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  • Tags: taxes

William Gutteridge's first tax bill, poll tax, in the newly incorporated Town of Maynard (1871). It was accessed by Lorenzo Maynard and payable at the Counting Room of the Assabet Manufacturing Company.

This document lists all of the tax payers in Maynard in 1888 along with the amount due from each and, where appropriate, a detailed list of personal taxed assets (e.g., house, land, barns, cattle, cord wood, horses, silos, etc.)

The tax rate was…

A supplement to the Maynard Edition of The Beacon newspaper. The street, number, owner, land value, building value and total value is listed.

Four volumes for the years 1879 - 1882 showing the taxable property/assets for each individual in the Town. The source of income for the Town was a Poll Tax, Personal Estate Tax and Real Estate Tax.

This is the first valuation for tax purposes of the property/assets in Maynard after incorporation in April, 1871. The source of income for the Town was from Poll Taxes, Personal Estate and Real Estate. The assessors were Asahel Balcom, Artemus…

The merchants used these cards to calculate the sales tax. The 5% tax was in effect from 1976-2009, when it was raised to 6.25%.

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Seems to be two real estate tax notices.


File contains tax bills, selectman correspondence, parking meter information etc...

Tax bill marked paid by Mary and Kalli Holt , 17 Dartmouth St.

A manuel issued by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on the methods of assessing for purpose of taxation real estate, live stock, utility companies, automobiles, shoe machinery etc...

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A collection of 18 poll tax notices. Four are shown here.
The tax collectors during this time period where: Lorenzo Maynard, William Gutteridge, F. H. Salisbury, Arthur J. Coughlin
