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Atlas of Middlesex County Massachusetts - 1889
The atlas contains maps of the cities, towns and villages of Middlesex County with the names of streets, houses, churches, schools and hotels.
The map of Maynard includes:
Streets: Acton, Alendale (Glendale), Beachmont, Brooks, Concord, Front, Harriman, Hillside, Main, Maple, Nason, Oak, Parker, Pine, Pleasant, Prospect, River, Sudbury, Summit, Thompson, Walnut, and Warren
Assabet Mfg. Co. Woolen Mills, (Boiler House, Box Shop, Chimney, Dye House, Gas Works, Icehouse, Office, Scales, Store House, Waste House), A. Mfg. Co., Maynard House - H. H. McGrail Prop, Riverside Hotel, Union Hall, Icehouse, Tank House, Greenhouse, Opera House, Depot, Riverside Cooperative Assn., Maple Hall, Cider Mill
Assabet River, Mill Pond, Canal, Gate House, Dam, Amory Grove
Marlborough Branch Fitchburg R. R.
Churches: R. C. Ch. (St. Bridget's on Percival St.), R. C. Ch., Parsonage, and School (St. Bridget's on Main St.), Congo Ch. (Congregational)
School (on Sudbury St.), School (on Acton St.), and School (on Nason St.)
Property owners: Abbott, Adams, Bailey, Baker, Balcom, Brinner, Brooks, Buldhave, Butters, Butworth, Callahan, Canbell, Carver, Casey, Chase, Cheney, Clary, Cocklin, Colburt, Collins, Conant, Conner, Crowley, Cullen, Dane, Darling, Densmore, Doyle, Drew, Edgerton, Fairbanks, Farrel, Flood, Fowler, Garlic, Gran, Greer, Gullough, Gutridge, Hall, Harriman, Haynes, Hemmenway, Henderson, Hilferfy, Hilus, Hurd, Hurely, Johnson, Joice, Kennedy, King, Lawler, Leary, Low, Lowton (Lawton), Mahoney, Maleg, Martin, May, Maynard, Maynahan, McCormick, McFail, McKitchen, McManus, Miller, Merrill, Moore, Moran, Mossmer, Mullen, Nagle, Newton, O'Brien, O'Connor, O'Neil, Oliver, Parmenter, Perry, Phelps, Potter, Punch, Rafferty, Randall, Ranney, Reed, Rich, Riley, Robertson, Rodgers, Runey, Salsbury, Sanders, Saunders, Shattuck, Shean, Sherwood, Simmes, Smith, Stark, Stewart, Sullivan, Sweeney, Thompson, Tilton, Tucker, Turner, Wagner, Wall, Walton, Warren, Watson, White, Whitney, Wilson
The map of Maynard includes:
Streets: Acton, Alendale (Glendale), Beachmont, Brooks, Concord, Front, Harriman, Hillside, Main, Maple, Nason, Oak, Parker, Pine, Pleasant, Prospect, River, Sudbury, Summit, Thompson, Walnut, and Warren
Assabet Mfg. Co. Woolen Mills, (Boiler House, Box Shop, Chimney, Dye House, Gas Works, Icehouse, Office, Scales, Store House, Waste House), A. Mfg. Co., Maynard House - H. H. McGrail Prop, Riverside Hotel, Union Hall, Icehouse, Tank House, Greenhouse, Opera House, Depot, Riverside Cooperative Assn., Maple Hall, Cider Mill
Assabet River, Mill Pond, Canal, Gate House, Dam, Amory Grove
Marlborough Branch Fitchburg R. R.
Churches: R. C. Ch. (St. Bridget's on Percival St.), R. C. Ch., Parsonage, and School (St. Bridget's on Main St.), Congo Ch. (Congregational)
School (on Sudbury St.), School (on Acton St.), and School (on Nason St.)
Property owners: Abbott, Adams, Bailey, Baker, Balcom, Brinner, Brooks, Buldhave, Butters, Butworth, Callahan, Canbell, Carver, Casey, Chase, Cheney, Clary, Cocklin, Colburt, Collins, Conant, Conner, Crowley, Cullen, Dane, Darling, Densmore, Doyle, Drew, Edgerton, Fairbanks, Farrel, Flood, Fowler, Garlic, Gran, Greer, Gullough, Gutridge, Hall, Harriman, Haynes, Hemmenway, Henderson, Hilferfy, Hilus, Hurd, Hurely, Johnson, Joice, Kennedy, King, Lawler, Leary, Low, Lowton (Lawton), Mahoney, Maleg, Martin, May, Maynard, Maynahan, McCormick, McFail, McKitchen, McManus, Miller, Merrill, Moore, Moran, Mossmer, Mullen, Nagle, Newton, O'Brien, O'Connor, O'Neil, Oliver, Parmenter, Perry, Phelps, Potter, Punch, Rafferty, Randall, Ranney, Reed, Rich, Riley, Robertson, Rodgers, Runey, Salsbury, Sanders, Saunders, Shattuck, Shean, Sherwood, Simmes, Smith, Stark, Stewart, Sullivan, Sweeney, Thompson, Tilton, Tucker, Turner, Wagner, Wall, Walton, Warren, Watson, White, Whitney, Wilson
Geo. H. Walker & Co.
Marcia Burg
Document Item Type Metadata
Original Format
Hardcovered book, 15 x 18 ins.; 202 pages
Two copies
Two copies