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Centennial Monograph: The Russian People in Maynard
A very brief summary of Russian immigrants in Maynard from circa 1900-1920.
Paul Kozak
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By December 1, 1899, the Russians were numerous enough to hold occasional religious services in the vestry of the Congregational Church, so it is a fair assumption that the middle 1890's was the beginning of their immigration into Maynard. There is no data on the number of Russian people in Maynard, but a newsnote on Aug.13, 1913 informs us that a Russian wedding took place on Florida Court with over one hundred people present. Their church was built in 1917 on Prospect Street,
December 1, 1899 - Russians hold occasional services in vestry of Congregational Church. Will acquire pastor and hold weekly services.
August 15, 1913 - Russian wedding on Florida Court - over 100 present. Russian priest Father Jacob Gregoff.
July 30, 1915 - Arthur Coughlan sold plot of land to Archbishop Evedokin Meschersey of New York on Prospect Street. Will be in charge of Jacob Gregorief.
September 22, 1916 - New Russian Church being built on Prospect Court.
January 3, 1917 - St. Mary's Russian Church to be completed in about two months. Costs about $9500.
March 7, 1917 - Russian cooperative store on Summer Street.
April 18, 1917 - Russian church held first services. 25O in attendance.
October 11, 1918 - Russian pastor dies.
January 9, 1920 - Russian church gets new bell. Dedication Rev. John Orsianitsky (formerly Chaplain in the Canadian Army)
Dates from Maynard News
December 1, 1899 - Russians hold occasional services in vestry of Congregational Church. Will acquire pastor and hold weekly services.
August 15, 1913 - Russian wedding on Florida Court - over 100 present. Russian priest Father Jacob Gregoff.
July 30, 1915 - Arthur Coughlan sold plot of land to Archbishop Evedokin Meschersey of New York on Prospect Street. Will be in charge of Jacob Gregorief.
September 22, 1916 - New Russian Church being built on Prospect Court.
January 3, 1917 - St. Mary's Russian Church to be completed in about two months. Costs about $9500.
March 7, 1917 - Russian cooperative store on Summer Street.
April 18, 1917 - Russian church held first services. 25O in attendance.
October 11, 1918 - Russian pastor dies.
January 9, 1920 - Russian church gets new bell. Dedication Rev. John Orsianitsky (formerly Chaplain in the Canadian Army)
Dates from Maynard News