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  • Tags: annual report

Excerpts of some of the major events as gleamed from the Annual Reports of the Town of Maynard by Ralph Sheridan. These include votes of Town Meeting, financial data, school reports, By-Law changes, various town department reports etc...

Annual report of the Selectmen of the Town of Sudbury for the year March 7, 1864 through March 6, 1865.

An eighteen page report on the financial condition of the town including schools, roads, overseers of the poor etc...

A mailing of the Semi-annual Report by the the directors to Grace E. Haynes, Maynard, a shareholder.
M. Sweeney, President
M. Twomey, Treasurer
J.N. Haire, Clerk
J. D. Crosby, Manager

Directors: M. Sweeney, C. E. Drew, T. C. Denniston, H. H.…

The Society has a complete set, some with multiple copies, from 1886 through 2010 and the 1878 edition.

Various reports of the United Cooperative Society written entirely in Finnish.

A report to the membership including the balance sheet, membership, savings, patronage, taxes etc...

Twelve page report including the General Manager's report, Board of Directors report, financial reports, statement of operations and a membership summary. Many photos throughout the document.
(The Society also have a copy of the 1959 and 1943 Annual…

Eight page summary of the Society's acitvities for 1961 including the Treasure's report and the General Manager's report.

A booklet that features monetary balances, past activities and future events.