Dublin Core
Grade 5 - 1920
Roosevelt School
Roosevelt School
A collage of individual pictures of the students in the fifth grade at the Roosevelt School, Maynard, 1920-21.
The students are from left to right:
Top: Uno Klemola, Joe Kolenda, Hugo Stapel
2nd: Mary Russo, Grace Malone, Max Cohen
3rd: Pinchus Rautch, Hulda Hill, Bertha Carlson
4th: Arno Menninen, Rhoda Blatt, Patrick Nugent
5th: Gertrude Waldron, Oiva Alasaari, Edgar Christian
6th: Arthur Kunelius, Edward Kearns, Edward Gruber,
7th: Willie Brackett, Frances Rollins, Irya Makela
8th: Toiva Aunela, Maurice White, Walter Cheslak
9th: Leo Tourville, Richard Waterhouse, William Hinds
10th:William Kinnila, Eino Nyholm, Samuel Bachrack
11th: Edith Ekstedt, Signe Sjoklom, Margit Kalava
Bottom: Joseph Luca, Albert Connors, Elizabeth Binks.
The students are from left to right:
Top: Uno Klemola, Joe Kolenda, Hugo Stapel
2nd: Mary Russo, Grace Malone, Max Cohen
3rd: Pinchus Rautch, Hulda Hill, Bertha Carlson
4th: Arno Menninen, Rhoda Blatt, Patrick Nugent
5th: Gertrude Waldron, Oiva Alasaari, Edgar Christian
6th: Arthur Kunelius, Edward Kearns, Edward Gruber,
7th: Willie Brackett, Frances Rollins, Irya Makela
8th: Toiva Aunela, Maurice White, Walter Cheslak
9th: Leo Tourville, Richard Waterhouse, William Hinds
10th:William Kinnila, Eino Nyholm, Samuel Bachrack
11th: Edith Ekstedt, Signe Sjoklom, Margit Kalava
Bottom: Joseph Luca, Albert Connors, Elizabeth Binks.
Donated by Miss Mary Finn, teacher.
Still Image Item Type Metadata
Original Format
Photo Print.
Physical Dimensions
6 x 10 in.