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Digital PDP-14 Programmable Controller Product Summary
A short booklet describing the capabilities of the PDP-14 Programmable Controller
Digital Equipment Corporation
Donated by Marcia Gadbois
Booklet, 5.25x8 in, 24 pages
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(from the introduction page)
Digital Equipment Corporation's PDP-14 is a programmable solid state controller which is well suited to a variety of applications. The PDP-14 combines the advantages of solid state: with the relay characteristics of simplicity and ease of use. It offers solid state logic in an easily programmed system which will operate in an industrial environment,
The basic PDP-14 Controller resembles a computer in that it contains input- output interfaces, a control unit and a memory. However, there are several important differences. First, the control unit is simplified”“and may be pro- grammed using a few simple instructions. This allows a control engineer who has had n o prior computer training to program the PDP-14. Second, the input- eutput interfaces a re designed to accept 120 Vac line inputs, such a s a re field-wired from limit-switches, and the outputs are similarly 120 Vac with sufficient capacity (500 Va) to drive solenoids or motor contractors. Third, the PDP-14 memory is nonvolatile; it is a hard-wired, read-only memory which contains the programmed instruction to control a specific application. Although the memory cannot be destroyed electrically, it can be altered by the insertion of a new set of wires.
The software and hardware of the PDP-14 offer a ready means of computer monitoring a control system. The PDP-14 serves as the AC interface to the controlled equipment. A computer interface between a PDP-14 and a PDP-8/1 o r 8/L general purpose computer is available. This computer interface permits the monitoring computer to interrogate inputs and outputs through the PDP-14 on a “‘cycle-stealing’’ basis. Using this technique, the monitoring computer may isolate component failure bringing downtime for repairs to a minimum. When necessary, the PDP-14 and the monitoring computer may communicate through 12 bit registers contained within the PDP-14. The monitoring com- puter may supply information to the PDP-14 which will affect its operation or it may supply actual instructions to be executed by the PDP-14.
The PDP-14 is designed to be more reliable, more flexible and, in most cases, less expensive than any other electrical system now available for control of machines and systems utilizing two state devices such as limit switches, — pushbuttons, motor contactors and solenoids.
Digital Equipment Corporation's PDP-14 is a programmable solid state controller which is well suited to a variety of applications. The PDP-14 combines the advantages of solid state: with the relay characteristics of simplicity and ease of use. It offers solid state logic in an easily programmed system which will operate in an industrial environment,
The basic PDP-14 Controller resembles a computer in that it contains input- output interfaces, a control unit and a memory. However, there are several important differences. First, the control unit is simplified”“and may be pro- grammed using a few simple instructions. This allows a control engineer who has had n o prior computer training to program the PDP-14. Second, the input- eutput interfaces a re designed to accept 120 Vac line inputs, such a s a re field-wired from limit-switches, and the outputs are similarly 120 Vac with sufficient capacity (500 Va) to drive solenoids or motor contractors. Third, the PDP-14 memory is nonvolatile; it is a hard-wired, read-only memory which contains the programmed instruction to control a specific application. Although the memory cannot be destroyed electrically, it can be altered by the insertion of a new set of wires.
The software and hardware of the PDP-14 offer a ready means of computer monitoring a control system. The PDP-14 serves as the AC interface to the controlled equipment. A computer interface between a PDP-14 and a PDP-8/1 o r 8/L general purpose computer is available. This computer interface permits the monitoring computer to interrogate inputs and outputs through the PDP-14 on a “‘cycle-stealing’’ basis. Using this technique, the monitoring computer may isolate component failure bringing downtime for repairs to a minimum. When necessary, the PDP-14 and the monitoring computer may communicate through 12 bit registers contained within the PDP-14. The monitoring com- puter may supply information to the PDP-14 which will affect its operation or it may supply actual instructions to be executed by the PDP-14.
The PDP-14 is designed to be more reliable, more flexible and, in most cases, less expensive than any other electrical system now available for control of machines and systems utilizing two state devices such as limit switches, — pushbuttons, motor contactors and solenoids.