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  • Tags: CO1915

A black and white photo of a collage of individual students from Grades 10, 11, 12 in 1914.

Left to right, top to bottom:

Top: Grace Parkin, Claude Hair, Raymond Smith, George Cuttle, George Stewart, Albert Murphy, Mabel E. Taylor, Madeline…

l to r
Front: Claude Haire, Margaret Hearn, Gertrude Haynes, Raymond Smith

BacK: George Stuart, Grace Maley, Grace Parkin, George Cuttel

A sepia picture of Miss Rockwell, teacher, and her 5th Grade class in the Nason Street School.

A sepia picture of a class in the Roosevelt School, Maynard, in 1915. The grade and children are unidentified.

A black and white picture of the Maynard High School Class of 1915 at a reunion in 1940 for its 25th Anniversary.
