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The Screech Owl Yearbook - 1934
Early High School literary magazine published several times throughout the year. This is the June / Graduation issue. It contains editorials, short stories, alumni notes, athletics news, school news and other tidbits. Click on the image at the right to view the full document as a searchable .pdf file.
Staff: Walter Sweeney, Dorothy Glickman, Malcolm Trees, Louis Bachrach, Edward Ledgard, Robert Seder, Florence Hastings, Elmer Salenius, Frances Fearns, Robert Duggan, Elvi Nyholm, Russell Jordan, Gilbert Mann, Irene Lemoine, Victor Pozerycki, Roy Lent, Barbara Jordan, Ruth Bishop, Catherine Hoffman, Guido Carbone
Screech Owl Faculty Adviser: Vena Field
Class Advisor: Miss Marie M. Cassone
Class of 1934: Helen Aho, Josephine Alexander, Veronica Arciszewski, Theodore Bachrach, Sophie Batulin, Ludy Bingel, Ruth Bishop, Francis Brayden, George Carbary, Guido Carbone, Lena Christian, Dominic Colombo, John Fayton, Frances Fearns, Margaret Fidanza, James Fraser, Dorothy Glickman, Emily Greenleaf, Mary Gudzinowitz, Nadia Harachko, Charles Hartford, Florence hastings, Alli Hill, Arre Huhtamaki, John Jaskiewicz, Fred Johnson, Howard Johnson, Edwin Katvala, James King, Stella Kocknowicz, Raymond Koskela, Martha Koski, Andrew Kozak, Adolph Kurowski, Waino Laasanen, Nicholas Lalli, George Lehto, Helen Lehto, Marion Lent, Stanley Loika, Joseph Lubin, Morris Luoto, John Malcolm, Ruth Marsden, Max Matson, Julia May, James Murphy, Edison Murray, Frederick Newman, John O'Leary, Jorma Osmo, Mabel Palmer, Ralph Pekkala, Joseph Piecewicz, Joseph Pileeki, Victor Pozerycki, Donald Priest, Francis Punch, Waclaw Pyszka, Francis Quinn, Joseph Rakiey, William Rouynowicz, Joseph Serafinco, Mary Sims, Ralph Smith, Bertha Sneck, Benny Sofka, Mary Sokilowsky, Geroge Stansfield, Waino Stapell, John Staszewski, Lillian Sullivan, Annie Swanson, Walter Sweeney, Ernest Tannuzzo, Philip Taylor, Kalevi Tofferi, Hilja Tuikka, Sarah Wasiuk, William Wasiuk, Bessie Whalen, Joseph White, Robert White, Gordan Wolfe, Helen Wollerscheid, Gladys Zapareski, James Malcolm
Advertisers and Sponsors:
Northeastern University
Soko's Texaco Station
Middlesex Institution for Savings
Great Road Dodge
Peoples Theater
United Co-Operative Society
Seder & Gruber
Ledgard's Circulating Library
Dr. S. R. Garland
Middlesex Mutual Fire Insurance Company
Gavin Taylor insurance
Assabet Institution for Savings
Crowe's Barber Shop and Beauty Salon
E. Nelson Ford
G. W. Fowler Ambulance Service
M. Townsend Gift Shop
Zaniewski's Market
Gruber Bros. Furniture
F. G. Stammers Jewelry
Paul's Food Shoppe
Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.
First National Co-Op Ass'n
Anton Jantti Tailor
Alina's Beaury Salon
Beacon Shoe Shop (P. H. Murphy)
J. A. MacPherson
Douglas M. Fuchs, M.D.
Vantine Studios, Inc.
Sheridan's Shell Station
A. W. Lord Confectionery
Jackson's Shoe Store
Rainville's Menswear
Dr. F. A. May
Koskel & Wainio Barber Shop
J. O'berg Dry Goods
Boston Tailor
George H. Gutteridge Jewelry
Freeman & Clancy Plumbing, Heating & Metal Work
Astwood and Townsend Plumbing and Heating
Thomas Gramo Shop
Max Swartz Tailor Shop
Laursen's Shoe Repair
Elite Beauty Shoppe
Tarny's Barber Shop
Coughlan's Garage
W. A. Twombly Funeral Director
George F. Lynch Bowling Alley
Class of 1935
Assabet Mill Employees
Middlesex Family Laundry Co.
A. A. Minahan
Lovell Bus Lines
Dr. E. J. Flaherty
Joseph's Market
Dr. R. E. Hooper
H. W. Martin Funeral and Ambulance Service
Frank J. McCarron Real Estate and Insurance
The Serv-U Shop
Dr. E. F. Ryan
Dr. J. M. Bellows
Sanderson's Stationery
Taylor Chevrolet
W. B. Case & Sons
Murphy & Snyder
Burdett College
Lerer's Store
Staff: Walter Sweeney, Dorothy Glickman, Malcolm Trees, Louis Bachrach, Edward Ledgard, Robert Seder, Florence Hastings, Elmer Salenius, Frances Fearns, Robert Duggan, Elvi Nyholm, Russell Jordan, Gilbert Mann, Irene Lemoine, Victor Pozerycki, Roy Lent, Barbara Jordan, Ruth Bishop, Catherine Hoffman, Guido Carbone
Screech Owl Faculty Adviser: Vena Field
Class Advisor: Miss Marie M. Cassone
Class of 1934: Helen Aho, Josephine Alexander, Veronica Arciszewski, Theodore Bachrach, Sophie Batulin, Ludy Bingel, Ruth Bishop, Francis Brayden, George Carbary, Guido Carbone, Lena Christian, Dominic Colombo, John Fayton, Frances Fearns, Margaret Fidanza, James Fraser, Dorothy Glickman, Emily Greenleaf, Mary Gudzinowitz, Nadia Harachko, Charles Hartford, Florence hastings, Alli Hill, Arre Huhtamaki, John Jaskiewicz, Fred Johnson, Howard Johnson, Edwin Katvala, James King, Stella Kocknowicz, Raymond Koskela, Martha Koski, Andrew Kozak, Adolph Kurowski, Waino Laasanen, Nicholas Lalli, George Lehto, Helen Lehto, Marion Lent, Stanley Loika, Joseph Lubin, Morris Luoto, John Malcolm, Ruth Marsden, Max Matson, Julia May, James Murphy, Edison Murray, Frederick Newman, John O'Leary, Jorma Osmo, Mabel Palmer, Ralph Pekkala, Joseph Piecewicz, Joseph Pileeki, Victor Pozerycki, Donald Priest, Francis Punch, Waclaw Pyszka, Francis Quinn, Joseph Rakiey, William Rouynowicz, Joseph Serafinco, Mary Sims, Ralph Smith, Bertha Sneck, Benny Sofka, Mary Sokilowsky, Geroge Stansfield, Waino Stapell, John Staszewski, Lillian Sullivan, Annie Swanson, Walter Sweeney, Ernest Tannuzzo, Philip Taylor, Kalevi Tofferi, Hilja Tuikka, Sarah Wasiuk, William Wasiuk, Bessie Whalen, Joseph White, Robert White, Gordan Wolfe, Helen Wollerscheid, Gladys Zapareski, James Malcolm
Advertisers and Sponsors:
Northeastern University
Soko's Texaco Station
Middlesex Institution for Savings
Great Road Dodge
Peoples Theater
United Co-Operative Society
Seder & Gruber
Ledgard's Circulating Library
Dr. S. R. Garland
Middlesex Mutual Fire Insurance Company
Gavin Taylor insurance
Assabet Institution for Savings
Crowe's Barber Shop and Beauty Salon
E. Nelson Ford
G. W. Fowler Ambulance Service
M. Townsend Gift Shop
Zaniewski's Market
Gruber Bros. Furniture
F. G. Stammers Jewelry
Paul's Food Shoppe
Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.
First National Co-Op Ass'n
Anton Jantti Tailor
Alina's Beaury Salon
Beacon Shoe Shop (P. H. Murphy)
J. A. MacPherson
Douglas M. Fuchs, M.D.
Vantine Studios, Inc.
Sheridan's Shell Station
A. W. Lord Confectionery
Jackson's Shoe Store
Rainville's Menswear
Dr. F. A. May
Koskel & Wainio Barber Shop
J. O'berg Dry Goods
Boston Tailor
George H. Gutteridge Jewelry
Freeman & Clancy Plumbing, Heating & Metal Work
Astwood and Townsend Plumbing and Heating
Thomas Gramo Shop
Max Swartz Tailor Shop
Laursen's Shoe Repair
Elite Beauty Shoppe
Tarny's Barber Shop
Coughlan's Garage
W. A. Twombly Funeral Director
George F. Lynch Bowling Alley
Class of 1935
Assabet Mill Employees
Middlesex Family Laundry Co.
A. A. Minahan
Lovell Bus Lines
Dr. E. J. Flaherty
Joseph's Market
Dr. R. E. Hooper
H. W. Martin Funeral and Ambulance Service
Frank J. McCarron Real Estate and Insurance
The Serv-U Shop
Dr. E. F. Ryan
Dr. J. M. Bellows
Sanderson's Stationery
Taylor Chevrolet
W. B. Case & Sons
Murphy & Snyder
Burdett College
Lerer's Store
Maynard High School
Soft cover stapled booklet, 6.75 x 10 in. 48 pages (2 copies)
Document Item Type Metadata
SENIORS, we have come to the end of our high school career. Behind us lie four carefree years spent in working and playing together. We must say adieu to most of our school chums and prepare to face the uncertain future. We should not, however, look upon this necessity with too much sorrow; for life is a constant flux and change and it is only by making new friendships as we go along that we shall gain an incentive to a broader and more active life. We have prepared this Year Book with the hope that in days to come it will serve to bring back memories of the days spent here. If it succeeds in this purpose even in the smallest way we shall feel that our efforts have not been in vain.
In conclusion the Screech Owl Staff expresses its appreciation to the graduates of 1934 for their generous support of the magazine and wishes them success and happiness in their future work.
SENIORS, we have come to the end of our high school career. Behind us lie four carefree years spent in working and playing together. We must say adieu to most of our school chums and prepare to face the uncertain future. We should not, however, look upon this necessity with too much sorrow; for life is a constant flux and change and it is only by making new friendships as we go along that we shall gain an incentive to a broader and more active life. We have prepared this Year Book with the hope that in days to come it will serve to bring back memories of the days spent here. If it succeeds in this purpose even in the smallest way we shall feel that our efforts have not been in vain.
In conclusion the Screech Owl Staff expresses its appreciation to the graduates of 1934 for their generous support of the magazine and wishes them success and happiness in their future work.
SU19-6 (back)
1 copy in closet