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Sewing Room Employees - 1904
American Woolen Company
American Woolen Company
Sewing Room Employees.
Starting with first row.
Margaret Keegan, Nellie McHan, Mame Kelly, Lizzie McHass, Cecelia O'Toole, Meg Scully, Net Binns?, Kate Sweeney, Sadie McGarrey, Frank Moynihan, Connie Desmond, Mary Callahan, Nellie Crotty, Margaret Lydera, _____ Tobin, Kat McCarthy, May Burns, Cora Nelson, Gertie Randall, Lena Christian, Minnie Conorsby, Annie Coscadden, Margie Howe, Nettie Henderson, Joe McNulty, Cody Casey, Margaret Joyce, Annie Lynch, Anna Johnson, Lena Johnson, Edith Fisher, Bertha Avelor, Amy Worsnip, Lill Moore, Eve Callahan, Martha Berise ?, Mattie Naylor, Esther Bonver ?, AlysePayne, Emily Shanahan. Four of the men in picture identified as Mr. McAuslin, Mr. O'Connell,
Mr. Downes, John Primiano.
Starting with first row.
Margaret Keegan, Nellie McHan, Mame Kelly, Lizzie McHass, Cecelia O'Toole, Meg Scully, Net Binns?, Kate Sweeney, Sadie McGarrey, Frank Moynihan, Connie Desmond, Mary Callahan, Nellie Crotty, Margaret Lydera, _____ Tobin, Kat McCarthy, May Burns, Cora Nelson, Gertie Randall, Lena Christian, Minnie Conorsby, Annie Coscadden, Margie Howe, Nettie Henderson, Joe McNulty, Cody Casey, Margaret Joyce, Annie Lynch, Anna Johnson, Lena Johnson, Edith Fisher, Bertha Avelor, Amy Worsnip, Lill Moore, Eve Callahan, Martha Berise ?, Mattie Naylor, Esther Bonver ?, AlysePayne, Emily Shanahan. Four of the men in picture identified as Mr. McAuslin, Mr. O'Connell,
Mr. Downes, John Primiano.
Donated by Dorothy E. Marsden
The crews of the Assabet Mills of Maynard crowded the sewing rooms at the turn of the century, when the firm was bought out by the American Woolen Company. The sale made the parent company the largest woolen mill in the country, with 66 sets of cards and 350 broadlooms.
Still Image Item Type Metadata
Original Format
Photo Prints
Physical Dimensions
7.5 x 9.5, 5x8