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Centennial Monograph: Maynard Emblem Club No.205
The founding and activities of the Maynard Emblem Club.
Helen Mark Ketola
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Back in 1951 John Thompson and Edmund Hooper were instrumental in creating interest with the Maynard Lodge of Elks #1568 for the promotion of an Emblem Club in Maynard. They received helpful information from Mae Pluta, a Past President of the Webster Emblem Club, regarding steps necessary in forming such an organization. The late Albert Foster was the Exalted Ruler of Maynard Elks at that time.
An Emblem Club was formed in Maynard during 1951 with 62 Charter Members with the assistance of the late Ruth Shedd of Milford. A charter was issued by Supreme President Hazele Garrety of Huntington Park, California designating that Maynard was the 205th Emblem Club instituted, Today there are over 450 clubs in 30 of the United States with clubs also in Alaska, Hawaii and Panama Canal Zone with a total membership over 50,000. The Supreme Emblem Clubs started in 1926 with Providence, Rhode Island as No. 1 and now is the seventh largest woman*s national organization.
Fast Supreme President Helen McHugh of Watertown installed the first Officers on September 22, 1951 with Mrs. John (Agnes) Thompson as its first President. The Installation was held at the I.O.O.F. Hall, Nason Street.
An Emblem Club is a group of women who have joined to promote sociability among members of the Elk's families and to do charitable work in the community and to assist the Elks Lodges (whenever called upon). Aims and purposes are patterned from those adopted by the Elks.
Membership is open to ladies who can present proof of proper relationship and the payment of initiation fee and annual dues, the amounts of which are determined by the local Emblem Clubs. Proper relationship relates to having a father, husband, son or brother in the Elks.
By serving communities in the manner similar to that of the Elks, the women gain a better understanding of the obligations, devotion and purposes of the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks. Although the Emblem Club has its own governing rules and continually stresses that it is "not an auxiliary", community service and accomplishments gain respect constantly from the Elks.
The Supreme Emblem is the flag of the United States of America.
The insignia of the organization used on pins, stationery, etc., is derived from that of the Elks to show that the members are related to members of that organization and cooperate in their interests and endeavors.
The Emblem Colors are Purple and Gold.
The Emblem Motto is "Truth, Justice and Charity" and serves as a guide for all activities.
A national scholarship fund; a national magazine (Emblem Topics) and national annual conventions are all advantages of the national affiliations.
Besides our first President Agnes Thompson, Past Presidents include in order: Blanche Stansfield, Sadie Hoffman, Loretta Walsh, Adelaide Sims (deceased), Evelyn Petersen, Simone Iskian, Helen Mark Ketola, Agnes Rizzo, Katherine Colombo, Muriel Gilleney, Martha Barber, Theresa Quattrochi, "Bunny" Arsenault, Sadie Sluyski, Dorothy Alving, Margaret Mahoney and Ruth Mclaughlin.
Meetings are held the third Monday of each month from September through June at the Elks Hall. Some of the noteworthy donations made by the Emblem Club include a Baby Grand Piano for the Green Meadow School; 4 large 50-Star American flags to the local school system; during the Emerson Hospital renovation $800 was donated to furnish a room and each year we pay for its upkeep; a contribution of 4 captain's chairs to the Emerson Hospital; donations to all National Fund Drives such as Heart, Cancer, etc., local donations as required; annual contributions to the National Elk's Foundation, Supreme Emblem Club Disaster Fund; Supreme Association Scholarships; local scholarships to Maynard High School; remembering the Old Folks at the Stow Nursing Home for their birthdays and at Christmas plus an annual subscription to the home of the Boston Globe; various donations to the Maynard Lodge of Elks, also many other donations too numerous to list.
Maynard Emblem Club #205 is also affiliated with the Massachusetts State Association of Emblem Clubs which has 56 clubs within the State. The state association holds four quarterly meetings with a convention held in June. Delegates both to the Supreme Emblem Club and Mass. State Association include the President and last Presidents.
Presently the membership of Maynard Emblem Club is 78 and during the 1958-1959 season it was the highest with a total membership over 125. Membership Chairman for the current year is Christine Molloy and persons interested should contact her for application blanks.
Officers for I969-I97O include the following: President, Rose St. Hilaire; Jr. Past President, Ruth McLaughlin; Vice-President, Past President Agnes Rizzo; Financial-Secretary, Mary Kane; Treasurer, Past President Muriel Gilleney; Corresponding-Secretary, Sadie Sluyskl, PP; Recording-Secretary, Christine Molloy; Chairman of Trustees, Peg Quattrochi, PP; Trustees, Donna Playward and Sandra Scribner; Marshals Bunny Arsenault, PP; Betty Barilone and Lorraine Nickerson; Chaplain, Florence Jones; Organist and Press Correspondent, Helen Mark Ketola, PP; Historian, Martha Barber, PP; Guards, Anne Jarmulowicz and Ruth Passerello.
Past Presidents of Maynard Emblem Club No.205 having held Supreme office include: Supreme District Deputies, Blanche Stansfield, Agnes Rizzo and Helen Mark Ketola; Supreme Press Correspondents, Evelyn Petersen, Agnes Rizzo and Helen Mark Ketola; and Supreme Assistant Chaplain for this year, Helen Mark Ketola. In the Massachusetts State Association of Emblem Clubs Helen Mark Ketola has held the office of 2nd and 1st Guard and for the past two years as the Press Correspondent for this district.
The Installation of officers for Maynard is held the second Saturday after Labor Day and we have been fortunate for years to have had the Supreme President who is in office to perform the Installation. Past Presidents of other Emblem Clubs constitute the Installing Suite and again we are fortunate to have a large delegation present from our sister Emblem Clubs.
In order to raise the necessary funds needed to carry on our charitable deeds we sell greeting cards, hold rummage sales and for the past three years have held a Browse and Buy Fair in November of each year plus selling many other items from which we can obtain a small profit. Until this past year ve have held a Charity Sweepstakes which has been one of our biggest money-making projects but had to cancel them because of the State laws prohibiting Raffles. We do plan to obtain a permit and hope to have a Sweepstakes drawing some time in the spring.
The theme of the Supreme President Dorothy Babbitt of Compton, California for this year is: "Emblem Clubs like butterflies spreading the pollen of Truth, Justice, Charity" Last year's theme was "Harmony thru Friendship" .
Submitted By: Helen Mark Ketola (Mrs. Eino)
Past President 1958-1959
Maynard Emblem Club
Historical Society Meeting January 30, 1970
An Emblem Club was formed in Maynard during 1951 with 62 Charter Members with the assistance of the late Ruth Shedd of Milford. A charter was issued by Supreme President Hazele Garrety of Huntington Park, California designating that Maynard was the 205th Emblem Club instituted, Today there are over 450 clubs in 30 of the United States with clubs also in Alaska, Hawaii and Panama Canal Zone with a total membership over 50,000. The Supreme Emblem Clubs started in 1926 with Providence, Rhode Island as No. 1 and now is the seventh largest woman*s national organization.
Fast Supreme President Helen McHugh of Watertown installed the first Officers on September 22, 1951 with Mrs. John (Agnes) Thompson as its first President. The Installation was held at the I.O.O.F. Hall, Nason Street.
An Emblem Club is a group of women who have joined to promote sociability among members of the Elk's families and to do charitable work in the community and to assist the Elks Lodges (whenever called upon). Aims and purposes are patterned from those adopted by the Elks.
Membership is open to ladies who can present proof of proper relationship and the payment of initiation fee and annual dues, the amounts of which are determined by the local Emblem Clubs. Proper relationship relates to having a father, husband, son or brother in the Elks.
By serving communities in the manner similar to that of the Elks, the women gain a better understanding of the obligations, devotion and purposes of the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks. Although the Emblem Club has its own governing rules and continually stresses that it is "not an auxiliary", community service and accomplishments gain respect constantly from the Elks.
The Supreme Emblem is the flag of the United States of America.
The insignia of the organization used on pins, stationery, etc., is derived from that of the Elks to show that the members are related to members of that organization and cooperate in their interests and endeavors.
The Emblem Colors are Purple and Gold.
The Emblem Motto is "Truth, Justice and Charity" and serves as a guide for all activities.
A national scholarship fund; a national magazine (Emblem Topics) and national annual conventions are all advantages of the national affiliations.
Besides our first President Agnes Thompson, Past Presidents include in order: Blanche Stansfield, Sadie Hoffman, Loretta Walsh, Adelaide Sims (deceased), Evelyn Petersen, Simone Iskian, Helen Mark Ketola, Agnes Rizzo, Katherine Colombo, Muriel Gilleney, Martha Barber, Theresa Quattrochi, "Bunny" Arsenault, Sadie Sluyski, Dorothy Alving, Margaret Mahoney and Ruth Mclaughlin.
Meetings are held the third Monday of each month from September through June at the Elks Hall. Some of the noteworthy donations made by the Emblem Club include a Baby Grand Piano for the Green Meadow School; 4 large 50-Star American flags to the local school system; during the Emerson Hospital renovation $800 was donated to furnish a room and each year we pay for its upkeep; a contribution of 4 captain's chairs to the Emerson Hospital; donations to all National Fund Drives such as Heart, Cancer, etc., local donations as required; annual contributions to the National Elk's Foundation, Supreme Emblem Club Disaster Fund; Supreme Association Scholarships; local scholarships to Maynard High School; remembering the Old Folks at the Stow Nursing Home for their birthdays and at Christmas plus an annual subscription to the home of the Boston Globe; various donations to the Maynard Lodge of Elks, also many other donations too numerous to list.
Maynard Emblem Club #205 is also affiliated with the Massachusetts State Association of Emblem Clubs which has 56 clubs within the State. The state association holds four quarterly meetings with a convention held in June. Delegates both to the Supreme Emblem Club and Mass. State Association include the President and last Presidents.
Presently the membership of Maynard Emblem Club is 78 and during the 1958-1959 season it was the highest with a total membership over 125. Membership Chairman for the current year is Christine Molloy and persons interested should contact her for application blanks.
Officers for I969-I97O include the following: President, Rose St. Hilaire; Jr. Past President, Ruth McLaughlin; Vice-President, Past President Agnes Rizzo; Financial-Secretary, Mary Kane; Treasurer, Past President Muriel Gilleney; Corresponding-Secretary, Sadie Sluyskl, PP; Recording-Secretary, Christine Molloy; Chairman of Trustees, Peg Quattrochi, PP; Trustees, Donna Playward and Sandra Scribner; Marshals Bunny Arsenault, PP; Betty Barilone and Lorraine Nickerson; Chaplain, Florence Jones; Organist and Press Correspondent, Helen Mark Ketola, PP; Historian, Martha Barber, PP; Guards, Anne Jarmulowicz and Ruth Passerello.
Past Presidents of Maynard Emblem Club No.205 having held Supreme office include: Supreme District Deputies, Blanche Stansfield, Agnes Rizzo and Helen Mark Ketola; Supreme Press Correspondents, Evelyn Petersen, Agnes Rizzo and Helen Mark Ketola; and Supreme Assistant Chaplain for this year, Helen Mark Ketola. In the Massachusetts State Association of Emblem Clubs Helen Mark Ketola has held the office of 2nd and 1st Guard and for the past two years as the Press Correspondent for this district.
The Installation of officers for Maynard is held the second Saturday after Labor Day and we have been fortunate for years to have had the Supreme President who is in office to perform the Installation. Past Presidents of other Emblem Clubs constitute the Installing Suite and again we are fortunate to have a large delegation present from our sister Emblem Clubs.
In order to raise the necessary funds needed to carry on our charitable deeds we sell greeting cards, hold rummage sales and for the past three years have held a Browse and Buy Fair in November of each year plus selling many other items from which we can obtain a small profit. Until this past year ve have held a Charity Sweepstakes which has been one of our biggest money-making projects but had to cancel them because of the State laws prohibiting Raffles. We do plan to obtain a permit and hope to have a Sweepstakes drawing some time in the spring.
The theme of the Supreme President Dorothy Babbitt of Compton, California for this year is: "Emblem Clubs like butterflies spreading the pollen of Truth, Justice, Charity" Last year's theme was "Harmony thru Friendship" .
Submitted By: Helen Mark Ketola (Mrs. Eino)
Past President 1958-1959
Maynard Emblem Club
Historical Society Meeting January 30, 1970