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Mike Lynch Campaign Button - 1977
Mike Lynch, a newcomer to local politics, defeated Richard T. White for the office in 1977.
Bob Gilligan Campaign Button - 1978
Bob Gilligan was elected to a three-year term, defeating Alfred Whitney, incumbent.
Eugene McCarthy Campaigners
A group at 56-62 Main Street in front of the Co-op encouraging people to vote for Eugene McCarthy for President.
Children in front of Howard Boeske's campaign bus
Somehow connected to Maynard Selectman Howard Boeske's campaign for State Representative.
Howard Boeske Campaigners for State Representative.
Campaigners for Maynard Selectman Howard Boeske's run for State Representative. Howard is 2nd from left in the photo. His nephew Paul Boeske is in the vehicle.
Howard Boeske Sr., Paul Boeske (driving), Howard Boeske Jr. (right)
Howard Boeske Sr., Paul Boeske (driving), Howard Boeske Jr. (right)
Howard Boeske Campaigners for State Representative
Campaigners for Maynard Selectman Howard Boeske's run for State Representative. Howard is in the photo 4th from the left.
Howard Boeske Campaigners for State Representative
Campaigners for Maynard Selectman Howard Boeske's run for State Representative. Howard is in the photo 2nd from the left.
Eugene McCarthy Campaigners
A group on Main Street encouraging people to vote for Eugene McCarthy for President.
Children in front of a campaign bus
Somehow connected to Maynard Selectman Howard Boeske's campaign for State Representative.
Cindy Ruzich Campaign Button
Pin used when Cindy Ruzich ran for school committee in the early 1990's. She was elected in 1991 and 1994.
No to Regionalization - SOS
Save Our Schools
A bumper sticker and 2 campaign buttons expressing opposition to regionalization of Maynard High School.
Teddy Roosevelt Lapel Button - 1912
Progressive Party Campaign Button
A pin supporting Teddy Roosevelt in the 1912 Presidential election. Teddy ran as a third party candidate, Progressive Party, losing to Woodrow Wilson.
George F. Whalen Campaign Button - 1986
George ran for selectman in 1986 was elected. He attended one meeting of the Board of Selectman and then died of a heart attack.
John J. Tobin Campaign Button - 1979
John Tobin was challenged by Russell Lattucca. John was reelected but did not finish out his term. He died in 1986.