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Maynard Manor - 1925
Thomas J. Cudmore
Town of Maynard
Thomas J. Cudmore
Town of Maynard
The first map shows a proposed subdivision on Summer Hill that was never developed. The second map shows a reduced proposal of the same site. The land was purchased by the Maynard Conservation Commission in 1979. The property is off Summer Hill Road.
1936 Mill Street Road Map
Plan of Mill Street Maynard as Ordered by the County Commissioners.
Depicts entire street including connections to Main Street and Summer Hill Road.
Depicts entire street including connections to Main Street and Summer Hill Road.
Access to Great Road - 1974
Preliminary Road Layout
Maynard, Mass.
The road was to access land owned by the Town of Maynard. It was never built.
American Woolen Co.
Assabet Mill
Maynard, Mass.
A drawing of the woolen mills for insurance purposes.
An Open Space Study - Taylor Brook Watershed
A plan commissioned by the Maynard Conservation Commission for Open Space in the Taylor Brook Watershed prepared by consulting firm: Zuelke, Larson and Freitus
Blueprint Main Street - 1924
A blueprint of the plan of the corner of Main St. and Great Road, Maynard, in 1924. Landmarks include the property of Sophie Atwood on Great Road.
Blueprint of Concord Street - 1904
Two blueprints of a portion of Concord Street, Maynard, dated September 3, 1904. Landmarks include the property of Thomas Hillis, Mary Reed, W.E. Tilton, J. Webster, Orrin Fowler, Frank McCarron, Israel Jannell, a. F. Carney, Ida Bailey, J. Sheehan,…
Blueprint of Great Road - 1904
A blueprint of the plan of a portion of Great Road, Maynard, dated November 12, 1904. Landmarks include the property of George Hincliffe, W. F. Litchfiled, Artemus Whiting, Edward Phillips, and Michael Driscoll.
Blueprint of Great Road - 1921
Five blueprints of the plan of Great Road, Maynard, dated 1921. Landmarks include the property of William Eveleth, John A. Johnson, George White, Antonio Lalli, Annie Fienberg, Archbishop of Boston (RC), Robert White, Alice Hardy, Delia Casey, Nellie…
Blueprint of Great Road - 1937
A blueprint of Great Road, Maynard, dated September 7, 1937. Landmarks include the property of Glenwood Cemetery, Robert Yahn, Oldga Waieanpaa, Moynihan, Nordberg, Boothroyd, John Aho, and St. Bridget's Cemetery.
Blueprint of Main & Summer Streets - 1957
A blueprint of the plan of Main Street and Summer Street, Maynard, dated July 10, 1957. Landmarks include the property of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Esso Gas Station, Fire & Police Stations.
Blueprint of Main Street - 1904
Two blueprints of the plan of a portion of Main Street, Maynard, dated August 1904. Landmarks include the property of Johanna Sweeney, James Muller, A. D. Holt, George McCormack, A. Whitney, Mary Martin, Harriman Bros., Susan Wardsworth, and J. K.…
Blueprint of Main Street - 1926
A blueprint of the plan of relocation of Main Street, Maynard, dated February 2, 1926. Landmarks include the property of Julius & Benjamin Gruber, Silvee Construction Co.
Blueprint of Main Street - 1958
A blueprint of the plan of Main Street, Maynard, in 1958. Landmarks include the property of Charlie & Maude Taylor, Drozdowski.
Blueprint of Nason & Summer Streets - 1948
A blueprint of the change in location of the corner of Nason & Summer Streets, Maynard, dated September 7, 1948. Landmarks include the property of Bartholomew Coughlin.
Blueprint of Nason Street - 1857
A blueprint of a plan for a portion of Nason Street, Maynard, dated 1857. Landmarks include the property of T. H. Brooks, A. Whitney.
Blueprint of Nason Street - 1917
A blueprint of the plan for portions of Nason Street, dated May 1917. Landmarks include the property of Amory Maynard, Albert Hodges, Thomas Naylor.
Blueprint of Nason Street - 1920
A blueprint of the plan of Nason Street, Maynard, dated May 1920. Landmarks include the property of Mary Reed, Benjamin Townsend, Albert Hodges, Thomas Naylor.
Blueprint of Parker Street - 1919
A blueprint of the the plan of the corner of Parker St. and Summer St., Maynard, in 1919. Landmarks include the property of James N. Haire.