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  • Tags: Parker Street Hall

A three act musical by the All American Club presented at Saima Hall, Fitchburg's summer festival.
Photos taken at Parker Street Hall at rehearsal.
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1st photo (8): Sonja Huuskonen, Aune Ojalehto, Huldah Nelson, Ellen Haapala, Elma…

A four act Finnish folk comedy presented by the All American Club at the Parker Street Hall.

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Front row (6): Tyyne Glad, Barber Parker, Ellen Haapala, Vendla Saari, Vivian Helander, Elma Kansanniva

Back row (8): George Ojalehto, Helen…

Operetta performed by the All American Club at Parker Street Hall.

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Orchestra: Fritiof Tofferi, Olga Musgrave, Edward Brennan, Tyyne Glad

Couple: Ellen Hangas, Roy Helander

A history of the plays/concerts produced by the All American Club (poorly named, actually was the Finnish people who put on the productions, in Finnish). The events were presented at the Parker Street Hall in Maynard as well as other locations in…

A treasurer's record from September 1944 through December 1944 of the proceeds raised for the purpose of paying off the mortgage of the Parker Street Hall. Enough was collected and mortgage retired.
Roy Helander was the record keeper. Sample page…

This notice of regulations hung for many years in the Parker Street Hall.

A post card photo of Bowman reading parade instructions from the stairs of Taisto Hall (Parker Street Hall). It is dated July 1913.

A play program for "Nothing But the Truth" was presented by the Maynard Dramatic Club on December 8, 1938 at the Parker Street Hall, Maynard, Mass.

Cast & Crew:
Kal Kansaniva, John Pozerycki, John Murphy, Leo F. Mullin, Edward Hannon, Laura Aho,…

A play program for "Kind Lady" presented January, 10, 1940, at Parker Hall, Maynard, MA, by the Maynard Dramatic Club.

Cast and Crew:
Charles Manty, Huldah Nelson, Laura Lent, Emylee Lerer, Richard D. Elson, Henry Tatler, Rita Foley, Benny…

This photo is from one of the early Halloween parties of the All American Club.

In 1945, when the Finnish boys and girls who had grown up in Maynard came back from World War II, they wanted to form a Finnish American club at the Parker Street Hall…

Poster promoting a Valentine's Eve Dance at the Parker Street Hall with Ralph Weckstrom and his orchestra

A window card announcing a dance at the Parker Street Hall on Feb. 8 on the following likely years: 1946, 1952, 1957

Poster for a dance at Parker Street Hall with music from George Smith's Orchestra

A window card announcing a battle of the bands between Ralph Weckstrom and his orchestra vs. George Smith and his orchestra.

A window card advertising a dance at the Parker Street Hall.

Window card advertising Nat Walsh and his Embassy Club Orchestra at the Parker Street Hall. Possible years include 1946, 1952, 1957, 1963

The photo that was used to produce a postcard. See 1999.A173
The hall was more often referred to as The Parker Street Hall.