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The Screech Owl Yearbook - 1934
This is the "Graduation Number", a special edition of "The Screech Owl" student newspaper.
Maynard High School
Digitized by Internet Archive for the Maynard Public Library as part of the Regional Digitization in Massachusetts program, administered by the Boston Public Library
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SENIORS, we have come to the end of our high school career. Behind us lie four carefree years spent in working and playing together. We must say adieu to most of our school chums and prepare to face the uncertain future. We should not, however, look upon this necessity with too much sorrow; for life is a constant flux and change and it is only by making new friendships as we go along that we shall gain an incentive to a broader and more active life. We have prepared this Year Book with the hope that in days to come it will serve to bring back memories of the days spent here. If it succeeds in this purpose even in the smallest way we shall feel that our efforts have not been in vain.
In conclusion the Screech Owl Staff expresses its appreciation to the graduates of 1934 for their generous support of the magazine and wishes them success and happiness in their future work.
SENIORS, we have come to the end of our high school career. Behind us lie four carefree years spent in working and playing together. We must say adieu to most of our school chums and prepare to face the uncertain future. We should not, however, look upon this necessity with too much sorrow; for life is a constant flux and change and it is only by making new friendships as we go along that we shall gain an incentive to a broader and more active life. We have prepared this Year Book with the hope that in days to come it will serve to bring back memories of the days spent here. If it succeeds in this purpose even in the smallest way we shall feel that our efforts have not been in vain.
In conclusion the Screech Owl Staff expresses its appreciation to the graduates of 1934 for their generous support of the magazine and wishes them success and happiness in their future work.