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  • Tags: cricket

The Seventh and Eight Annual Field Day tickets. On the back of the 1914 ticket is the name Miss Josephine Hendrickson of West Puffer Road

The bat was used by Thomas Murray of Maynard while a member of the Maynard Cricket and Athletic Club.

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A short history of the origins of Crowe Park.

A chronology of the Maynard Cricket Club which operated from 1901 - 1925.

A 1919 photo of the championship soccer team in 1919.

A photo of Maynard Cricket Club Soccer Team, ca 1915.

l to r
Front: Harry Rodway, Thomas Beck, Charles Spence

Center: John Mahon, Nicholas Driscoll, Mark Newton, Henry Ledgard, Jock McInnis

Back: James Murray, Joseph Lambert, Mull Joyce, Thomas French, Thomas Murray

l to r
Front: Ralph Hill, Sr.; Thomas Murray, Fred Neuman, ___?, Fred Palmer

Center: Ralph Hill, Jr.; James Cowles, Roddy McIver, Jesse Billet, Jack Murray, Charles Spence

Back: ___?, Thomas Wright, Richard Allen, Robert Yahn, Ed Billet,…

A formal photo.

l to r
Front: Jack Mahan, Harry Rodway, Nick Driscoll, Mark Newton, Henry Ledgard, Thomas Breck
Back: Jack McInnis, James Murray, Joe Lambert, Mike(?) Joyce, Tom French, Tom Murray, Charles Spence

Contains copies from newspapers, histories , hand written articles about cricket club and a Special Club License for alcoholic beverages from 1916.

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They played at the Maynard Cricket Club grounds.

Front: Rodney McIver, Charles Allan, Ralph Hill, Jr. (young boy), Richard Allan, ___ McNiven
Center: Fred Palmer, Ralph Hill, Charles Turnball, Arthur B. Cowle, Thomas Murray, Sandy…

Photo taken at the old Cricket Club grounds, now the playgrounds for the Green Meadow School.

Front: J. Cowles, Al Billet, ___?, M. Waterhouse
Center: Fred Oates, A. Easthope, T. French, ___?
Back: T.Murray, ___?, ___?, ___?, H. Rodway, A. Webber

The club won the cup in Clinton.

l to r: Jack Booth, Albert Easthope, Thomas French

l to r: Ben Hooper, Alfred Billett, Thomas Wright, Marsden Waterhouse

A six page program for the First Annual Grand Complimentary Banquet held at Cooperative Hall, Summer St. on Saturday Evening, November 18th, 1905.

Reception Committee:
H.J. Rodway, Pres., H. Whitehead, V.Pres., A. Webber, Sec., F. Oates, R.…

Back six standing: ___?, Fred Palmer, Harry Rodway, ___?, Thomas French, George Stockwell, Sr.

Front four with uniform sitting on step: ___?, ___?, Charles Spence, Roderick McIver.

Behind Spence left to right: Charles Turnbull (with turtle neck…

Testimonial for James Parkinson prior to his trip to England.

James Parkinson, older man seated with garland around his neck. To his right, May Waterhouse, Marsden Waterhouse, Gladys Hellaivell. Young boy leaning on table to his left, Sam…

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Outing at the Old Cricket Club. Note the two kegs.

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