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A certificate given by the National Commander recognizing the Maynard American Legion Post re-enrolling of 100% memberships for 1929.

A certificate given by the National Commander recognizing the Maynard American Legion Post prompt response to emergencies in 1936.

F. W. Woolworth Co., a national 5 & 10 cent chain, was located at 65 Main Street. Woolworth's came to Maynard in 1916 when the company purchased a local 5 & 10 owned by A. Z. Lloyd on Main Street, remaining in business until the mid-1990's.

A blue "Maynard" sign that is from the Boston & Maine railroad station which stood on the corner of today's Main Street and Railroad Street: 151 Main Street. From photos of the station this was one of, perhaps 3, signs that were on the side of…

A sign for George H. Creighton Boots & Shoes Store. The Creighton Block building was built in 1904 by George Creighton who had a shoe store there.

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Front Row (10): ___?, Alice Donaghue, Linda Gentsch, ___?, John Lent, ___?, Donna Sjoblom, Cynthia Pallian, Linda Gogolin, Elaine Colombo

Second Row (8): ___?, ___?, Ellen Sokolowski, Janice Wojtkiewicz, Dorothy Barilone, Janet Jarvinen,…

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Front Row (9): Sandra Rae, Judith King, Carol Maskiewicz, Jean Maria, Sheila Sweeney, Regina Pileeki, Judith Moore, Kathleen Tobin, Jean Russo

Second Row (9): Robert Jome, Joseph Kulevich, Anne McDonnell, Faith Lombard, Karen Stammers,…

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Front Row standing (7): ___?, ___?, Leah Malmberg, Audrey Malcolm, Denise Murphy, Susan Wilcox, Sandra Koski

Center Row (8): Mary Ellen Nordberg, Roy Nelson, ___?, Edward Mullin, Walter Crowther, Raymond Mikkonen, Brenda Mariani


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Front Row seated (12): Richard Bradley, James Dora, Marsha Alto, Deborah Wardwell, Richard Kodzis, Amie Carruth, Linda Keegan, Christina Stevens, Christine Moore, Louise Oteri, Michael Lydon, Martha Kennedy

Center Row (10): Donna…

A class picture of students in fourth grade in 1970. Rita Wirzburger was the classroom teacher.

Row 1 (front):
Gregory LeBlanc
Richard Tobin
Paul Carbury
Gianna Calabria
Glenn Herrick
Dennis Pekella
Wayne Arseneault

A class picture of students in fifth grade in 1970. We do not know who was the classroom teacher.

We have no identification for many of the class nor the teacher. Please let us know if you recognize anyone.

Row 1 (front):

A class picture of students in sixth grade in 1969. We don't know who was the classroom teacher.

We have no identification for many of the class nor the teacher. Please let us know if you recognize anyone.

Row 1 (front):

A class picture of students in sixth grade in 1970. Joyce Reynolds was the classroom teacher.

Row 1 (front):
Thomas Muise
Ann Marie Hatch
Donna Metz
Debbie Griffin
James Keenan
Richard Fulton
Steven Hardy
Leon Tyler

A class picture of students in fourth grade in 1967.

We have no identification for the class or teacher. Please let us know if you recognize anyone.

A class picture of students in sixth grade in 1969. Constantes Leonardos was the classroom teacher.

Row 1 (front):
John Loomer
Gerald Byrne
James Moore
Wendy Tomyl
Linda Lampila
Sandra Wuorio
Suzanne Lehto
Jean Byrne


A class picture of students in sixth grade in 1969. Helen Teittinen was the classroom teacher.

Row 1 (front):
Carleen Mansfield
Joyce Kangas
Cathy Lemoine
Richard Gramolini
John Kallio
Scott McDowell
Diane Sousa
Susan Sheppard

A shop sign for A. Karan's Shoe Repair.

An outdoor office sign for Leslie Wilbert Sims, Attorney at Law. Leslie W. Sims was a 1910 graduate of Maynard High School.

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Front Row Seated (11): Elaine Erkkinen, John Robblee, Carol Wojsznis, Janet Kennedy, Janice Harding, Linda Norgoal, John Lehto, Adam Raikey, Edmund Crotty, Linda Machold, Daria Setzco

Center Row (11): _____?, Robert Sczerzen, Patrick…

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Front - Bat Boy: Joseph Mancini

Center Kneeling (6): William Whitney, John Lent, Michael Barrett, Richard Uglevich, David Sullivan, Robert Sczerzen

Back Standing (10): Ralph Lent (Coach), Wayne Allen, Gene Paakkonen, William Bigusiak,…