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This photo is from one of the early Halloween parties of the All American Club.

In 1945, when the Finnish boys and girls who had grown up in Maynard came back from World War II, they wanted to form a Finnish American club at the Parker Street Hall…

The club presented a music event on March 14th, 1971 at Maynard High School. The program list many of the local companies as sponsers.

Officers of the club:
Harold Hicks , President
Robert Mayes, Vice President
Frances Schipper,…

A history of the plays/concerts produced by the All American Club (poorly named, actually was the Finnish people who put on the productions, in Finnish). The events were presented at the Parker Street Hall in Maynard as well as other locations in…

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Front - Bat Boy: Joseph Mancini

Center Kneeling (6): William Whitney, John Lent, Michael Barrett, Richard Uglevich, David Sullivan, Robert Sczerzen

Back Standing (10): Ralph Lent (Coach), Wayne Allen, Gene Paakkonen, William Bigusiak,…

This was a school bus stop located at 169 Parker Street and Old Marlborough Road. The sign reads "Allandale Bus Stop", with the names Maureen, Kelli, and Leslie underneath.

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This was used by Digital Field Service engineers to open the cabinet doors on a variety of larger VAX systems.

Digital Part #: 12-26339-01
Also has a mark: A-1

A courtesy thermometer from Allen's Cafe, Maynard, Mass, "The House of Match Covers".

A courtesy thermometer advertising Allen's Cafe, 2 & 4 Waltham St., Maynard, Mass, Tel # 343. It was owned by Joseph Allen.

It was known as the "House of match Covers" because the walls were completely convered with match book covers. Customers…

An advertising thermometer for Allen's Cafe, 2-4 Waltham St., Maynard, Mass, Tel. 343. "A Good Place for Friends to Meet", also known as the House of Match Covers.

A courtesy thermometer advertising Allen's Cafe, Joseph Allen & Son, 2 & 4 Waltham St., Maynard, Mass, Phone #343-W. It was "A Good Place for Friends to Meet"!

It was decided that each of the allies in World War I should each issue their own bronze victory medal with a similar design, similar equivalent wording and identical ribbon.
The British medal was designed by W. McMillan. The front depicts a winged…

Promotional almanac given to customers of the store written in Finnish.

DEC poster promoting UNIX compatible workstations and servers.

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Compaq acquired DEC in the 1990's and continued to promote some of their prodcuts.

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Compaq acquired DEC and continued to promote some of their products.

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The restaurant was located at 34 powdermill road. Prior to them it was the Twin Tree Cafe aka as Uncle Pete's. It later became the the Maynard Elks Lodge.

It was located at 34 Powdermill road
