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A sepia photo of Mrs. Joshua Carr & Familyin 1904 in Maynard, MA. (L-R) Grace Carr, Leslie Carr, Mrs. Carr, Alice Carr, and Edith Carr (on Mother's lap),

A formal photo.

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Front: Jack Mahan, Harry Rodway, Nick Driscoll, Mark Newton, Henry Ledgard, Thomas Breck
Back: Jack McInnis, James Murray, Joe Lambert, Mike(?) Joyce, Tom French, Tom Murray, Charles Spence

EPSON092e JohnWWhite.jpg
This photo appears to be a picture of John ("Jack") W. White (?) and three unidentified men. John is the first man on the left, and the son of John Henry White, a signer of the original Maynard Incorporation Petition, 1871.

This photo was taken soon after the construction of the building at the corner of Summer and Main Street. The reverse side of the photo has a note that reads "X mark rooms we had Sunday School in before church was built. Maple House Hotel, right…

A program of music presented by C.H. Persons at the Riverside Hall. This program is for a concert held January 3, 1887.

A Memoriam badge given to a family upon the death of a member. This badge was from Maynard Grange No. 340.

This is the only photo taken by Charles Otis Hodgman in the collection.

Edwin Carlton was born in England, 1871, the son of Henry Carlton and Isabel Swinburne. He married Margaret McLaughlin in 1896. Edwin had two children, Henry Arthur b.1897 and Edwin(Jr) b. 1908.

Edwin was active in Maynard town affairs, serving…

This is her Maynard High School 1897 senior class picture.
The second photo has been edited to remove the scratches on the original picture. Annie Buckley was the daughter of Timothy Buckley, well-known and long-time resident of Maynard, Mass, and…

This is his Maynard High School senior class picture.

This is his Maynard High School senior class picture.

These 8 formal photographs were taken by C. D. Holmes and mounted as Cabinet Cards. None of the subjects are identified.

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Front Row (5): Otto Helenius, Matti Siiri, Kalle Asiala, John Forss, John Linna

Center Row (6): Matti Sarvela, Paavo Suorsa, Matti Mattila (conductor), John Paavola, Matti Kangas, Aaroni Haapanen

Back Row (7): Sam Ruotsala, Hugo…

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Twilight Club at Lake Boon in 1905 - The Club was dedicated on August 7, 1905 - Originated from St. Bridget's Temperance Society

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Front: Jim Mahoney, Jack Hannon, Dan Colbert, Chas. Smith

Center: Charles McGill, Din Sexton, Jim Claflin,…


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Front: Thomas Deane, __?, __?, __?, Orrin Fowler, __?
Rear: __?, Levi Cheney, __?, L.D. Wilson, William Naylor, Wilder Macurda, O. C. Dreschler, __?

This is her Maynard High School senior picture.

This formal wedding photograph is unidentified. The date is estimated by wedding dress and C.D. Holmes photography business.

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Front: Ralph Hill, Sr.; Thomas Murray, Fred Neuman, ___?, Fred Palmer

Center: Ralph Hill, Jr.; James Cowles, Roddy McIver, Jesse Billet, Jack Murray, Charles Spence

Back: ___?, Thomas Wright, Richard Allen, Robert Yahn, Ed Billet,…