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Centennial Monograph: Saint Anthony of Padua Society


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Centennial Monograph: Saint Anthony of Padua Society


The history of the Society whose purpose was to unite all men and women who are practical Roman Catholic of Italian extraction, whether born in Italy or of Italian descent.


Samuel Micciche





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The purpose of the society to unite all men and women who are practical Roman Catholic of Italian extraction, whether born in Italy or of Italian descent; any man or woman who may not be of Italian extraction, but is the husband or wife of a member of the society. Also to celebrate and perpetuate the feast day of Saint Anthony of Padova.

On February 27, 1938, the first meeting was held in which the signers agreed on the association. This meeting took place at the Elks' Hall on Main Street, Maynard, at 700 P.M.

After much discussion and planning on rules and regulations, the members relied on help and advice of Mr. Frank C. Sheridan, who made most all the legal arrangement possible. It was on March 7, 1938, when the society was presented with their official charter, officiated by Mr. Harold J. Morgan, who was a notary public at that time.

The charter has listed one hundred fifty-five (155) members. The following were the first officers of the society:

President: Antonio Mistretta
Vice-President: Enrichetta Viola
Recording Secretary: Vincent Lucchese
Financial Secretary: Frank Finnochi
Treasurer: Russell Salamone
Directors: Espedito Terrasi, Louis Terrasi, Josephine Finnochi, Antonio Fraticelli, Salvatore Terrasi, Antonio Curci, Gerlando Cirino, Mary Garlisi
Trustees: Michael Lalli, Louis DeGrappo, Charles Cannella.
Inside Guard: Antonio Veleno
Clerk: Frank Finnochi

A number of interesting activities took place in the many years of its existence. Every member is compelled to attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and receive Holy Communion in a body at the Mass on the Sunday nearest to June 13th, the date of the Feast Day of the Patron Saint Anthony of Padova.

After the Mass, the whole membership would partake In Communion Breakfast at the Knights of Columbus Hall. In the afternoon, the society held a short meeting to take care of the business of the month. At this meeting in June most of the activity takes place. After the meeting, an open house celebration takes place, with visiting officers and members of surrounding organizations in attendance. By this time the hall is full to capacity.

Among these groups are Catholic priests. Board of Selectmen, our Honorary Member, Mr. Frank C. Sheridan, the SS Indulgence Society of Maynard, St. Rocco Society of Natick, St. Michael's Society of Waltham, Sons of Italy of Maynard and Concord.

Other forms of festivity to celebrate their Patron Saint, a large committee would arrange processions which marched from Russo's on Waltham Street to Rev. John A. Crowe Park, where many festivities took place in carnival fashion. At night some of the largest and best fireworks in the state were displayed for the gigantic crowd from Maynard and surrounding towns.

On other occasions the membership would motorcade with busses, and go on field trips to various Catholic Shrines and seminaries. Picnics and outings were held and still are held in the summer.

After many years of spiritual and festive activities the society is still active in many religious and community functions.

