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  • Tags: Rotary

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1. Generic Masonic Symbol and Flag pin
2. Charles A. Welch Lodge A.F. & A. M. 25 Year Pin
3. Grand Lodge Massachusetts pin
4. Rotary International Masonic Symbol pin

Two blue hats with the Maynard Rotary logo

An Assabet Valley Little League baseball trophy for the 1971 season presented to Bernie Iannerelli by the Maynard Rotary Club.

The trophy is in the shape of a baseball mitt and has the initials BJI on the base. Sitting on the trophy stand is an …

A gold and blue rotary badge that belonged to Leonard K. Adams. The inscription reads: "Rotary International, Maynard". Leonard K. Adams' name appears on the name plate.

The ducks where release onto the Assabet River from the Elks and floated to the Damon Mill Dam in West Concord. It was part of a fundraiser, first to arrive won.

A poster advertising the 2nd Annual Great Assabet River Race sponsored by the Maynard Elks and Rotary Club.

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The file contains financial records from the period 1977 through 1980 (mostly canceled checks), Governor's Monthly Letter for period 1955-56, Rotary District 289 Workbook 1955-56, Rotary District 289 Reference Book 1956-57, newspaper clippings from…

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