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  • Tags: play

As part of the Centennial Celebration this production was presented by the residents of Maynard.

A collection of 28 black and white photos of the Maynard Dramatic Club and the Maynard Savoyards. They are photos of on-stage scenes in a variety of plays. Plays and actors are unidentified.

The entertainers include: D. Sexton, Ed Sheridan, J. Doherty, W. Hannon, R. Farquhar, Lizzie Gallagher, Laurietta Hannon, John May, Rosa Hannon

Two photographs showing the cast of plays presented by the young people of St. Bridget's Parish. The priest shown in both pictures is possibly the Rev. George S. Brennan.

The Maynard Savoyards was organized early in the summer of 1971. Productions put on by the Savoyards during the 1970's include: "Yeoman of the Guard", "Princess Ida", "The Mikado", "The Pirates of Penzance", "Ruddigore", "Iolanthe", "Patience".…