Dublin Core
Walnut Street Bridge and Assabet Mills Powerhouse & No. 5 Mill
An undated postcard showing the bridge over the Assabet River on Walnut Street (looking from the Main Street side).
This photograph shows a number of interesting features of the day:
On the left is the Mill sawmill.
In the distance, down Walnut Street, is the Finnish Congregational Church .
The end of Mill Building 5 is where the steam-powered electric dynamos (generators) for the complex. To the right of the bridge are enclosed overhead steam lines from boiler room to the dynamos.
This photograph shows a number of interesting features of the day:
On the left is the Mill sawmill.
In the distance, down Walnut Street, is the Finnish Congregational Church .
The end of Mill Building 5 is where the steam-powered electric dynamos (generators) for the complex. To the right of the bridge are enclosed overhead steam lines from boiler room to the dynamos.
Still Image Item Type Metadata
Original Format
Physical Dimensions
3.5 x 5.5 in