Dublin Core
Assabet Mills - Overseers - 1921
Photograph of the overseers of the mill taken in 1921.
Left to Right
Front Row
1. Harry Burnham 2. James J Morgan 3. Everett Troope, Sr (alternate spelling Troup) 4. Charles Courtney 5. Frank Prue 6. Joseph Donohue 7. Albert Easthope 8. Thomas Wright 9. Harry Rodway 10. Oliver Trees 11.Leo Downey 12. Frank Coulter 13. John King 14. Gavin Taylor 15. Thomas Cuddy 16. William Brayden 17. ______ 18. Peter Wilcox 19. Herbert Brayden 20. William Mann
Second Row
21. Albert Dreschler 22. Richard Parmenter 23. Arthur Dawson 24. George Champagne 25. Augustus Morse
26. George Cogswell 27. Luke McCarthy 28. Frank Goettler 29. Richard King 30. John Lawton 31.Michael May
32. Richard Murphy
Third Row
33. Robert Archer 34. Ernest Wollerschied 35.James Fraser
36.Irving Howe 37.John Miller 38. Frank Brayden 39. William Johnston 40. ____ 41. Wallace Priest 42. Faye Graham 43. John Sheridan 44. Irving Dart
Back Row
45. William Stockwell 46. William Dyson 47. John Weaving 48. William Hinds 49. Arthur Jordan 50. Joseph Marsden 51.___52.___ 53.Oswald Dreschler 54. Patrick O'Dea 55. Maurice Herbert 56. Nicholas Kane 57. William Johnston 58.Fred Haywood 59. Everett Troope,Jr (alternate spelling Troup)60. Gerald Dowen 61. Harry McKenna 62. William Ingham
63. George Stockwell 64. Fred Chandler 65. William Coughlin 66. Joseph Byrne 67.Thomas Deane 68.___ 69.___ 70. Wilbur Hamlin
Left to Right
Front Row
1. Harry Burnham 2. James J Morgan 3. Everett Troope, Sr (alternate spelling Troup) 4. Charles Courtney 5. Frank Prue 6. Joseph Donohue 7. Albert Easthope 8. Thomas Wright 9. Harry Rodway 10. Oliver Trees 11.Leo Downey 12. Frank Coulter 13. John King 14. Gavin Taylor 15. Thomas Cuddy 16. William Brayden 17. ______ 18. Peter Wilcox 19. Herbert Brayden 20. William Mann
Second Row
21. Albert Dreschler 22. Richard Parmenter 23. Arthur Dawson 24. George Champagne 25. Augustus Morse
26. George Cogswell 27. Luke McCarthy 28. Frank Goettler 29. Richard King 30. John Lawton 31.Michael May
32. Richard Murphy
Third Row
33. Robert Archer 34. Ernest Wollerschied 35.James Fraser
36.Irving Howe 37.John Miller 38. Frank Brayden 39. William Johnston 40. ____ 41. Wallace Priest 42. Faye Graham 43. John Sheridan 44. Irving Dart
Back Row
45. William Stockwell 46. William Dyson 47. John Weaving 48. William Hinds 49. Arthur Jordan 50. Joseph Marsden 51.___52.___ 53.Oswald Dreschler 54. Patrick O'Dea 55. Maurice Herbert 56. Nicholas Kane 57. William Johnston 58.Fred Haywood 59. Everett Troope,Jr (alternate spelling Troup)60. Gerald Dowen 61. Harry McKenna 62. William Ingham
63. George Stockwell 64. Fred Chandler 65. William Coughlin 66. Joseph Byrne 67.Thomas Deane 68.___ 69.___ 70. Wilbur Hamlin
Geo D Elson
Maynard, Mass
Maynard, Mass
Donated by
John Tobin
Janette Taylor
Still Image Item Type Metadata
Original Format
Photo prints
Physical Dimensions
8 x 10 inches, 2 copies
12 x 14 inches, 4copies