Dublin Core
Magdalene Chapter No.28, Order of Eastern Star
Meeting Program
Meeting Program
The 654th regular meeting September 19, 1922
Organization for 1922:
Mrs. Eva M. Frye, Worthy Matron; Mr. Roderick McIver, Worthy Patron; Mrs. Grace Trees, Asso. Maton; Mrs. Annie Naylor, Secretary; Miss Bessie Hayward, Treasurer; Mrs. Martha Johnson, Conductress; Mrs. Martha Hartin, Associate Conductress; Mrs. Bessie Richardson, P.M., Chaplain; Miss Hazel E. Easthope, P.M., Marshal; Miss Avis Barlow, Organist; Mrs. Lessie McGarry, Adah; Miss Rachel Gates, Ruth; Mrs. Nellie McInnes, Esther; Miss Doris Miller, Martha; Mrs. Edna Peppard, Electa; Mrs. Lizzie Chandler, P.M., Warder; Mr. Richard Allan, Sentinel
Trustees: Mrs. Bertha Lowden, P.M., 1922; Mr. Amory Maynard, P.P., 1923; Miss Margaret Gates, P.M., 1924
Relief Committee: Mrs. Grace Trees, Mrs. Bertha Lowden, P.M., Mrs. Carrie Barlow
Organization for 1922:
Mrs. Eva M. Frye, Worthy Matron; Mr. Roderick McIver, Worthy Patron; Mrs. Grace Trees, Asso. Maton; Mrs. Annie Naylor, Secretary; Miss Bessie Hayward, Treasurer; Mrs. Martha Johnson, Conductress; Mrs. Martha Hartin, Associate Conductress; Mrs. Bessie Richardson, P.M., Chaplain; Miss Hazel E. Easthope, P.M., Marshal; Miss Avis Barlow, Organist; Mrs. Lessie McGarry, Adah; Miss Rachel Gates, Ruth; Mrs. Nellie McInnes, Esther; Miss Doris Miller, Martha; Mrs. Edna Peppard, Electa; Mrs. Lizzie Chandler, P.M., Warder; Mr. Richard Allan, Sentinel
Trustees: Mrs. Bertha Lowden, P.M., 1922; Mr. Amory Maynard, P.P., 1923; Miss Margaret Gates, P.M., 1924
Relief Committee: Mrs. Grace Trees, Mrs. Bertha Lowden, P.M., Mrs. Carrie Barlow
From the estate of Pearl D. McAuslin
Document Item Type Metadata
Original Format
Paper 5x6in 4 pages