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  • Tags: map

A map of the plan for alterations to Main Street and Sudbury Street designed March 1913. Haynes Brothers Store is a highlighted location. Survey and location notes by Wm. D. Tuttle.

The first map shows a proposed subdivision on Summer Hill that was never developed. The second map shows a reduced proposal of the same site. The land was purchased by the Maynard Conservation Commission in 1979. The property is off Summer Hill Road.

A copy of a map of a survey by Augustus Tower in 1830.


A colorized zoning map showing some of the uses of the land in Maynard.

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A map with promotional advertisements.

(same as 1999.704) Two photos of the map of the Town of Maynard, taken September 1969.


A blueprint of the plan of Main Street and Summer Street, Maynard, dated July 10, 1957. Landmarks include the property of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Esso Gas Station, Fire & Police Stations.

Four blueprints of a portion of Summer Street, Maynard, dated September 3, 1904. Landmarks include the property of William Bishop, James Bent, Robert McAllister, Frank Hildbard, Joel Butterworth, John May, W.E. Tilton, J. Webster, Richard Parmenter,…

A blueprint of the plan of the corner of Main St. and Great Road, Maynard, in 1924. Landmarks include the property of Sophie Atwood on Great Road.

A plan of Nason & Acton Streets in Maynard as ordered by the County Commissioners in 1911. Frank J. McCarron and W. A. Haynes are noted on the map.

Three blueprint sheets of the plan of Great Road in Maynard, in 1920. The landmarks on the prints include the property of Emma Whitcomb, Kalle Havanker, Jaakka Wainjonpaa, Robert Yahn, John Nordberg, Oscar Luoma, William Taylor, and the Archbishop…

Two blueprints of the plan of Main St., Maynard, in July 1961. The landmarks on these prints include the property of William & Leona George, Thomas & Margaret Eley, Anthony Popieniuk, Donald & Marion Brazee, William & Annie Naylor, Nina Sinewski,…

A blueprint of the plan of Main Street, Maynard, in 1958. Landmarks include the property of Charlie & Maude Taylor, Drozdowski.

A blueprint of Great Road, Maynard, dated September 7, 1937. Landmarks include the property of Glenwood Cemetery, Robert Yahn, Oldga Waieanpaa, Moynihan, Nordberg, Boothroyd, John Aho, and St. Bridget's Cemetery.

A blueprint of Parker St. & Great Rd, Maynard, dated July 17, 1933.

Five blueprints of the plan of Great Road, Maynard, dated 1921. Landmarks include the property of William Eveleth, John A. Johnson, George White, Antonio Lalli, Annie Fienberg, Archbishop of Boston (RC), Robert White, Alice Hardy, Delia Casey, Nellie…

Two blueprints of the plan for the relocation of Taylor Road, Maynard, dated May 3, 1951. Landmarks include the property of Edward & Marion Athorn, Bernard & Antonina Tarara, Horace Butler, Edward & Mary Butler, Edmund & Mary Mariano, Edward &…

Two blueprints of Walnut Street, Maynard, in 1904. Landmarks include the property of H. J. Dwinell, Dr. Howard Hamblen, Elias Severson, John Flood, Hugh McPhail, James Haire, M. E Parsonage, Mary Thompson, John McGill, W. H. Eveleth, TIMOTHY Buckley,…

Two blueprints of a portion of Waltham Street, Maynard, dated September 20, 1949. Landmarks include the property of Stanley & Sylveny Tomlinson, Eugene & Marguerite Jokisaari, Leo & Grace Boeske, Francis & Josephina Kasziewicz, Armas Haapanen, Julius…