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  • Tags: reunion

The booklet contains names, addresses and other information about the Class of 1938.

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The booklet contains names, addresses and other miscellaneous information about the Class of 1938.

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Aaro Hyden is fifth from left, back row

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A color photo of the 50th Reunion of the Class of 1936. Aaro Hyden third from left, front row.

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The reunion was held at Alponse's Powder Mill Restaurant. See the 25th Reunion Program which has much of the same information as this booklet. Identifier 2010.358

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The booklet contains names and addresses of members of the Class of 1932.

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Held at the Wayside Inn, Sudbury, on October 12 (Sept.24?) ,1966.

l to r
Front: Raymond Hooper, Edith (Garlick) Dahl, Joseph Dahl, Marion Flagg

Center: Ida (Hendrickson) Elmquist, Mary Dunn, Margaret (Brennan) Ayotte, Sadie (Mallinson)…

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