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  • Tags: Town of Maynard

This Seal was adopted by the Board of Selectmen in 1871 and continued in use until the adoption of a new seal for the Town of Maynard in 1975. Original town seal was adopted at town meeting March 12, 1900. The new seal was adopted at a town meeting…

A printer's plate used to print images of early Maynard.

A printer's plate of the Maynard Sewerage System as of December 1914.

F. E. Hedman Lightning Check Writer machine. It was designed, as a number of other similar machines were in the early 20th century, to combat what was then considered “one of the gravest and most widespread of all menaces against our nation’s…

A brown Bakelite rolodex that belonged to the Office of the Board of Selectmen.

It is a Brown & Bigelow Keymatic Phone Index File. Brown & Bigelow specializes in selling branded merchandise and was well known for publishing calendars (e.g., the…

First Annual Founder's Day celebration t-shirt and promotional flyer. The day was initiated by Haley Fritz as a girl scout project.

File contains tax bills, selectman correspondence, parking meter information etc...

Tax bill marked paid by Mary and Kalli Holt , 17 Dartmouth St.

"A legal base study is a study of all the various kinds of laws applicable to a specific town. The study is directed solely to an administrative viewpoint; only those laws determining governmental structure are studied."

A collection of documents including speeches, newspaper clippings, financial records, letters etc.... relating to the attempt to change the name of the Town from Maynard to Assabet in 1902. The papers were saved by Charles H. Persons former…

Adopted by Town Meeting November 27, 1939.
By-Law Committe;
Thomas F. Parker, Arthur J. Sullivan, Hartwell W. Flood, Herbert W. Martin, James J. Ledgard, Patrick A. McGrath, Donald A. Lent, Frank J. McCarron, William A. Naylor

Frank E.…