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Fr. Killilea was pastor of St. Bridge's Parish in 1906-1909. It was during his pastorate that the present rectory was built. Named a Vicar Forane with the title of Very Reverend in 1920.

A photo of St. Bridget's Church interior.

Two copies of a sepia photo of Grade 2 students outside their school.
(l to r):
Front: unidentified

Second: Mabel Morris, Anna Carpenter, Evelyn Callahan, Gertrude Mahoney, Edna Denniston, Florence Hart, Annie Garlick, Eva Edwards, Anna…


Four copies of a sepia photo of the 1st grade at the Nason Street School in 1908. Herbert W. Martin was a member of this class.


A sepia photo of the 7th grade at the Nason Street School in 1908. The teacher is Miss Sheridan of Lowell, Mass. If you look closely at the picture you will see the initials of each student.


A sepia picture of the 5th grade class at the Nason Street School in 1906. The teacher is Miss Rockwell. if you look closely at the picture you will see the initials of each student.


A sepia class picture of the Nason Street School 6th grade class in 1907. The teacher is Miss Burns.


l to r
Seated: John Gibbons, Madeline Wall, Julia Sheehan, Margare Dunn, Wilford Hooper

Standing: Mabel Taylor, Albert Murphy, Genevieve Coughlin, Mildred Randall, Whitney Bent, Herbert Martin, Rose Jackman, Ralph Cheney, Hazel Easthope


A sepia photo of Grade 3 in the Main Street School, dated 1907.
(l to r):
Front: Gene Espie, Reg. Jones, Walter Mullin, Albert Sullivan, George Peterson, Bob Sheridan, Lars Peterson, Vincent Maley

Center: ___?, Martha Shaw, Annie Duggan, May…


A photo of nos. 23 & 25 Concord Street, Maynard, Mass. Charles Roberts - Herbert Martin
Mae (Martin) Lowell - Eva (Roberts) Macomber

The building on the right was the first Catholic Church at Assabet Village (now Maynard), built in 1865.

Firemen l to r
Front: James Murray, Frank Rhul (John Lawler ?), Allie Martin, Robert Denniston, Levi Cheney, William McAuslin, Jesse Sims,…

Mr. O'Neill was an employee of the Assabet Mills for many years, having served as a second hand in the Carding Department.

Wall placard informing the public of the fourth draft for males between the ages 45 and 65.

The building is at the North East corner of the Summer St. and Nason St. intersection. The series of color photos show the much altered (Coco) building at the time of its demolition in 2003 to make way for an apartment building.

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As dressed for the parade on Barbecue Day

l to r
Front: Gus Deitrick, Bernard Garrigan

Center: Joe Allen, ___?, ___?, Joshua Edwards, David Sharpe, ___?, Martin Kane

Back: Mungo Bain, John O'Leary, John Smith, ___?, Oscar Larson, Joe…

In striking red and white dress uniforms, taken in the rear of Fairbanks' house on Pleasant Street.
4th from left: __Cameron; 5th from left: Tom Carey; 2nd left from flag: Neil Jacobson; 3rd right from flag: Walter Chapman; 1st right: Julius…

This contains autographs of Levi R. Cheney, Lucius Maynard, John H. Vose and many prominent men in the town during the 1880's (1883-1890).

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Earl Kitchener Lodge, Sons of St. George, organized in April 1917 with Mark Newton as the first President. Meetings were held in St. George's Church basement. May 2, 1919 an affair of special interest to English people was a triple celebration in…

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