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Centennial Monograph: Maynard Cricket Club


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Centennial Monograph: Maynard Cricket Club


A chronology of the Maynard Cricket Club which operated from 1901 - 1925.


Frank C. Sheridan





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Prior to the formation of the Cricket Club amd the acquisition of suitable grounds, the game of cricket was played on the John A. Crowe Park amongst the new immigrants, who had come to America and taken up their new homes in Maynard. They were Joined by many of the local residents, who were learning the game and had many an enjoyable evening until darkness would set in. As soon as darkness came many of the imigrants, especially of Finnish extraction, would gather at the Park, both men and women, to participate
in the folk singing and dancing of their native country. This enjoyment was shared with many of us younger American boys and girls who were invited to participate in the fun and we soon learned the songs and dances and had many an enjoyable evening doing so. This was during the years of I898-I899 and it was at this time the Maynard Cricket Association was formed and land purchased in the rear of John A. Crowe Park, near where the Green Meadow School is located.

On June 28, 1901 the Association had fifty-three members and an election of officers was held: President Charles Usher, Vice-president William Whltehead, Secretary Marsden Waterhouse, Treasurer James Robinson, Directors John Webster, William Marshall and Marsden Waterhouse, Captain William Marshall and sub-Captaln Wllliam Whitehead. The following members made up the first cricket team eleven: William Marshall, James Hutchinson, James Cowles, John Webster, Marsden Waterhouse, William Whitehead, Leonard Hinchcliffe, Herbert Whitehead, Alfred Billett, Thomas Cuttle and Arthur Cuttle.

According to the Maynard News, the club scheduled sixteen games for season of 1902; on April 11, 1902 they began the erection of its pavilion. In April 1903, the club was made a member of the Worcester County Cricket League with Lowell, Leominster, Fitchburg, Worcester, Mohair Plush, U. S. Bunting and
Maynard, with the season to start May 2, 1903. In this first game the Mohair Plush of Lowell defeated Maynard by a score of 43 to 40.

November 24, 1905 the Club held its first banquet and dance in Riverside Co-operative Hall with Collins Orchestra of Marlboro. Committee-ln-charge: Harry Rodway, Herbert Whitehead, Arthur Webber, Marsden Waterhouse, William Whitehead, Fred Oates, President Ben Hooper and Past President George Stockwell.

December 15, 1905 the Priest Brothers tender a banquet in Co-operative Hall for one hundred members of the club under the direction of President Harry Rodway, Ben Hooper, vice-president and Past President George Stockwell, Sr. Joe Distasio's String Orchestra provided the music.

January 12, 1906 saw twenty-five new members added to the Club, making the membership total one hundred and fifty. Trap shooting was held at the club grounds and a whist party or tournament was planned.

March 9. 1906 a new clubhouse was built. Trap shooting was held at the grounds on April 19, which was well attended with some excellent shooting by Augustus Newton and Harry Rodway.

September 28, 1906 the Maynard Football (Soccer) Team played a team from Everett at the Cricket Club grounds.

December l4, I906 the second annual banquet was held at Co-operative Hall with over one hundred members and their wives and lady friends in attendance. A beautiful large cup donated by H. Nicholson of Leominster and won by the Maynard Cricket Team in the Central Massachusetts League was on display, A picture of three Presidents was presented to the Club: Harry
Rodway, 1904, George Stockwell, I905, and Ben Hooper, 1906.

Committee-ln-charge of the affair was Ben Hooper, Albert Easthope, George Jamieson, Thomas Murray, Mungo Bain and Marsden Waterhouse.
On the occasion of Maynard winning the championship, a large delegation of rooters had accompanied the team to Leominster. The famous parlor car of the Concord, Maynard and Hudson Street Railway was hired and carried the rooters along with the team. Word was flashed to Maynard of the victory, and other members of the club hired the Maynard Brass Band and put them aboard the old working car of the Concord, Maynard and Hudson Street Hallway and journeyed to Hudson to meet the victorious Maynard team and then escort them to Maynard. When the cars arrived at the carbarn on Great Road the team and its rooters paraded down Main Street with Ben Hooper and two other officers of the club carring the cup and all were given a fine reception when they arrived In Maynard center.

January 11, 1907 the clubhouse burned to the ground. Thomas Chidley of Percival Street noticed the fire, which was thought to be of incendiary origin.

March 29, I907 new Cricket League for coming season Maynard, Clinton, Worcester, Fitchburg, known as the Central Massachusetts League.

May 7. 1909 season opens with Joe Musgrave, Captain, Thomas French, vice-Captain, In the Central Massachusetts League,

July 10, 1909 the club held a field day with all kinds of track events: tug-of-war, between league clubs and a relay race between the league teams. Committee: James Cowles, Joe Musgrave, Mark Newton, John Mahan, Tom French, Harry Rodway, Tom Murray, Fred Shaw, Fred Oates, Joe Lambert, Charles Spence, Pat Lanigan, William Baron, Alfred Blllett, Nick Driscoll, Al Easthope, Tom Breck, Henry Ledgard and Marsden Waterhouse.

October 15. 1909 the soccer team played Fitchburg to a one to one tie. The team consisted of Hanshaw, Dick Allen, Ed Billett, Jim Murray, Alfred Billett, Tom Murray, Jesse Billett, William Tobin, Charles Spence and W. Murray.

September 2, 1910 the field day was abandoned because of hard times.

March 31, 1911 the club took another five year lease on the cricket club grounds.

July 19, 1912 the annual field day was well attended by hundreds of people.

July 13, 1914 the annual field day well attended. Committee: Harry Hargraves, Lee Donahue, James Garside, Harry Rodway and Joe Armitage.

October 9. 1914 election of officers - Harry Hargraves, President, Lee Donahue, James Garside, Harry Rodway and Joseph Armitage. It was the 13th annual election. Sixty-two out of a membership of one hundred and twenty were present. Vice-President Lee Donahue, Secretary William Duxbury, Treasurer Harry Rodway, Wilson Cuttell, Captain of the team, and J. Kenyon, vice-Captaln. Voted to install a cupboard in the kitchen. Former Presidents
of Club: Taylor Craig, Charles Usher, Tom Breck, Harry Hargraves and Marsden Waterhouse.

March 10, 1916 - Committee comprising John Webster, President,
James Boulden, Vice-President, Charles Spence, Secretary, Herbert Boothroyd, Treasurer, and Executive Committee James Garside, Louis
Emerson, Manager of Football team Charles Spence and Captain of Bowling Team James Lent.

May 7, 1920 - Lack of cricket players so no cricket was played. Soccer will be played in the Fall.

October 1925 - clubhouse burned to the ground.

October I6, I925 at a meeting held in Eagle's Hall the Club disbanded and the sum of $2,040.06 was equally divided among the members.

All dates from Maynard News - Paper read by Frank C. Sheridan at meeting in 1967

