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  • Tags: house

Third picture on right: Sketch made by Burton Coughlin and presented to the Maynard Public Library on October 9, 1964.

Fourth photo: Alice Brown (Howe) and mother Mary Elizabeth Whitman, in front of George Brown House.


File contains a sketch of house and real estate information about the property at 93 Acton Street, a genealogy of the Brown Family copies of deeds relevant to the transfers.

The file contains newspaper clippings, an extensive history of 174 Great Road and miscellaneous information about the house.


This is one of the oldest existing houses in Maynard. Located at the corner of Summer Lane (Summer Street and Summer Hill Road).


A collection of 55 photographs (and some duplicates) detailing the careful dissemblance of the barn which was reassembled in Vermont. The property that the barn occupied is now Sarah Lane off Great Road.

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File folder contains a history of the house and area (compiled in the 1990s) and other miscellaneous items. (The PDF has additional information beyond what is in the folder.)


Photos: Top left taken in1970, top far right taken 1977

Bottom left is Mrs. Abbie M. Saunders, owner of the Asparagus Farm in Maynard and Sudbury from c.1927 until 1948. The farm contained 140 acres.
Bottom center is interior views taken in…

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Miscellaneous information pertaining to the property.

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Remains of the John Dean house on Acton Street. It was in this house on December 17, 1896 that John Dean was murdered by Lorenzo Barnes. "The last execution by hanging in Massachusetts was in the jail at East Cambridge on March 4, 1898. Lorenzo…

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The Charles Randall House was located at 20 Concord Street. Randall owned all of the land around it and Randall Road was named after him. Jennie Murphy is the woman in the picture and at that time, the house was owned by Ruby Hamlin. The photo on…


A few notes relative to Charles Randall.


The site is approximately where the McDonald restaurant sits (since 1980s).
l to r
Mrs. Osmo, Mary Riihiluoma, Anna Lisa Riihiluoma, John Able Riihiluoma, Mr. Osmo, Matti Riihiluoma

Folder contains photocopies of Riihiluoma family, house and other miscellaneous information.

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"The Joel Parmenter place on the Acton Road
is said to be one of the oldest, if not the oldest,
farm; the older portion of the house being built
by one Marble previous to 1683; the date on the
barn shows it was built in 1722." From Gutteridge,…

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Dressed for Halloween with pumpkins and corn stalks on bay roof.


The original Fowler House was built in the early 1800's.


The house was built in 1929 according to the builders contract and supply list.


Folder contains a history by Ralph Sheridan, negatives of photos of some houses, various documents and references to houses in Maynard.
Information on:
18 Marlboro Street
174 Great Road- Robert Barta
