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  • Tags: drama

Six black and white photos of the cast of "Ring Around Elizabeth" taken May 1954. The actors are unidentified. The play was presented by the Maynard Dramatic Club.

Front Row: 3rd from left is Huldah Nelson.

A play program for "Miranda" presented on April 28, 1955 by the Maynard Dramatic Club. It was presented at Parker St. Hall, Maynard, Mass.

Seven black and white photos of the cast of "Miranda". This play was presented by the Maynard Dramatic Club April 28, 1955.

A play program for "Off A Pewter Plate" presented by the Maynard Dramatic Club on November 19, 1955.

Nine black and white photos of "Off A Pewter Plate", a play presented by the Maynard Dramatic Club on November 19, 1955.

A play program for "The Chef" presented by Maynard Dramatic Club on April 12, 1955.

A play program for "Mr. Barry's Etchings" presented by the Maynard Dramatic Club on June 2, 1956.

A play program for "The Happiest Years" presented by the Maynard Dramatic Club on May 17, 1958.

A play program for "The Girls in 509" presented by the Maynard Dramatic Club on November 5, 1960.

A play program for "You Can't Take It With You" presented by the Maynard Dramatic Club on Nov. 4, 1961.

A play program for "My Three Angels" presented by the Maynard Dramatic Club on Nov. 3, 1962.

Nine black and white photos of the cast of "My Three Angels" presented by the Maynard Dramatic Club on Nov. 3, 1962.

First photo: Row 1: 3rd from left is Huldah Nelson.

A play program for "Anniversary Waltz" presented by the Maynard Dramatic Club on Nov. 2, 1963.

Twenty black and white photos of "Anniversary Waltz", a play presented by the Maynard Dramatic Club on Nov. 2, 1963.

Front Row: ___?, Francis Rizzo.
Second Row, 1st from left: Helen Ketola, Huldah Nelson, ___?, Roy Helander.
3rd Row: ___?, Helen…

A play program for "Come Blow Your Horn" presented by the Maynard Dramatic Club on Nov. 7, 1964.

A play program for "Mary, Mary" presented by the Maynard Dramatic Club on March 5, 1966.

Six color photos of the cast of "Mary, Mary" presented by the Maynard Dramatic Club on March 5, 1966.

A play program for "Never Too Late" presented by the Maynard Dramatic Club on March 23, 1968.

Eight black and white photos of the cast of "Never Too Late", presented by the Maynard Dramatic Club on March 23, 1968.

A play program for "Chicken Every Sunday" presented by the Maynard Dramatic Club on March 21, 22, 1969. A ticket for the play is included.