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  • Tags: camp

The camp was owned and operated by St. Bridget Church as a summer camp.

A collection of Girl Scout photos taken during a summer experience at Kamp-Kum-Som-Mor in August 1922.

Photo A:Helen "Hink" Gardner, Ethel "Stub" Crowther.
Photo B: Ellen Emanuelson, Marion Holt.
Photo C: Pam Nordberg.
Photo D: Ann Emanuelson,…

The summer day camp was held at Voses. Campers were pick up the corner of Parker and Waltham Streets in front of the "Little" Co-op.

A sepia colored group picture of girls at Camp Virginia, a Bolton health camp.. It notes on the back that the back row has Mary Ayotte (first on the left) and Jean Tucker (fifth from the left).


Marty's Taxi Service provided the transportation of this group of youngsters to Camp Sewataro on Mossman road (off Rt.117 in Sudbury). Marty Gruber is shown in the photo on the steps leading into the Bus.

A photo of children at summer camp at Vose's Farm.

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