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Payroll Ledger - 1890
Assabet Mfg. Co.
Assabet Mfg. Co.
The ledger list the name and weekly wages of the woolen mill employees. The pay ranged from $.07 to $.40 per hour for a 60 hour week.
The highest paid employee was W. H. Maynard, the son of Amory Maynard, who earned $95.85/week as the superintendent of the mill.
The highest paid employee was W. H. Maynard, the son of Amory Maynard, who earned $95.85/week as the superintendent of the mill.
Week ending Dec. 14, 1889 through week ending June 21, 1990.
Arthur Dawson
Document Item Type Metadata
For the pay period from week ending March 8 through week ending March 29, 1890 there was 914 employees working in various departments of the mill.
Michael Sweeney, Bartley Nee, Timothy Buckley Murphy, John Lyons 2nd, Dennis Sullivan, Timothy Buckley, Michael Couplar, Geo Michael
Edward Mahon, George Kaler, George Weaving, Michael Twomey, Patrick Moran, Coleman Lydon, Timothy Sullivan
Jas. B. Lord, Frank Kershaw, L. D. Wilson, Joel Butterworth, M. Moynihan, Edw. Phillips, Thos. Binns, Israel Jamell, W. S. Henderson, James H. Claflin, Wesley Townsend, Joseph Jamell, Fred Sims, Joseph Standring, John W. Chapin, Geo. Champagne, Geo. Lovell, B. C. Sims, James Carney, Alfred Haire, Samuel Hodges, Samuel Wright, John J. Mara, John Masterson, J. W. Jubb, J. K. Smith, John McCleary, L. W. Hyde, Walter Long, John Lyons, Thos. Lehy, Louis Cook, John Wentworth, John Carney, D. J. Mathews, Edward Smith, E. C. Blackstone, Chas. E. Brodeur, C. B. Whitman, Edw. Burgess, H. A. Harwood, John Ratcliffe, Frank Hubbard, A. A. Smithson, John Cunningham, John Turner
Wool Scouring
Thomas McWilliams, Patick Tarpey, John Henrickson, Martin Jacobson, John Collins, Mark Carlson, Peter Simersen, H. J. Maynard, Jas. Kane, Nelson Jacobson, Peter Poulsen, John White
Wool Dying
F. M. Kennerson, David Maine, Robert Matson, Christopher Hanson, Charles Hack, Peter Hendrickson, John Carlson
Waste Sorting
W. A. Rowley, Harris Midwood, Axel Erickson, Albert E. Larkin, John Allen, Geo. Driscoll, John Murphy, Oliver Nelson, Patrick Delaney, Chas. Roberts, Thos. Murray, Frank Moynihan, John Nee, Mich Counihan, Timothy Moynihan, Harry Sanford, Peter Poulson, Edw. Doherty, Wm. Parkins
Alex Veitch, J. H. Mallinson, Kenneth McKenzie, John Doherty, Peter Harrison, Nelson P. Harrison, Jas. Greenhalgh, Jas. Coulter, Peter Kofod, Edw. Halkyard, Peter Hanson, Edw. O'Donnell, Thos. O'Brien, Rasmos Monk, Hanson Nelson, James McDonough, Dennis Coughlan
Wilkinson Crossley, Robert Crossley, Job Garrett, David McAvoy, Emile Gustafson, Peter Erickson, Eric Thompson, Emile Carlson, Laris Anderson, Mich Johnson, John Johnson, John Jacobson, Emil Johnson, Henry Madson, Aug. Johnson, Matt. Mattson, John Alson, Sebo. Hendrickson, Eric Johnson, Pher John Johnson
F. R. Connor, Patrick Moore, W. H. Scully, Ernest Johnson Wolerschied, John Casey, Martin Kane, Peter Ollesen, Robt. Pringle, Thos Charl, John Anderson, John Connors, John Moynihan, Johanna Murphy, Hannah Husaster, Edith Lisina, Ann Wiltala, Edith Anderson, Jas. Collins, Willie Murphy, Lena Jensen, Mary Matson, Wm. Glynes, Thos Tarpey, Jas. Morgan, Chas. Durkin, Edw. Carvey, John O'Neil, John Kane, Allen McLaughlin, Robt. Murphy, Lucy Husister, Annie Collins Gusie Ylikoska, Lillie Wutola, John Whalen, Willie Harmon, Pat. Lydon,Hilma Korbia, Arni Kotela, Jas. Riley, John Harrison, Jas. Kenney, Edw. Connoly, Herman Shearer, Annie O'Brien, Mary Ahola, Jena Kaepla, Wm. McGowan, Harvey Sanborn, Con Sullivan, Thos. O'Donnell, Edw. Moore, Wm. Cleary, John Dacey, Frank Maley, Chas. Wolerschied, Emma Hirasaho, Nora Lyons, Mag Lydon, Bid Murphy, Johanna Shea, Ella McLaughlin, Chas. Turnbull, Albert Wollerschied, Wm. Tucker, Max Schozenburhg, Mich Walsh, Aug. Thorstine, John Leighilla, James Wilson, Henry Wollerschied, Pat Punch, Louis Smith, Annie Anderson, Maria Hayes, Charles Turner, John Nee
Geo Smethurst, Wm. Cullen, Henry Ledgard, Demirs Spain, Wm. Punch, Thos. W. Conley, Robt. Wilson, John Carver, Benj. Carter, John Carpenter, Sol. Ledgard, John Murry, John May, Tim Buckley, Wm F. Cullen, Geo. Carter. Pat. Murphy, James F. Coulter, Thos. Coughlan, James Cleary, John Penny, Frank Pond, John King. Alfred King, Geo. L. Smethurst, Nathan Raynor, Fred Ruhl, Jona Carter, James Bramley, Richd Keegan, Frank Ruhl, Wm Casey, Abm. Allen, Joseph Taylor, Louis Cook, Edw. Ferns, Edw. Kenney, Edw. Usher, Geo. Dyson, Silas Cook, John Archer, Geo. Morris, Louis Shaw, David Lamoine, John Fletcher, Wm. Worsnip, Edw. Lawton, Edw. Connor, John Cleary, Chas. Klotzer, Peter Mitchell, Mich. Shehan, Albert Ruhl, Wm. R. Morris, Fred Worsnip, Robt. Starling, Joseph Laughlin, Wm. Kenney, John Wolf, Harry McCormick, Chas. Usher, Jos. Reynolds, John Lawton, Elmer Clarke, John H. Carter, Geo. F. Siswick, John Campbell, Thos. A. Brick, Squire Siswick, Wm. Mahon, Fred Akroyd, Herbert Carter, Fred King, Geo. Creighton, Wm. McCarthy, Alfred Brummell, John Buckley, Walter Raynor, Frank Schwartzenburg, Edwd. Fritt, Christian Hanson, Richard Lowe
John E. Denniston, Gustaf Bergstrom, Mich. Sexton, John Scott, Eddie Sheridan, Kati Hannon, Laura Brumell, Maggie Keegan, Sarah Coulter, Jessie Turnbull, Mary Murphy, Mary Mahon, Emma Loman, Kate Rugan, Ida Midwood, Rhoda Fisher, Annie Cleary, Mary Conley, Willetta Nash, Mary Waldron, Mary Allen, Eve. Parkin, Alice Sanderson, Annie Lynch, Kate Moynihan, Kate Murphy, Emma Kimmel, Maggie McLaughlin, Kate Keegan, Sarah Townsend, Loretta Harmon, Mary Cushing, Annie McCarty, Annie Dean, Francis Allen
F. C. Denniston, Robt. Denniston, Frank Wilder, Thos. Smith, Thos. Denniston, Sam Lawton, D. H. Elliot, Jos. Hodges, David Sullivan, Jas. Robertson, Aquilla Raynard, AW Martin, Sam Harding, Jesse Sims, John Billington
Albert Batley, Gustaf Larson, John Johnson, James Singer, John Malinquist, David Miller, Arnie Wagner, Louisa Kimmel, Mary McCarty, Blanche Billington, Mary Parkinson, Mary McAvoy, Nellie Reynolds, Mary Harper, Lizzie Mahon, Mary E. Lynch, Jamie Turnbull, Bessie Wilson, Charlotte Bramley, Ann Harper, Josephine Coulter, Julia L. Smith
Ralph Whitehead, Edw. Titley, Edgar Pike, Wm. Joyce, John Joyce, John Moynihan, Joseph Rollinson, John Wolerschied, Wm. Lord, Lorenzo Clarke, Frank Filtham, Mrs. Swanton, Leo St. Claire, Geo. Taylor, Wm. Morris, Herman Shearer, Jas. S. Howarth, John Coulter, Sr., J. C. Leighton, E. E. Gordon, Geo. Henderson, David Arthur, Joseph Wright, Edw. Townsend, Ambrose Marsden, John Lawler, Simeon Hampain, Thos. Siswick, John Edwards, Frank Winkley, Wm. Bishop, Wm. Denniston, Fred Kronberg. Henry Jackson, Wm. McAuslin, Hiram Parkin, Joseph Parkim, Mrs. Sanderson, Geo. Lawton, Nelson Cook, Kate Harper, John Smith, Whiden Sanford, James Hourihan, Annie Adams, Mrs. Akroyd, Louisa Allen, Nina Anderson, Mary Anderson, Etta Anderson, Maggie Archer, Lottie Archer, Isabel Archer, Annie Barrow, Alfred Billett, Arthur Bishop, Emile Boeske, Pauline Boeske, Emily Bower, Joon Brayden, John Brimstone, Maggie Brimstone, Lizzie Brimstone, Kate Burns, Julia Buckley, Joseph Butterworth, Kate Cahil, Sarah Cain, Kate Campbell, Lousia Carlstrom, Kate Carney, Mary Carney, Geo. Carmichael, Bill Carmichael, Kate Casey, Hannah Casey, Minnie Casey, Eliza Carswell, Sarah Carswell, Joseph Charlesworth, Mary Charlesworth, Maggie Church, Mary Church, Lilla Clarke, Lizzie Cleary, Ellen Clement, Delia Collins, Annie Collins, Bridget Collins, John W. Collins, Nellie Connors, Kate Collins, Annie Connors, John Coulter, Wm. Coulter, Mrs. Coulter, Lucy Cook, Moses Cook, James Coughlan, Kate Coughlan, Maggie Coughlan, Mary Coughlan, Mary Cronan, Henry Crosby, Frank Crowley, Nellie Crowley, Kate Crowley, Bill Crumney, Henry Crummey, Kate Cullen, Annie Cullen, Maggie Cushing, Mary Dean, Timothy Delacour, Mrs. Delinadge, Emitly Denniston, Nellie Derby, Kate Dettling, Nellie Dockerty, Nellie Donahue, Julia Driscoll, John Dunn, Mary Eagon, Alex Eadie, Janet Eadie, Nellie Ellen, Joseph Ellis, Mrs. Ellis, George Elliott, Emma Erickson, Ellen Ferns, Sarah Feltham, Mrs. Fletcher, Mary Fletcher, Mrs. Graham, Alma Graham, Agnes Graham, John Greenwood, Lucy Hair, Mary Halkyard, Maggie Hannon, Willard Hatch, Ellen Hayes, Mrs. Haywood, Timothy Hefferman, Mary Hilferty, Kate Hilferty, Thos. Hilferty, Mary Hinds, Sarah Holt, Wm. Holt, Amy Hunter, Hannah Hurley, Lizzie Hurley, George Jameson, Hulda Johnson, Mrs. Johnson, Lizzie Johnson, Effie Jones, Mary Keegan, Julia Keegan, Lettie Kelsey, Julia kelly, Ellen Kelly Rudolf Kempt, Mary Kenny, Lizzie Kenny, Bill Kennedy, John Kimmel, Henry Kimmel, Eliza King, Annie Kronberg, Edw. Kronberg, Robt. Kronberg, Kate Lawton, Mary Leary, Hannah Linna, Mrs. Lockwood, John Long, Julia Lynch, Annie Lyons, John Mahoney, Erskine Malcom, John Mallinson, Kate Maley, John Maley, Mary Manning, Mrs. Marsden, Stella Marsden, Maggie Mathews, Elmer Matson, Mary May, Rose Mears, Bill Melcalf, Fred Miller, Mary Miller, Hugh Miller, Zoa Minner, Mary Mitchell, Alice Mitchell, Alice Mitchell, Kate Monroe, Mary Monroe, Mag Moore, Sarah Morgan, Mary Morgan, Nellie Moynihan, Mary Moynihan, Minnie Moynihan, James Moynihan, Francis Moynihan, Lizzie Moynihan, Maggie Moynihan, James Mullen, Mary Murphy, Josie Murphy, Richd. Murphy, onn. Murphy, Mary Murray, James Murray, Annie Murray, Maggie McCarthy, Bridget McCarthy, Ellen McCarthy, Sarah McCormick, Mary McCormick, Sarah McCleary, Mrs. McGowan, Mrs. McInnes, Susan McLaughlan, Mary McLaughlan, Maggie McPhail, Joan Nagle, Bid Nee, Mrs. Nelson, Hattie Osborne, Mary O'Brien, Joan O'Brien, Bid O'Keefe, Lizzie O'Neil, Mrs. Owens, Ann Owens, Frank Parks, Hannah Parkin, Mary Pickles, Laura Peino, Eliza Priest, Mrs. Pringle, Julia Puffer, Mary Punch, Emily Randall, Mary Raynor, Benj. Raynord, Lizzie Redmond, Matilda Roberts, Hector Roberts, Emma Roberts, Annie Roberts, Herbert Sanderson, Michael Scott, John Scully, James Sexton, Ann Shanley, Mary Shea, Mary E. Shea, Joseph Singleton, Mrs. Singleton, Harriet Smethurst, Annie Smith, Wm. Smith, James Smith, Vinnie Stilz, James Stott, Stella Stoddard, Ellen Sullivan, Julia Sullivan, Nellie Sullivan, Hannah Sullivan, Henry Schwartzenburg, Lena Schwartzenbury, Ruth Taylor, Polly Townsend, Annie Trent, Julia Trent, Annie Turnbull, Lena Turnbull, Jane Turnbull, Jane Turnbull, James Wall, Alice Walsh, Maggie Watson, John Weaving, Lizzie Wellington, Thos. Whalen, Mary White, Margaret Whitney, John W. Whitehead, Ann Wiggins, Sarah Wilson, Mary Wright, Emma Pierce, Laura Erickson, John Donohue, Kate Kelley, Fred Millet, Minnie Murphy, Thos. White, James Sakine, Mary Joyce, Henry Heckler
Wet Finish
John W. Fish, Wm Stuart, Con Murphy, Batt Cleary, N. Wollerschneid, Geo Stuart, Patrick Grant, John Quinn, Mich Waldron, Owen Burns, John Luenan, Alvid Hohnodin, John P. Anson, John Punch, Sr., Timothy Murphy, August Johnson, Charles Nardian, John Anderson John Punch Jr., Patrick Kelley, John Connell, John McCarthy, Robt. Millett, Elmer Parker Thos. Hickey, John White, Owen Marchant, Chas. Clayton, Thos. Wagner, Jas Fox, Dennis Lyons, James Barnes, Fred Christian, Chas. Punch, Chas O'Neil, Thos. Archer, Joseph Millett, John Manning, Niel Hanson, Chas. Wellington, Mich Burke, Patrick Lawton Ward Barnes, Hugh Mears, Alfred Stolpe, William Smith, Geo Snow, Thos Hall, Morris Buckley, Timothy Coughlan, Louis Smith
Cloth Dryers
Joseph Mears, Ledo. Wollerschneid, James Clayton, Batt Coughlan, John W. Cleary, James MItchell, John Giblin, John Lyons, John F. Cleary, James Cleary, Chas. Shearer, Patick Nee, Robt B. Archer, Martin Crowley, Chas Byron, Marius Jensen, Wm. Barrie, James Clayton
R. L. Eaton, N. W. Eaton, Fred Kelley, John Sexton, Frank Binks, Clifford Cheney, Frank Green, Alice Kane, Nellie Ilhingsworth, Kate Knoll, Mary Murphy, Gusta Shearer, Sarah Curtain, Mary Mathews, Alice Kane, Edith Fairbanks, Ella Sanford, Nellie Conley, Nellie Rouse, Susie McPick, Addie Kennedy, Abbie Henderson, Lizzie Twohey, Annie Durkan, Kate Delaney, Mary Delaney, Jane Wilson, Lucy Ward, Winnie McInnis, Sarah Butterworth, Lizzie Dockerty, Esther Kane, Julia White, Martha Henderson, Kate Powers, Ella Doyle, Ida Priest, Theresa McCarthy, Lizzie Glines, Bertha Binks, Edith Warren, Maria Mulligan, Mary Faileo, Sophie Malcom, Florence Kennerson, Mary Veitch, Georgie Henderson, Nellie Henderson, Mary Sweeney, Agnes Larkin, Agnes Binks, Emma Pierce
Geo. Meade, Patrick Connor, Albert Crowley, Fred Meade, Mark Meade
Peter Fletcher, Peter Casher, Wm. Johnson, John Thompson, Frank Rockford, John Offer, Richd H. Panton, James McNickle
Dry Finnish
Thos. Dean, Adelbert Martin, Robt. White, Geo. N. Jones, Fred Hayward, Fred Taylor, Joseph Coughlan, Edward McGarry, Thomas Holland, Ira Parker, Frank Lawton, Wm Beaton, C. L. Berry, Arthur Coughlan, Chas Stokes, Arthur Little, Fred A. Sanborn, John Moynihan, James Lehy, Clifton W. Alden, Lyman Priest, Edw. Collins, Will Clement, Gavin Taylor, Jesse Carney, Frank Sweeney, Mary Doyle, Annie E. Brady, Millie Fales, E. F. Briggs, Etta Clements
John Hutchinson, Jos. Martin, Geo. Carmichael, James Stott
Shafting & Gas
A. Green Sr., Robt. Kennedy, Chas O'Neil
Joseph Wilson, Emery E. Laurence, Richard Fisher, Bar. Malcom, Danl Sullivan
W. G. Priest, Jas E. Wilson, A. Malcom, Oscar Nelson, James Sheridan, Patrick Devine, Alfred Garlick, D. E. Jewell
Iron Repairs
Paul Wilson, Geo. H. Hart, J. K. Fix, C. E. Drew, F. A. Jones, Chas Sanderson, Alex Greer Jr., James Parkinson, Wm. Parkinson, Steve Maley, Daniel Sullivan
Wood Repairs
Samuel Lawrence, W. E. Tilton, Henry Cheney, John Hanna, Herbert Irving, John Filch, Chas. Belcher, Geo Lingley, Nelson Hanson, O. J. Howard, Simeon Parker
Box Shop
Warren Martin, James Donahue, Thos. Higgins
Wm. Panton, W. H. McNeil, Jas. McCormick
W. H. Maynard, W. S. Peters, A. E. Davis
W. H. Gutteridge, F. H. Salisbury, James N. Haire, Geo. P. Hartman, Laura Woodart, Geo. Nelson, Mich May, Lizzie McGown, Jennie Lawton
Michael Sweeney, Bartley Nee, Timothy Buckley Murphy, John Lyons 2nd, Dennis Sullivan, Timothy Buckley, Michael Couplar, Geo Michael
Edward Mahon, George Kaler, George Weaving, Michael Twomey, Patrick Moran, Coleman Lydon, Timothy Sullivan
Jas. B. Lord, Frank Kershaw, L. D. Wilson, Joel Butterworth, M. Moynihan, Edw. Phillips, Thos. Binns, Israel Jamell, W. S. Henderson, James H. Claflin, Wesley Townsend, Joseph Jamell, Fred Sims, Joseph Standring, John W. Chapin, Geo. Champagne, Geo. Lovell, B. C. Sims, James Carney, Alfred Haire, Samuel Hodges, Samuel Wright, John J. Mara, John Masterson, J. W. Jubb, J. K. Smith, John McCleary, L. W. Hyde, Walter Long, John Lyons, Thos. Lehy, Louis Cook, John Wentworth, John Carney, D. J. Mathews, Edward Smith, E. C. Blackstone, Chas. E. Brodeur, C. B. Whitman, Edw. Burgess, H. A. Harwood, John Ratcliffe, Frank Hubbard, A. A. Smithson, John Cunningham, John Turner
Wool Scouring
Thomas McWilliams, Patick Tarpey, John Henrickson, Martin Jacobson, John Collins, Mark Carlson, Peter Simersen, H. J. Maynard, Jas. Kane, Nelson Jacobson, Peter Poulsen, John White
Wool Dying
F. M. Kennerson, David Maine, Robert Matson, Christopher Hanson, Charles Hack, Peter Hendrickson, John Carlson
Waste Sorting
W. A. Rowley, Harris Midwood, Axel Erickson, Albert E. Larkin, John Allen, Geo. Driscoll, John Murphy, Oliver Nelson, Patrick Delaney, Chas. Roberts, Thos. Murray, Frank Moynihan, John Nee, Mich Counihan, Timothy Moynihan, Harry Sanford, Peter Poulson, Edw. Doherty, Wm. Parkins
Alex Veitch, J. H. Mallinson, Kenneth McKenzie, John Doherty, Peter Harrison, Nelson P. Harrison, Jas. Greenhalgh, Jas. Coulter, Peter Kofod, Edw. Halkyard, Peter Hanson, Edw. O'Donnell, Thos. O'Brien, Rasmos Monk, Hanson Nelson, James McDonough, Dennis Coughlan
Wilkinson Crossley, Robert Crossley, Job Garrett, David McAvoy, Emile Gustafson, Peter Erickson, Eric Thompson, Emile Carlson, Laris Anderson, Mich Johnson, John Johnson, John Jacobson, Emil Johnson, Henry Madson, Aug. Johnson, Matt. Mattson, John Alson, Sebo. Hendrickson, Eric Johnson, Pher John Johnson
F. R. Connor, Patrick Moore, W. H. Scully, Ernest Johnson Wolerschied, John Casey, Martin Kane, Peter Ollesen, Robt. Pringle, Thos Charl, John Anderson, John Connors, John Moynihan, Johanna Murphy, Hannah Husaster, Edith Lisina, Ann Wiltala, Edith Anderson, Jas. Collins, Willie Murphy, Lena Jensen, Mary Matson, Wm. Glynes, Thos Tarpey, Jas. Morgan, Chas. Durkin, Edw. Carvey, John O'Neil, John Kane, Allen McLaughlin, Robt. Murphy, Lucy Husister, Annie Collins Gusie Ylikoska, Lillie Wutola, John Whalen, Willie Harmon, Pat. Lydon,Hilma Korbia, Arni Kotela, Jas. Riley, John Harrison, Jas. Kenney, Edw. Connoly, Herman Shearer, Annie O'Brien, Mary Ahola, Jena Kaepla, Wm. McGowan, Harvey Sanborn, Con Sullivan, Thos. O'Donnell, Edw. Moore, Wm. Cleary, John Dacey, Frank Maley, Chas. Wolerschied, Emma Hirasaho, Nora Lyons, Mag Lydon, Bid Murphy, Johanna Shea, Ella McLaughlin, Chas. Turnbull, Albert Wollerschied, Wm. Tucker, Max Schozenburhg, Mich Walsh, Aug. Thorstine, John Leighilla, James Wilson, Henry Wollerschied, Pat Punch, Louis Smith, Annie Anderson, Maria Hayes, Charles Turner, John Nee
Geo Smethurst, Wm. Cullen, Henry Ledgard, Demirs Spain, Wm. Punch, Thos. W. Conley, Robt. Wilson, John Carver, Benj. Carter, John Carpenter, Sol. Ledgard, John Murry, John May, Tim Buckley, Wm F. Cullen, Geo. Carter. Pat. Murphy, James F. Coulter, Thos. Coughlan, James Cleary, John Penny, Frank Pond, John King. Alfred King, Geo. L. Smethurst, Nathan Raynor, Fred Ruhl, Jona Carter, James Bramley, Richd Keegan, Frank Ruhl, Wm Casey, Abm. Allen, Joseph Taylor, Louis Cook, Edw. Ferns, Edw. Kenney, Edw. Usher, Geo. Dyson, Silas Cook, John Archer, Geo. Morris, Louis Shaw, David Lamoine, John Fletcher, Wm. Worsnip, Edw. Lawton, Edw. Connor, John Cleary, Chas. Klotzer, Peter Mitchell, Mich. Shehan, Albert Ruhl, Wm. R. Morris, Fred Worsnip, Robt. Starling, Joseph Laughlin, Wm. Kenney, John Wolf, Harry McCormick, Chas. Usher, Jos. Reynolds, John Lawton, Elmer Clarke, John H. Carter, Geo. F. Siswick, John Campbell, Thos. A. Brick, Squire Siswick, Wm. Mahon, Fred Akroyd, Herbert Carter, Fred King, Geo. Creighton, Wm. McCarthy, Alfred Brummell, John Buckley, Walter Raynor, Frank Schwartzenburg, Edwd. Fritt, Christian Hanson, Richard Lowe
John E. Denniston, Gustaf Bergstrom, Mich. Sexton, John Scott, Eddie Sheridan, Kati Hannon, Laura Brumell, Maggie Keegan, Sarah Coulter, Jessie Turnbull, Mary Murphy, Mary Mahon, Emma Loman, Kate Rugan, Ida Midwood, Rhoda Fisher, Annie Cleary, Mary Conley, Willetta Nash, Mary Waldron, Mary Allen, Eve. Parkin, Alice Sanderson, Annie Lynch, Kate Moynihan, Kate Murphy, Emma Kimmel, Maggie McLaughlin, Kate Keegan, Sarah Townsend, Loretta Harmon, Mary Cushing, Annie McCarty, Annie Dean, Francis Allen
F. C. Denniston, Robt. Denniston, Frank Wilder, Thos. Smith, Thos. Denniston, Sam Lawton, D. H. Elliot, Jos. Hodges, David Sullivan, Jas. Robertson, Aquilla Raynard, AW Martin, Sam Harding, Jesse Sims, John Billington
Albert Batley, Gustaf Larson, John Johnson, James Singer, John Malinquist, David Miller, Arnie Wagner, Louisa Kimmel, Mary McCarty, Blanche Billington, Mary Parkinson, Mary McAvoy, Nellie Reynolds, Mary Harper, Lizzie Mahon, Mary E. Lynch, Jamie Turnbull, Bessie Wilson, Charlotte Bramley, Ann Harper, Josephine Coulter, Julia L. Smith
Ralph Whitehead, Edw. Titley, Edgar Pike, Wm. Joyce, John Joyce, John Moynihan, Joseph Rollinson, John Wolerschied, Wm. Lord, Lorenzo Clarke, Frank Filtham, Mrs. Swanton, Leo St. Claire, Geo. Taylor, Wm. Morris, Herman Shearer, Jas. S. Howarth, John Coulter, Sr., J. C. Leighton, E. E. Gordon, Geo. Henderson, David Arthur, Joseph Wright, Edw. Townsend, Ambrose Marsden, John Lawler, Simeon Hampain, Thos. Siswick, John Edwards, Frank Winkley, Wm. Bishop, Wm. Denniston, Fred Kronberg. Henry Jackson, Wm. McAuslin, Hiram Parkin, Joseph Parkim, Mrs. Sanderson, Geo. Lawton, Nelson Cook, Kate Harper, John Smith, Whiden Sanford, James Hourihan, Annie Adams, Mrs. Akroyd, Louisa Allen, Nina Anderson, Mary Anderson, Etta Anderson, Maggie Archer, Lottie Archer, Isabel Archer, Annie Barrow, Alfred Billett, Arthur Bishop, Emile Boeske, Pauline Boeske, Emily Bower, Joon Brayden, John Brimstone, Maggie Brimstone, Lizzie Brimstone, Kate Burns, Julia Buckley, Joseph Butterworth, Kate Cahil, Sarah Cain, Kate Campbell, Lousia Carlstrom, Kate Carney, Mary Carney, Geo. Carmichael, Bill Carmichael, Kate Casey, Hannah Casey, Minnie Casey, Eliza Carswell, Sarah Carswell, Joseph Charlesworth, Mary Charlesworth, Maggie Church, Mary Church, Lilla Clarke, Lizzie Cleary, Ellen Clement, Delia Collins, Annie Collins, Bridget Collins, John W. Collins, Nellie Connors, Kate Collins, Annie Connors, John Coulter, Wm. Coulter, Mrs. Coulter, Lucy Cook, Moses Cook, James Coughlan, Kate Coughlan, Maggie Coughlan, Mary Coughlan, Mary Cronan, Henry Crosby, Frank Crowley, Nellie Crowley, Kate Crowley, Bill Crumney, Henry Crummey, Kate Cullen, Annie Cullen, Maggie Cushing, Mary Dean, Timothy Delacour, Mrs. Delinadge, Emitly Denniston, Nellie Derby, Kate Dettling, Nellie Dockerty, Nellie Donahue, Julia Driscoll, John Dunn, Mary Eagon, Alex Eadie, Janet Eadie, Nellie Ellen, Joseph Ellis, Mrs. Ellis, George Elliott, Emma Erickson, Ellen Ferns, Sarah Feltham, Mrs. Fletcher, Mary Fletcher, Mrs. Graham, Alma Graham, Agnes Graham, John Greenwood, Lucy Hair, Mary Halkyard, Maggie Hannon, Willard Hatch, Ellen Hayes, Mrs. Haywood, Timothy Hefferman, Mary Hilferty, Kate Hilferty, Thos. Hilferty, Mary Hinds, Sarah Holt, Wm. Holt, Amy Hunter, Hannah Hurley, Lizzie Hurley, George Jameson, Hulda Johnson, Mrs. Johnson, Lizzie Johnson, Effie Jones, Mary Keegan, Julia Keegan, Lettie Kelsey, Julia kelly, Ellen Kelly Rudolf Kempt, Mary Kenny, Lizzie Kenny, Bill Kennedy, John Kimmel, Henry Kimmel, Eliza King, Annie Kronberg, Edw. Kronberg, Robt. Kronberg, Kate Lawton, Mary Leary, Hannah Linna, Mrs. Lockwood, John Long, Julia Lynch, Annie Lyons, John Mahoney, Erskine Malcom, John Mallinson, Kate Maley, John Maley, Mary Manning, Mrs. Marsden, Stella Marsden, Maggie Mathews, Elmer Matson, Mary May, Rose Mears, Bill Melcalf, Fred Miller, Mary Miller, Hugh Miller, Zoa Minner, Mary Mitchell, Alice Mitchell, Alice Mitchell, Kate Monroe, Mary Monroe, Mag Moore, Sarah Morgan, Mary Morgan, Nellie Moynihan, Mary Moynihan, Minnie Moynihan, James Moynihan, Francis Moynihan, Lizzie Moynihan, Maggie Moynihan, James Mullen, Mary Murphy, Josie Murphy, Richd. Murphy, onn. Murphy, Mary Murray, James Murray, Annie Murray, Maggie McCarthy, Bridget McCarthy, Ellen McCarthy, Sarah McCormick, Mary McCormick, Sarah McCleary, Mrs. McGowan, Mrs. McInnes, Susan McLaughlan, Mary McLaughlan, Maggie McPhail, Joan Nagle, Bid Nee, Mrs. Nelson, Hattie Osborne, Mary O'Brien, Joan O'Brien, Bid O'Keefe, Lizzie O'Neil, Mrs. Owens, Ann Owens, Frank Parks, Hannah Parkin, Mary Pickles, Laura Peino, Eliza Priest, Mrs. Pringle, Julia Puffer, Mary Punch, Emily Randall, Mary Raynor, Benj. Raynord, Lizzie Redmond, Matilda Roberts, Hector Roberts, Emma Roberts, Annie Roberts, Herbert Sanderson, Michael Scott, John Scully, James Sexton, Ann Shanley, Mary Shea, Mary E. Shea, Joseph Singleton, Mrs. Singleton, Harriet Smethurst, Annie Smith, Wm. Smith, James Smith, Vinnie Stilz, James Stott, Stella Stoddard, Ellen Sullivan, Julia Sullivan, Nellie Sullivan, Hannah Sullivan, Henry Schwartzenburg, Lena Schwartzenbury, Ruth Taylor, Polly Townsend, Annie Trent, Julia Trent, Annie Turnbull, Lena Turnbull, Jane Turnbull, Jane Turnbull, James Wall, Alice Walsh, Maggie Watson, John Weaving, Lizzie Wellington, Thos. Whalen, Mary White, Margaret Whitney, John W. Whitehead, Ann Wiggins, Sarah Wilson, Mary Wright, Emma Pierce, Laura Erickson, John Donohue, Kate Kelley, Fred Millet, Minnie Murphy, Thos. White, James Sakine, Mary Joyce, Henry Heckler
Wet Finish
John W. Fish, Wm Stuart, Con Murphy, Batt Cleary, N. Wollerschneid, Geo Stuart, Patrick Grant, John Quinn, Mich Waldron, Owen Burns, John Luenan, Alvid Hohnodin, John P. Anson, John Punch, Sr., Timothy Murphy, August Johnson, Charles Nardian, John Anderson John Punch Jr., Patrick Kelley, John Connell, John McCarthy, Robt. Millett, Elmer Parker Thos. Hickey, John White, Owen Marchant, Chas. Clayton, Thos. Wagner, Jas Fox, Dennis Lyons, James Barnes, Fred Christian, Chas. Punch, Chas O'Neil, Thos. Archer, Joseph Millett, John Manning, Niel Hanson, Chas. Wellington, Mich Burke, Patrick Lawton Ward Barnes, Hugh Mears, Alfred Stolpe, William Smith, Geo Snow, Thos Hall, Morris Buckley, Timothy Coughlan, Louis Smith
Cloth Dryers
Joseph Mears, Ledo. Wollerschneid, James Clayton, Batt Coughlan, John W. Cleary, James MItchell, John Giblin, John Lyons, John F. Cleary, James Cleary, Chas. Shearer, Patick Nee, Robt B. Archer, Martin Crowley, Chas Byron, Marius Jensen, Wm. Barrie, James Clayton
R. L. Eaton, N. W. Eaton, Fred Kelley, John Sexton, Frank Binks, Clifford Cheney, Frank Green, Alice Kane, Nellie Ilhingsworth, Kate Knoll, Mary Murphy, Gusta Shearer, Sarah Curtain, Mary Mathews, Alice Kane, Edith Fairbanks, Ella Sanford, Nellie Conley, Nellie Rouse, Susie McPick, Addie Kennedy, Abbie Henderson, Lizzie Twohey, Annie Durkan, Kate Delaney, Mary Delaney, Jane Wilson, Lucy Ward, Winnie McInnis, Sarah Butterworth, Lizzie Dockerty, Esther Kane, Julia White, Martha Henderson, Kate Powers, Ella Doyle, Ida Priest, Theresa McCarthy, Lizzie Glines, Bertha Binks, Edith Warren, Maria Mulligan, Mary Faileo, Sophie Malcom, Florence Kennerson, Mary Veitch, Georgie Henderson, Nellie Henderson, Mary Sweeney, Agnes Larkin, Agnes Binks, Emma Pierce
Geo. Meade, Patrick Connor, Albert Crowley, Fred Meade, Mark Meade
Peter Fletcher, Peter Casher, Wm. Johnson, John Thompson, Frank Rockford, John Offer, Richd H. Panton, James McNickle
Dry Finnish
Thos. Dean, Adelbert Martin, Robt. White, Geo. N. Jones, Fred Hayward, Fred Taylor, Joseph Coughlan, Edward McGarry, Thomas Holland, Ira Parker, Frank Lawton, Wm Beaton, C. L. Berry, Arthur Coughlan, Chas Stokes, Arthur Little, Fred A. Sanborn, John Moynihan, James Lehy, Clifton W. Alden, Lyman Priest, Edw. Collins, Will Clement, Gavin Taylor, Jesse Carney, Frank Sweeney, Mary Doyle, Annie E. Brady, Millie Fales, E. F. Briggs, Etta Clements
John Hutchinson, Jos. Martin, Geo. Carmichael, James Stott
Shafting & Gas
A. Green Sr., Robt. Kennedy, Chas O'Neil
Joseph Wilson, Emery E. Laurence, Richard Fisher, Bar. Malcom, Danl Sullivan
W. G. Priest, Jas E. Wilson, A. Malcom, Oscar Nelson, James Sheridan, Patrick Devine, Alfred Garlick, D. E. Jewell
Iron Repairs
Paul Wilson, Geo. H. Hart, J. K. Fix, C. E. Drew, F. A. Jones, Chas Sanderson, Alex Greer Jr., James Parkinson, Wm. Parkinson, Steve Maley, Daniel Sullivan
Wood Repairs
Samuel Lawrence, W. E. Tilton, Henry Cheney, John Hanna, Herbert Irving, John Filch, Chas. Belcher, Geo Lingley, Nelson Hanson, O. J. Howard, Simeon Parker
Box Shop
Warren Martin, James Donahue, Thos. Higgins
Wm. Panton, W. H. McNeil, Jas. McCormick
W. H. Maynard, W. S. Peters, A. E. Davis
W. H. Gutteridge, F. H. Salisbury, James N. Haire, Geo. P. Hartman, Laura Woodart, Geo. Nelson, Mich May, Lizzie McGown, Jennie Lawton
Original Format
Hard covered bound ledger, 12 x 17 in.; 320 pages