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  • Tags: American Powder Mills

Photograph of the exterior and interior workings of a "Glaze Mill" at the American Powder Company. The glaze mill is where the final gun powder was coated to prevent degradation by water absorption.

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Horse "Charles", William Hooper, William Hird, Frank Rand, Horse "Tige"

Machine shop, carpenter shop, and old office at the powder mills. Water gate to wheel mills, early 1900s.
The building in the center with the chimney is still standing with the latest renovation taking place in 2011 for commercial use.

The Powder Mills owned over 400 acres with the various mills separated on the property for safety reasons.

1st photo: Smokeless Powder Mill - 1910 Jack Punch
2nd photo: Black Powder Mill - 1913 William McGarry

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Standing: William McGarry, Jack Carey
Seated: Lee Donahue

The file contains various histories and papers related to the origin and operation of the Mills. It also contains newspaper clippings of the explosions that occurred over the years.

The "E" or Excellence Award was given to plants for outstanding contribution to the war effort. About 5% of the plants in existence during WWII received the award.

Master of Ceremonies: Harold J. Morgan
Greetings of the Community: George A.…

A certificate given to William Salo in recognition for his contributions "by effort and efficiency while an employee of this company in winning the Army-Navy Production Award for Excellence in War Production"

Three photos with a view of the Powder Mills. Two photos with Walter Larkin at the Powder Mills.

Photos of a restored American Powder Division truck seen at a show in 2011.

This photo was taken during the dismantling of the wheel mill. Each of the wheels weighed 7 tons. The cross shaft and crown gear weighted 3 tons making a total of 17 tons. The large crown gear had wooden teeth to avoid the friction or sparking of…

The corning mill is where the final product was ground into a suitable size for use as gun powder.

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Front: A. Chyzus, Jim Moynihan, Frank Rand, J. Moynihan, N. Jensen, Wilfred Hooper, J. Goodsell, Joe Crotty, Ed Mahoney, Bill Driscoll, Jim Goodson,

2nd: Bill Tobin, L. McCarthy, Bill Hooper, M. McCarthy, S. Rogers, Sam Wilson, G.…

This picture was used for advertising "Dead Shot Powder", manufactured at the American Powder Mills. The print hung for many years in the office of the American Powder Mills.