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Location: 100 Main St.
Ralph Case, W. B. Case, Dennis Donovan, Ida ___?, Olive Richardson

The owner of the house, W. B. Case, operated a dry goods store that was located on Nason Street, at the present site of the Outdoor Store. The house is currently used as a multi-family house at #8 Maple Street.

A series of invoices from W. B. Case & Sons. The first is to Mrs. Lina Walsh written December 7, 1935, for $7.15.

An invoice from W. B. Case dated December 29, 1934 for $6.90.

The next invoice is for $3.52, dated 1935.

The next invoice is…

A black and white copy of a picture of W. B. Case & Sons. It was located at 24 Nason St., now the Maynard Outdoor Store. W. B. ran the store for many years along with his sons Howard and Ralph. He was one of the first business men in the village.

W.B. Case and Sons was a long-time business in Maynard that sold dry goods, boots, and shoes. It was located on Nason Street. W. B. Case ran the store for many years with his sons Ralph and Howard. Mr. Case was one of the first business men in the…


A lithograph advertising Twombly Funeral Services.

EPSON008 e(2).jpg
A receipt from W. A. Haynes for building materials for Mr. Joshua Edwards. the receipt is dated March 2, 1897.

The trough was presented to the Town of Maynard in 1904. Put back together for the Centennial in 1971.
1st photo is upper part located on Concord Street.
2nd photo is the base
3rd photo taken in 1972

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A small pocket address/notebook courtesy of W. A. Haynes Co. Inside includes a daily calendar for the year 1908, with room for memos.

On a building at the corner of Nason and Acton Street.
The sign is now in the Historical Societies archive. See newspaper article published in April 1993.


Three invoices dated from 1916-1917. They appear to be made out to W. G. Dexter. The store dealt in grain, feed, hay, straw, lumber, brick, cement, wagons, sleighs, and farming tools. The store was located at the corner of Nason and Summer Streets.

The system box that operates with a monitor and keyboard.

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This plaque was evidently on the first VT220 produced in Taiwan and presented to Ken Olsen by Richard H. Yen

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Three pictures of the aftermath of a fire at Voses including a picture after structured was razed. The Digital Equipment Corporation owned the property.

An oral history project directed by Sarah Chiasson took place in 2002 in Maynard. A number of interviews took place with local Maynard individuals. Tape recorded conversations, photos, and written transcriptions remain from the Project. Those…