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  • Tags: Leo Comeau

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Front: May Maley, Helen Singer, Gertie Randall, Lizzie McCarthy, Grace Whitney, Hattie Glazer, May Martin, Anna __, Carrie Brown, Ida Moore

2nd: Margaret Farrell, Christina Lynch, Maggie Scully, Ethel Holt, Min Casey, Mary Whalen, Margaret…

Photo taken on front steps of the Nason Street school which burned in 1916 to be replaced by the brick building now on Nason Street.

(l to r)
Front: Herb Usher, Alvin Smith, Eddie Coughlan, Emmet Riley, Bert Mallinson, Leo Comeau, Walter…

Members of the ALKU marching in a parade, June 1931. Many of these marchers were most of the people that worked in the kitchen and helped serve the dinner at the annual summer festival.

Front two right to left: Naemi Kajander, Esther…

A newspaper write-up about Leo Comeau, the last of the icemen. In the business 55 years. The account appeared in the Boston Globe on January 4, 1962. Leo died in May 1964. (The account was obtained courtesy of Dick Elson, a native of Maynard. Dick…

These were the property of J. Leo Comeau, who was the last of the icemen to make deliveries in town. He delivered ice right up to the day he was stricken in May 1965. He used the apron when carrying the ice.

In 1849 when the Marlboro Branch of…