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  • Tags: sports

Photograph of the Maynard Cricket Club.

Some of the individuals in this photo are:
Harry Rodway, Alfred Billet, James Rodway, John McInnis, Sandy McCowen, Tom Halliday, Ralph Hill, George Martin, Albert Easthope, Dan Grass, William Conley

A photo of the Maynard High School Track Team, 1932.

A photo of the MHS Football Team in 1935.

A picture of the St. Casimir's Baseball Team.

This was the first uniformed team in the history of the High School.

Front Row: Ralph Lawton,cf; Oscar Sawyer,c; James V. Sweeney,p.
Center Row: Carl Persons,3b; Scott Kingsbury Perry,lf; Frank May,ss & captain; Harold Dufor,1b; Louis…

A sepia photo of the St. Bridget's Temerance Society Basketball Team.
(l to r)
Front: Edward Ledgard, John McCormack, Emmett Riley
Back: Frank Rollinson, Hazel Crowley, William Cleary, Cornelius Callahan, Joseph Donahue

Medal won by B.J. Coughlin as first prize for a 2-mile walk in Maynard on March 2, 1889. "B.J.", as he was known to all, was not only one of Maynard's prominent citizens but he was also an outstanding athlete in his younger days - walking, running,…

A photo of an outstanding track team during the 1920's. A team winning many events at several meets among the Finnish societies throughout the state.

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Ernest Luosalo, Aati Saarinen, Jacob Laurila, George Luosalo, Edwin Laurila, Evert…

State Champions

Front: Waino Maki, Jack Manning, Anthony Columbo
Back: Wm. Wehkoja, Aimo Kangas, Armas Frigard, Waino Saarinen, Waino Ojalehto, Charles Hekkala

Maynard Champs

Front: Waino Ojalehto, Waino Saarinen, Tony Colombo, Aimo Kangas
Back: Oiva Alasaari, Charles Manty, Joseph Boulden, Charles Hekkals, George Ojalehto

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Front: George Chyzus, M. O'Connor, J. Bakum, J. Bandalewicz, A. Columbo, __O'Donnell

Center: A. Chyzus, W. O'Toole, __Saari, __Rutanen, ___?, P. Connors

Back: ___?, Al Cowles

Front: Bob Duggan, John Flaherty, John "Speedy" O'Leary, Joe Piecewicz, Roland Chidley

Center: Jim Creighton, ___?, Hank Brayden, Jim Malcolm, ___ Murphy, Phil Taylor

Back: ___Colombo, Stan Wolykiewicz, George Lehto, Herbert Sullivan, ___?, Joe…

The Maynard Cricket Club was located where the Green Meadow School was built. It was started in the early 1900's by a group of Englishman. They built a clubhouse down in the corner of the lot and had a cricket club which played in a league with…

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The Cricket Club was located just behind where the Green Meadow School is now located with the playground of the school the playing field location of the club. The club played for several years in a Central Massachusetts League, wining the…

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Front eight: Tom French, Harry Rodway, Marsden Waterhouse, ___?, Alf Billett, ___?, ___?, Fred Oats

Center six: second from left, Jack McInnis: last on right, Geo Stockwell

Back eighteen on porch: first on left, Henry Ledgard; sixth from right,…

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Outing at the Old Cricket Club. Note the two kegs.

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This team was the champion in both the Midland and Middlesex Leagues.

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Front: Newton, James Malcolm, ___?, Hintsa, Arcisz, O'Leary, Groundahl, Smith.
Center: O'Donnell, Johnson, Swartz, Mullin, Tamulevich, Captain Spratt, Buckacsz,…