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  • Tags: Rotary

An Assabet Valley Little League baseball trophy for the 1971 season presented to Bernie Iannerelli by the Maynard Rotary Club.

The trophy is in the shape of a baseball mitt and has the initials BJI on the base. Sitting on the trophy stand is an …

A poster advertising the 2nd Annual Great Assabet River Race sponsored by the Maynard Elks and Rotary Club.

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The file contains financial records from the period 1977 through 1980 (mostly canceled checks), Governor's Monthly Letter for period 1955-56, Rotary District 289 Workbook 1955-56, Rotary District 289 Reference Book 1956-57, newspaper clippings from…

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The ducks where release onto the Assabet River from the Elks and floated to the Damon Mill Dam in West Concord. It was part of a fundraiser, first to arrive won.

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1. Generic Masonic Symbol and Flag pin
2. Charles A. Welch Lodge A.F. & A. M. 25 Year Pin
3. Grand Lodge Massachusetts pin
4. Rotary International Masonic Symbol pin

Two blue hats with the Maynard Rotary logo

A gold and blue rotary badge that belonged to Leonard K. Adams. The inscription reads: "Rotary International, Maynard". Leonard K. Adams' name appears on the name plate.