynard Coal Co.
Maydale Beverages
L. Roy Hawes Florist
Sanderson Stationery
J. J. Newvberry Co. Store
Rainvilles' Men's Store
Lyons & Kelly Pool and Billiards
W. B. Case & Sons
G. W. Fowler Ambulance Service
Middlesex Family Laundry Co.
Dr. F. A. May
The Elite Beauty Shoppe
M. Townsend Gift Shop
Middlesex Institution for Savings
Ledgard's Circulating Library, Allen's Cafe
B. J. Coughlin Package Store
John C. King Insurance Agency
Northeastern University
Assabet Mill Employees
A. A. Minahan
Coughlan's Garage Pontiac Sales and Service
Staff: Elmer Salenius, Elizabeth Mahoney, Edward Ledgard, Louis Bachrach, Robert Seder, Eleanor Flaherty, Catherine Hoffman, Edward Hoffman, Malcolm Trees, Robert Duggan, Elvi Nyholm, Russell Jordan, Gilbert Mann, Charlotte King, Laura Salminen, Irene Lemoine, Roy Lent, Barbara Jordan, William Glickman, William Palmer, William Brindley, Helen Sinewski, Mary Sienkiewicz, Josephine Castellini, Miriam Uljua, Catherine Allard
Screech Owl Faculty Advisor: Vena Field
Class Advisor: Miss Ruth Wilson
Class of 1935: Arne Aho, Catherine Allard, Edward Allan, Catherine Allen, Unto Anderson, Walter Boeske, Mary Boothroyd, Pauline Butterworth, Josephine Castelline, Roland Chidley, Alfred Carey, Peter Chuteranski, Raymond Crowley, Harold Cuttell, Robert Duggan, Ruth Fayton, Angelina Gandolfo, Joseph Girdziewski, Robert Gogolin, Norman Hannon, Dorothy Harris, Marion Hatch, Gertrude Heikkila, Russell Heinonen, Ruth Hunt, Edward Hoffman, Tauno Hytonen, Grank Ignachuk, Alphonse Januskiewicz, Eileen Johnston, Russell Jordan, Alexander Kavalchuk, Francis Keegan, Isabella Kegreese, Lyyii Kemppinen, Anastacia Kisley, Victor Kurowski, Vincent Labowicz, Constanzi Lalli, Edward Ledgard, James Ledgard, Reino Lehto, Ruth Lehto, Roy Lent, Robert Lester, Joseph Lickorai, Elizabeth Mahoney, Gilbert Mann, Roberta Marsden, Mary Maskiewicz, Elizabeth May, Robert McGarry, Elizabeth Meriluoto, Adolphina Milewski, Stanley Milewski, Joseph Minko, Ronald Newman, Arvi Norgoal, Josephine Norvicki, Elvi Nyholm, Edward O'Donnell, Doris Peterson, Peter Piecewicz, Stanley Piecewicz, Frank Primiano, John Punch, Alexander Popienuck, Stella Rubaszko, Elmer Salenius, John Saluski, Elizabeth Schnair, Rose Settipani, Anthony Sidorovich, Mary Sienkiewicz, Helen Sinewski, Broncia Slabyxz, Myrtle Smith, Annie Spence, Doris Sochier, Stanley Staszewski, Charles Sulkala, Margaret Thane, Jane Tobin, Robert Tobin, Malcolm Trees, Eva Trunca, Eero Tuomanen, Miriam Uljua, Vera Valinsky, Helen Weckstrom, Ruth Weir, John Zaleska
Advertisers and Sponsors:
Burdett College
Peoples Theater
Class of 1936
Crowe's Barber Shop and Beauty Shop
United Co-Operative Society
Dr. E. F. Ryan
Gruber Bros. Furniture
Paul's Food Shoppe
Chin Lee Laundry
Dr. S. R. Garland
F. G. Stammers Jeweler
First National Co-Op Ass'n
Dr. J. M. Bellows
Ralph Weckstrom and His Orchestra
F. W. Woolworth Co.
Middlesex Mutual Fire Insurance Company
Frank J. McCarron Real Estate and Insurance
Lovell Bus Lines
Murphy & Martin
Assabet Institution for Savings
Beacon Shoe Store
Maynard Ice & Oil Co.
Murphy & Snyder
Vantine Studios, Inc.
Sheridan's Shell Station
Koskell and Wainio Barber Shop
Dr. R. E. Hooper
Tarny's Barber Shop
A. W. Lord & Co. Confectionery
Boston Tailor Cleansers and Dyers
Oberg Store
Segal's Hosiery Shop
Alina's Beauty Salon
Maynard Coal Co.
Maydale Beverages
L. Roy Hawes Florist
Sanderson Stationery
J. J. Newvberry Co. Store
Rainvilles' Men's Store
Lyons & Kelly Pool and Billiards
W. B. Case & Sons
G. W. Fowler Ambulance Service
Middlesex Family Laundry Co.
Dr. F. A. May
The Elite Beauty Shoppe
M. Townsend Gift Shop
Middlesex Institution for Savings
Ledgard's Circulating Library, Allen's Cafe
B. J. Coughlin Package Store
John C. King Insurance Agency
Northeastern University
Assabet Mill Employees
A. A. Minahan
Coughlan's Garage Pontiac Sales and Service
Maynard High School
Soft cover stapled booklet, 6.75 x 10 in. 44 pages (2 copies)
Murphy & Snyder
Document Item Type Metadata
We to the Seniors of Maynard High
Bid au revoir but not good bye
For though you leave this school of ours
Memory lingers on like the scent of flowers
The time we have passed here in men
Try will stay Both the hours of study and those of play.
As you step from the stage graduation night
With diplomas and honors and medals bright,
You may think that your days of freedom are done;
That your time of worry and work has come,
But don't lose hope! Please don't despair!
You'll reach your goal if you'll but care.
So good luck, Seniors of Maynard High!
We hope that this will make you sigh
In years to come when you have met
Success and sometimes wish to let
Your mind go back to younger days
That memory holds as sunshine rays.
—I. G. L. '36.
We to the Seniors of Maynard High
Bid au revoir but not good bye
For though you leave this school of ours
Memory lingers on like the scent of flowers
The time we have passed here in men
Try will stay Both the hours of study and those of play.
As you step from the stage graduation night
With diplomas and honors and medals bright,
You may think that your days of freedom are done;
That your time of worry and work has come,
But don't lose hope! Please don't despair!
You'll reach your goal if you'll but care.
So good luck, Seniors of Maynard High!
We hope that this will make you sigh
In years to come when you have met
Success and sometimes wish to let
Your mind go back to younger days
That memory holds as sunshine rays.
—I. G. L. '36.
SU19-6 (back)
1 copy in closet