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  • Tags: choir

A brochure for the St. Bridget's Choir which includes an informal history of the choir's 50 years. The choir was dissolved in 2024.

A program describing a Music Festival presented by the Choir of the Methodist Church of Maynard, MA. The Festival was held Tuesday, January 18, 1949.

A program for St. Bridget's Parish Choir to celebrate "An Evening of Christmas Joy". The Parish participated in an evening singing traditional holiday songs.

A brochure of the St. Bridget's Tour Choir "A Preview of Europe" Concert held on Sunday, May 31, 1987. A number of individuals from Maynard are designated by the "M" next to their names.


The original picture taken at St. Bridget's Church by Bob Talbourdet. Processed and mounted by members of 4-H "Range Finders" of Maynard.

A black and white photo taken at St. Bridget's Church by Bob Talbourdet. Processed and mounted by members of the 4-H "Rangefinders" of Maynard. The photo was taken December 1970. It was presented to the Maynard Historical Society by the 4-H…


Taken at St. Bridget's Church by Bob Talbourdet. Processed and mounted by members of 4-H "Rangefinders" of Maynard. Presented to the Maynard Historical Society by the group on Saturday December 19, 1970.