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Main Street School 4th Grade - 1916-1917
A sepia picture of Mary Finn's fourth grade class in 1916 at the Main Street School, Maynard.
Left. to right:
Front: Eliza Nuarinen, Mary Rody, Helen Cleary, Celia Gruber, Nettie Croft, Dorothy Gruber, Alice Jones, Violet John, Irlene Priest, Alice Sanders, Pauline Newton, Eva Swanson
Second: Pauline Clark, Frieda Green, Sara Loverman, C__ DiGrappo, Evelyn Cole, Miss Mary Finn (teacher), Joseph Kamesh, George Elson, Wilbur Croft, Edward Jensen
Third: Kenneth Kerstead, Len Lavine, James Home, Lloyd Priest, Joseph Langan, Edwin Johnson
Fourth: Walter King, Norman Nordberg
Back: Niemo Grindell, Hariet Cahoon, Lillian Norman, Erio Sironen, George Bariteau, Charles Lindholm, Hugh Matson, Herbert Swanson
Left. to right:
Front: Eliza Nuarinen, Mary Rody, Helen Cleary, Celia Gruber, Nettie Croft, Dorothy Gruber, Alice Jones, Violet John, Irlene Priest, Alice Sanders, Pauline Newton, Eva Swanson
Second: Pauline Clark, Frieda Green, Sara Loverman, C__ DiGrappo, Evelyn Cole, Miss Mary Finn (teacher), Joseph Kamesh, George Elson, Wilbur Croft, Edward Jensen
Third: Kenneth Kerstead, Len Lavine, James Home, Lloyd Priest, Joseph Langan, Edwin Johnson
Fourth: Walter King, Norman Nordberg
Back: Niemo Grindell, Hariet Cahoon, Lillian Norman, Erio Sironen, George Bariteau, Charles Lindholm, Hugh Matson, Herbert Swanson
Donated by MIss Mary Finn.
Geo. D. Elson
Maynard, Mass
Maynard, Mass
Still Image Item Type Metadata
Original Format
Photo Print
Physical Dimensions
4.5 x 6.5 in.