Dublin Core
Town Report References re: Tramps and Hobos
This is a collection of Town Report excerpts in support of the Hobos and Tramps monograph (see related resource).
(If anyone can provide details on what happened in law during 1904-1905 please contact us)
(If anyone can provide details on what happened in law during 1904-1905 please contact us)
Ralph Sheridan
Document Item Type Metadata
Excerpts from Maynard Town Reports:
1871 - Travellers, $21.44
1872 - none recorded
1873 - Isaac Stott, board(ing) of tramps, $1950
1874 - Board for 102 tramps, $68 paid to K. R. Hall
1875 - Board for tramps, $119.33 (Tramps have credit of $7 for sawing wood for schools)
1876 - Care of tramps, $252.50
1877 - Care of 859 tramps, $111.71 -- Herring and crackers, $20.51
1878 - Care of 725 tramps, $71.05
1879 - Care of 837 tramps, $75.83 -- Herring $11.92, Crackers $18.63
1880 - Care of 184 tramps, $23.87 --
1881 - Care of 116 tramps, $14.29
1882 - Care of 120 tramps, $19.34
1883 - Care of tramps, $23.58
1884 - Care of tramps, $135.00
1885 - Care of tramps, $132.00
1886 - Care of 697 tramps, $97.00 (12½ ¢ per tramp)
1887 - Care of 424 tramps, $53.00
1888 - Care of 561 tramps
1889 - Care of tramps, $95.13
1890 - Care of 744 tramps
1891 - A building owned by Lorenzo Maynard and rented by Alonzo Knapp for a boarding house was selected as a poorhouse. Mr. Knapp and wife take charge of house, cultivate a portion of the land, harvest the hay crop, put up tramps, etc, for one year for the sum of $325.
Cared for 184 tramps.
Paid Assabet Mfg. Co. rent of poorhouse, including lockup, May 1, 1891 to March 1, 1892: $166.63.
1892 - The Abel G. Haynes farm on Great Hoad was selected and purchased as a poor farm on the poor removed to the same on May 1. $4800.00 was appropriated for the purchase. The small barn has been converted into a "tramp house".
1893 - "1306 tramps lodged for the year" is an item that merits careful consideration.
1894 - 1775 tramps lodged - we supply wood to the school which is cut
1895 - 1375 tramps lodged - believe they should be ?? by the tramps.
1896 - 1441 tramps lodged - lodged by the police: each traveller is required to saw 20 sticks of 4ft. cord wood into "stove lengths" (unless excused for some good reason by the warden) and in return receives a few crackers and the shelter of our tramp lockup.
1897 - 1449 tramps cared for with as may as 32 in one night. From information received from neighboring towns it was clear that we are being Imposed upon.
1898 - No of tramps lodged and fed: 1662 males and 2 females. The Board feels that tramps should be locked up elsewhere. The old lockup near the depot was fitted up at a small expense, and on December 11 went into use as a tramp house. Applicants for lodging were required to apply between the hours of 6 and 8 P.M. The effect was marvelous; from a formerly crowded house the average for the last month showed a record of about one tramp a day.
1899 - The use of the old lockup near the depot was wise move. Tramps lodged and fed during the the year dropped from a record 1664 to only 836 males and 2 females. Care of the tramp house cost $144.51.
1900 - Number of tramps cared for at tramp lockup: 844
1901 - Number of tramps cared for at tramp lockup: 742 males
1902 - Number of tramps cared for at tramp lockup: 1027 males, 1 female
1903 - Number of tramps lodged: 998 males, 1 female
1904 - Number of tramps lodged: 519
1905 - Number of tramps lodged before the new law was enforced: 90 males.
1871 - Travellers, $21.44
1872 - none recorded
1873 - Isaac Stott, board(ing) of tramps, $1950
1874 - Board for 102 tramps, $68 paid to K. R. Hall
1875 - Board for tramps, $119.33 (Tramps have credit of $7 for sawing wood for schools)
1876 - Care of tramps, $252.50
1877 - Care of 859 tramps, $111.71 -- Herring and crackers, $20.51
1878 - Care of 725 tramps, $71.05
1879 - Care of 837 tramps, $75.83 -- Herring $11.92, Crackers $18.63
1880 - Care of 184 tramps, $23.87 --
1881 - Care of 116 tramps, $14.29
1882 - Care of 120 tramps, $19.34
1883 - Care of tramps, $23.58
1884 - Care of tramps, $135.00
1885 - Care of tramps, $132.00
1886 - Care of 697 tramps, $97.00 (12½ ¢ per tramp)
1887 - Care of 424 tramps, $53.00
1888 - Care of 561 tramps
1889 - Care of tramps, $95.13
1890 - Care of 744 tramps
1891 - A building owned by Lorenzo Maynard and rented by Alonzo Knapp for a boarding house was selected as a poorhouse. Mr. Knapp and wife take charge of house, cultivate a portion of the land, harvest the hay crop, put up tramps, etc, for one year for the sum of $325.
Cared for 184 tramps.
Paid Assabet Mfg. Co. rent of poorhouse, including lockup, May 1, 1891 to March 1, 1892: $166.63.
1892 - The Abel G. Haynes farm on Great Hoad was selected and purchased as a poor farm on the poor removed to the same on May 1. $4800.00 was appropriated for the purchase. The small barn has been converted into a "tramp house".
1893 - "1306 tramps lodged for the year" is an item that merits careful consideration.
1894 - 1775 tramps lodged - we supply wood to the school which is cut
1895 - 1375 tramps lodged - believe they should be ?? by the tramps.
1896 - 1441 tramps lodged - lodged by the police: each traveller is required to saw 20 sticks of 4ft. cord wood into "stove lengths" (unless excused for some good reason by the warden) and in return receives a few crackers and the shelter of our tramp lockup.
1897 - 1449 tramps cared for with as may as 32 in one night. From information received from neighboring towns it was clear that we are being Imposed upon.
1898 - No of tramps lodged and fed: 1662 males and 2 females. The Board feels that tramps should be locked up elsewhere. The old lockup near the depot was fitted up at a small expense, and on December 11 went into use as a tramp house. Applicants for lodging were required to apply between the hours of 6 and 8 P.M. The effect was marvelous; from a formerly crowded house the average for the last month showed a record of about one tramp a day.
1899 - The use of the old lockup near the depot was wise move. Tramps lodged and fed during the the year dropped from a record 1664 to only 836 males and 2 females. Care of the tramp house cost $144.51.
1900 - Number of tramps cared for at tramp lockup: 844
1901 - Number of tramps cared for at tramp lockup: 742 males
1902 - Number of tramps cared for at tramp lockup: 1027 males, 1 female
1903 - Number of tramps lodged: 998 males, 1 female
1904 - Number of tramps lodged: 519
1905 - Number of tramps lodged before the new law was enforced: 90 males.